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Lesson plan (lezione simulata) classe prima per prova orale concorso AB25 (lingua inglese), Slide di Lingua Inglese

Lesson plan, lezione simulata, in lingua inglese per una classe prima della scuola secondaria di I grado. Argomento: Daily routines

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In vendita dal 17/03/2024

Doriana_molihua 🇮🇹



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Scarica Lesson plan (lezione simulata) classe prima per prova orale concorso AB25 (lingua inglese) e più Slide in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! DAILY ROUTINES Concorso ordinario 2020 Scuola secondaria di I° grado AB25 - inglese Candidata: ............ OVERVIEW Context and class profile Pre-requisites Anticipated problems and possible solutions General and specific aims Teaching tools and materials Methods and teaching strategies Procedures Assessment References THE INCLUSION LAWS Introduces the concepts of equal dignity, autonomy and freedom for people with disabilities. Demands the activation of a Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Establishes support teachers Law 104/1992 Law 170/2010 Defines the measure for students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) Identifies 3 categories of Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN): Ss with certified disabilities (Law 104/1992) Ss with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD), language deficit, non- verbal deficit, motor deficit, attention deficit and hyperactivity (ADHD). SS with socio-economic, linguistic and cultural disadvantages. Schools should activate personalized education plans (PEP) and guarantee the possibility of using compensative tools and dispensatory measures. D.M. 27th December 2012 INCLUSION STRATEGIES 1 ADHD S (D.M. 27th December 2012) 1 NAI Tunisian student with socio-economic and linguistic disadvantage (D.M. 27th December 2012) TOOLS AND SUPPORTS TOOLS AND SUPPORTS Personalized Education Plan (PEP) Compensative tools Dispensatory measures Personalized Education Plan (PEP) Compensative tools Dispensatory measures COMPENSATORY TOOLS • computer or tablets • tailored materials suitable in content, line space, font and size • visual aids, mind maps •simplified texts with images and clear instructions • no spelling correction • reduced work load • extra time • no taking notes • no writing under dictation • no reading aloud • preference for oral skills • considering the content in the evaluation rather than the spelling • permission to use dictionaries • scheduled tests DISPENSATORY MEASURES GENERAL AIMS According to Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2018) Multilingualism: the ability to use effectively different languages (L2) for communication. Personal, social and learning to learn: the ability to work with others in a constructive way and the ability to self-assess his/her learning process Digital competence: the ability to use digital devices (computer or tablet) and digital platforms (Wordwall, Kahoot, Youtube, Google Classroom, Google Forms, Padlet, PPT for learning) SPECIFIC AIMS Know new vocabulary related to "Daily routines" Be able to understand different people describing their daily routines Be able to talk about daily routines and different times of the day, using the present simple By the end of the lessons students will... PRE-REQUISITES Prepositions of time Students already know... Be and Have (Present simple) Question words How to work in pairs or teams How to use Some digital platforms (Google Classroom, Padlet, Google Forms, Kahoot) Time and days METHODS AND TEACHING STRATEGIES COOPERATIVE LEARNING INTERACTIVE TEACHING COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH TECHNOLOGY-ENHANCED LANGUAGE LEARNING ESA LESSON 3 + ASSESSMENT(60') LESSON 1 (60') LESSON 2 (60') PROCEDURES TIME OF THE YEAR: 2nd Term - March 1 2 3 WARM-UP VOCABULARY FOCUS GRAMMAR FOCUS PRACTICE OVERVIEW OF LESSON 1 ENGAGE STUDY HOMEWORK 60' 2 DAILY ACTIONS WAKE UP GET UP HAVE BREAKFAST WASH MY FACE BRUSH MY TEETH GET DRESSED GO TO SCHOOL HAVE LUNCH DO MY HOMEWORK GO TO BED VOCABULARY FOCUS DESCRIPTION OF LESSON 1 STUDY '15 2 GRAMMAR FOCUS DESCRIPTION OF LESSON 1 STUDY ACTIVITY: Before watching the video, Ss read the script on their textbook. Then T asks them to complete the chart and focus on verb endings. T writes on the IWB the Present simple (Affirmative) and creates a mind map about the third person singular forms. '15 AIMS To learn about present simple (affirmative) To practice Ss' listening skill INCLUSION T gives F. and M. some materials (a mind map and a scheme about present simple) 2 GRAMMAR FOCUS DESCRIPTION OF LESSON 1 STUDY '15 P. 77 2 PRACTICE DESCRIPTION OF LESSON 1 STUDY ACTIVITY: '15 AIMS To practice new grammar rules. INCLUSION SEN Ss can use the school tablets with the digital book F. works with a student who doesn't have difficulty in paying attention M. works with A. Fast finishers can help students who have not finished or who have difficulty Ss practice exercises in pairs on the textbook (Fill the gap, multiple choices). Then, T asks 1 S at a time to correct them. END OF LESSON 1 HOMEWORK ACTIVITY: AIMS To consolidate learning To practice daily routines vocabulary, present simple To use digital skills, get more familiar with Coggle and Google Classroom Study the present simple - affirmative form - (Pag. 170 - Workbook and the scheme that T has done today) Complete the exercises on the Workbook. Complete the mind map about daily actions. Ss are advised to bring their phones to school next time they have class (BYOD) INCLUSION T reduces homework, makes the exercises shorter and easier. T makes sure they understood. D OF L ESSON | 1 * Osserva le immagini e completa le espressioni con le parole. 