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Prova orale Concorso Inglese (AB25), Slide di Lingua Inglese

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Scarica Prova orale Concorso Inglese (AB25) e più Slide in PDF di Lingua Inglese solo su Docsity! SYSTEMS OF MEASUREMENT IN THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD Concorso ordinario 2020 Prova orale AB25 ANTONIO ABBATE In these lessons students will acknoledge the Systems of Measurement in the English-speaking world (The Imperial System) by comparing it with the Metric System while learning new vocabulary, grammar rules, activating all language skills and improve their lifelong learning competences. Context Table of Contents Class Inclusive Teaching Strategies Underlying Theories General and Specific Aims Procedures Pre- requisites Assessment Teaching Materials & ICT References & Sitography 01 02 06 Legal References 03 04 05 07 08 09 10 11 Class: Special Educational Needs02 Specific Learning Disorder (Dyslexia) The learning process of SLD students will be planned according to the CTP (Customised Teaching Program) Compensatory tools: • Speechsynthesis ( • Digital textswithfontand sizeadaptation • Visualaids Flexible Grouping: • Peertutoringandevaluation • Heterogeneoussmall groups • Multipleintelligences (H.Gardner) Differentiated Instruction: • Content of the lesson and its final product are adapted to S’sneedsandlanguagelevel Dispensatory measures: • Extra time • Reduced workload Legal References: • Law 170/2010 • MD 5669, 12/07/2011 for the recognition of which is required to submit a special certification including Specific Learning Disorders (for which it is necessary to present a diagnosis of DSA) and other Developmental Disordes including language deficit, non-verbal deficit, motor deficit, attention deficit and hyperactivity (ADHD). Students with social, cultural and linguistic disadvantage 03 Legal References (Inclusion) Students with disabilities Pupils with specific developmental disorders The MIUR Ordinance provides organizational recommendations on the inclusion also of students who are not certified but who have learning difficulties due to personal, family and socio-environmental disadvantage (SEN). Legal References (Inclusion): • Law 104/1992 • Law 170/2010 • MD 5669, 12/07/2011 • Min. Dir. 27/12/2012 • Legislative Decree 66/2017 MIUR Ordinance December, 27 2012 General Aims 04 • LISTENING: Understanding the main points of a speech, providing that a clear language is used and that the conversation is based on familiar topics related to school, leisure, etc. • SPEAKING: expressing one's opinion and giving reasons. Interacting with one or more interlocutors, understanding the key points of a conversation, expressing one's ideas in a clearly and understandable way. • READING: Reading and identifying clear information in short texts related to his/her interests and to study contents from other subjects. • WRITING: writing about one's experience, expressing one's feelings and opinions • REFLECTION ON LANGUAGE AND LEARNING: Detecting basic analogies or differences between different languages. Recognizing how he/she learns and what hinders his/her learning. Following the M.D. 254 16/11/2012, Learning objectives to be achieved at the end of the Lower Secondary School for the English language – Level A2 – CEFR Legal References: • Law 59/1997 and P.D. 275/1999 • M.D. 254 16/11/2012 • Law 107/2015 • Legislative Decree 62/2017 • The European Reference Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (European Commission, 2018) • Law 92/2019 • CEFR: Companion Volume (2020) Teaching Materials & ICT IWB SS are more motivated by the interactive media; SLD students (dyslexic) absorb information in a more efficient way. HANDOUTS SMARTPHONES & TABLETS T encourages BYOD. SS participate in peer-tutoring & collaborativework. T uses application for engaging formative assessment. SS use THINGLINK for cooperative learning and peer tutoring. SS use GoogleFormsfor self-assessment. Personalized handouts encourage differentiated instruction in mixed- ability class though content adaptation. SLD student will use digital texts and Natural readers software for speech synthesis. INTERNET 06 Specific Inclusive Teaching strategies 07 Anticipated problems Possible solutions Encourage cooperative learning, peer tutoring (stronger SS help weaker SS) and peer evaluation. Provide differentiated instruction, adapting content to each group based on SS level / interests. Use different types of activities to involve all learning styles Use ICT and gamification. Inform SS about final product and assessment criteria (extrinsic motivation). Involve SS in practical, significant, meaningful activities by favoring the empowerment of the students’ self-esteem (intrinsic motivation) Reward positive behavior in public ways and ignore low-level disruptions. Assign personal and group responsibilities (give these learners a tutor role). Organize learners into groups so that quieter learners will have a chance to speak (make them interact more with peers rather than with the teacher) Teaching strategies and techniques07 SS gain personal and group responsibility, develop positive interdependence, are active, work on real-life problems. SS use multiple intelligences, develop HOTS, develop problem-solving and social skills, reflect on their learning(metacognition) Effective for SEN and SLD students. Tutor: improves empathy, self-esteem and social skills. Tutee: gradually gains independence (scaffolding), improves social skills Teacher encourages reflection on language, learning process, conscious use of learning strategies, Ss’ independence, self-awareness and self-esteem LESSON 109 Description of procedures INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION T→C 5’ Raise interest in the topic. Increase intrinsic motivation. Elicit SS’s previous knowledge. Engage every student in the discussion. T shares a youtube video on IWB and elicits SS’s previous knowledge. TT encourages SS to discover the lesson’s topic through brainstorming on Mentimeter. SS share their answers with the class. SS are curious and motivated intrinsically to learn by watching an engaging video and brainstorming on SEN S is dispensed from note taking. SEN S is not forced to speak in front of the class, but are given the needed time to prepare their answer. SEN S student will be allowed to use L1 and to watch the video with subtitles. T provides language scaffolding where needed. Language Teacher will work closely with Learning Support Teacher. ESA – ENGAGE - Phase 1 BRAINSTORMING 5 