1 x Sceglila risposta corretta. dinner myhomework shower to bed 2% Completa i verbi con le desinenze. to homework te-seheet up cai S 1 E -es -ies -s 1 wash _es 5 watch{__] - 2 stud 6 put 0 He..upat7.00. 1 You... got homework. she a get O gets (a)have (b)has it 3 cook[__] 7 gol__] 4 play 8 clear 210 2 They... lunch at school. (a)have (b)has (a)play (b 1 get 2 havea ] 3 have 4 do se] It... music. 5 We.. coffee. (allike (b]likes a )sell 3 She... the guitar b sells 2 *% Completa il testo sulla giornata di Ricki e Ashley. We're Ricki and Ashley. We're twins! This is our daily routine. We have a long day. We get up at seven thirty, we ® have _ breakfast, and at eight o‘clock, we'|____] to school. We {__ ]classes from eight forty-five to four o’clock, and we? ]lunch at school at one o‘clock. We {__ ]home at four o’clock and then we do our homework at five o'clock. We 5 dinner at seven thirty. We $ at eight thirty and attenthiriyweîl | plays a shower to bed. 1 WARM-UP DESCRIPTION OF LESSON 2 ENGAGE ACTIVITY: Ss play a Kahoot quiz about daily routines using their phones '5 AIMS To engage with a fun game To revise previous lesson To give a feedback on what students learned Scan this QR code to play INCLUSION If a S has no phone, he/she can play in pair M. plays the Kahoot quiz with the help of a peer-tutor T makes sure that F. and M. answer the question before going on 2 READING COMPREHENSION DESCRIPTION OF LESSON 2 STUDY ACTIVITY: Ss read the text "A perfect day" and complete the exercises in pairs.When they finished, T asks them some questions and to pay attention to time connectives. '20 AIMS To practice reading comprehension To practice present simple, daily routines vocabulary To Introduce and practice time connectives INCLUSION SEN Ss work with peer-tutors SEN Ss have extra time T provides them a scheme about time connectives 2 DESCRIPTION OF LESSON 2 STUDY ACTIVITY: My daily routine Ss have to write four true and four false sentences about their daily routines. In pairs, they have to guess their partner's false sentences. AIMS To practice oral interaction To practice writing To practice present simple and vocabulary about daily routines WRITING/SPEAKING '10 INCLUSION F. and M. have to write two true and two false sentences about their daily routines. F. works with a student who doesn't have difficulty in paying attention M. works with A. T reinforces the instructions as many times as possible I get up at 5 o'clock. That's false! You get up at 7 2 DESCRIPTION OF LESSON 3 ACTIVATE ACTIVITY: My typical day Ss have to write a Padlet post on their daily routines following the T's template. T sends the Padlet link via Google Classroom. Next time they're going to present their post. AIMS To practice writing and oral interaction To use digital skills To get more familiar with Padlet To get a feedback and a mark on this task FINAL TASK '35 INCLUSION M. can add a picture, try to produce simple sentences T will not evaluate spelling mistakes o1/english-1a-ka9pwkxvsykq7elr 3 END OF LESSON 3 ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY: Ss are invited to complete a self-assessment sheet and a Google form with their opinion about the lessons. Ss use the school tablets. AIMS To help students to judge what they learned To improve their responsibility to improve T's performance SELF-ASSESSMENT '10 INCLUSION F. and M. are supported by peer-tutors. Formal evaluation of the Ss after a learning unit to provide them with a mark. Written and oral production Ss reflect on how they take part to the lessons. Self-assessment helps Ss become aware of their learning processes, strengths and weaknesses and improve their performance. ASSESSMENT FORMATIVE SUMMATIVE Ongoing informal assessment and feedback T observes SS throught the lessons and provides them with feedback (especially emphasizing the positive aspects) Pairwork interaction TEACHER'S SELF-ASSESSMENT T reflects on his/her performance and tries to improve it, also taking into account the Ss' feedback. STUDENTS' SELF-ASSESSMENT CRITERIA DESCRIPTORS Advanced 9-10 Competent 7-8 Progressing 6 Beginning 4-5 COMMUNICATION >ideas developed logically and coherently >good use of linking devices >ideas developed mainly logically and coherently; >generally good use of a variety of common linking devices >ideas developed logically in some places; >generally good use of simple linking devices >ideas often not presented logically >limited use of some simple linking devices ACCURACY   >Very good pronunciation; >correct grammar structures and vocabulary. >Good pronunciation; >a few grammar and vocabulary mistakes. >Poor pronunciation with several grammar and vocabulary mistakes. >Inadequate pronunciation/unintelligi ble words; >severe grammar and vocabulary mistakes. INTERACTION >initiates and maintains simple conversations on familiar topics when appropriate >responds appropriately with little hesitation >uses simple techniques to start and maintain short conversations on familiar topics when appropriate >responds appropriately with some hesitation >can ask a variety of simple questions on familiar topics >responds appropriately most of the time in very simple exchanges >can ask and answer some very simple questions on familiar topics >lots of long pauses and hesitation SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT Oral Production Rubric STUDENTS' SELF-ASSESSMENT I learnt new words I was polite and respectful to others I completed my work on time I followed the instructions I listened to others I participated actively I cooperated with others I can use prepositions of place TEACHER'S SELF-ASSESSMENT Was the activity successful? Did the Ss enjoy it? Were the Ss interested and motivated? Did I reach the objectives I had set? Did anything go wrong? How can I improve the inclusion of my SEN students? What did they learn?