min LESSON 109 Description of procedures ESA – ENGAGE - Phase 1 WATCHING A VIDEO + BRAINSTORMING 5 min 09 Description of procedures INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION S⇆S Pair Work Peer Tutoring 15’ Foster inductive and active learning. Increase empathy and work on SS’s Zone of Proximal Development via Peer Tutoring. T provides worksheets with stories and tables to fill in, then gives instructions (read the stories, complete the exercise, underline the imperial units of measures, then fill in the table) T monitors and provides scaffolding during the task when necessary SS read the stories, underline the imperial units, complete the exercise, fill in the table. Compensatory tools: Digital texts with font type and size adaptation. Speech synthesis software Peer tutoring (mixed-ability pairs) Dispensatory measures: Reduced workload Language Teacher will work closely with Learning Support Teacher. LESSON 1 - ESA – STUDY - Phase 1: Reading for specific information (scanning) INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION T→C Whole Class 10’ Share and compare the results with the class T provides feedback Each pair of SS presents their tables to the class on IWB. Extra time in order to prepare an oral answer T provides language scaffolding where needed. LESSON 1 - ESA – STUDY – Phase 1: Class discussion 09 Description of procedures LESSON 1 STUDY - Phase 2 Practice (matching)10 min 09 Description of procedures INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION S⇆S Pair Work Peer Tutoring 10’ Consolidate SS’s knowledge via active participation in a role- play. Practice oral interaction skills. Practice language in real-life situations. Develop empathy and work on SS’s ZPD via peer tutoring. Engage every SS in a role-play. T provides worksheets with a role-play situation and gives the instructions. T monitors and facilitates the process, helps with specific vocabulary. T makes notes in formative assessment rubric. T provides feedback at he end of the activity. SS participate in a role play following the worksheet instructions. SS switch roles. Compensatory tools: digital texts with font type and size adaptation Differentiated instruction: is provided for weaker SS (content adaptation: useful vocabulary and phrases are included) LESSON 1 - ACTIVATE - Phase 3 - Role Play 10 min LESSON 1 - ACTIVATE - Phase 3 - Role Play 10 min + HOMEWORK INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION T→C Whole Class 5’ Check progress Identify knowledge progress through formative assessment On Google Classroom T assigns a Kahoot quiz as homework. SS participate in a Kahoot quiz. Language Teacher will work closely with Learning Support Teacher. LESSON 1 - HOMEWORK – FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Kahoot quiz 09 Description of procedures LESSON 1 ACTIVATE - Phase 3 Role Play 10 min Description of procedures LESSON 2: HOMEWORK FEEDBACK We use the nouns length, width, depth and height and the adjectives fong, wide, desp and-higfito talk about area and size: H A: What length is the pool at the sports club? APP RO AC B: Eighteen metres, | think. A: And what about the depth? ) B: Its not very deep, maybe a metre. The isfand is 11 miles long and 5 miles wide. _ ar rules We were travelling at a height of 10,000 metres above sea level. e 9 a 7 The statue is 3 metres high. The 200 insists on tha mammals having a pool at least 10 metres deep, 30 metres wide and 150 amples metres long. e ex We can use by instead of long and wide: The island is 11 miles by 5 miles. Tall or high? We use tall for people, buildings and things that grow. Otherwise we use high She's very tall for her age. Nor Seesvenirioneneoe. The Burj Dubai will be the world's tallest tower. The plants were two metres tall High ceilings are common in Georgian houses. They built high walls around the garden. 09 Description of procedures LESSON 2: ESA – ENGAGE - Phase 1 Lyricstraining 09 Description of procedures INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION S⇆S Pair Work Peer Tutoring 15’ Foster inductive and active learning. Increase empathy and work on SS’s Zone of Proximal Development via Peer Tutoring. T gives instructions (connect on google classroom, clic on the link, read the text, try to understand the main message of the text) T monitors and provides scaffolding during the task when necessary SS connect on google classroom, clic on the link, read the text, try to understand the main message of the text. SS formulate a hypothesis about the main message. Compensatory tools: Digital texts with font type and size adaptation. Speech synthesis software Peer tutoring (mixed-ability pairs) Dispensatory measures: Reduced workload LESSON 2 - ESA – STUDY - Phase 1: Readlang (skimming) INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION T→C Whole Class S⇆S Pair Work 10’ Share and compare the results with the class T asks a specific question about the text. Students "think" about what they know or have learned about the topic. SS share their thinking with their partner. T will then expand the "share" into a whole-class discussion. SS first write their answer on their notebook. Then each pair of SS share their thinking to the partner and then to the class on IWB. SEN S is allowed to rite on the tablet. Extra time in order to prepare an oral answer Language Teacher will work closely with Learning Support Teacher. LESSON 2 - ESA – STUDY – Phase 1: Think-pair-share 09 Description of procedures LESSON 2 - ACTIVATE - Phase 3 – Mind-map 15 min 09 Description of procedures LESSON 2 - HOMEWORK (Formative Assessment) PADLET/WORDART 09 Description of procedures INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION T→C Whole Class 5’ Make students aware of what is expected from them and foster intrinsic motivation Group formation and role division (the reader, the architect, the helper, the notary) according to their learning styles and multiple intelligences. T gives instructions regarding the task phase. T provides examples of some final products . The objective is to help local shops to promote their products in English- speaking countries by creating interactive shop posters using Thinglink SS are divided into small groups with a specific role for every student. SS choose a topic of their interest (furniture, kitchen accessories, dairy product, beverage) Clear, concise language S with mild cognitive disability (having a visual learning style) will play the architect role ( in fact he is particularly good at using drawings, multimedia maps, images, diagrams, graphics). TBL: Pre-task LESSON 3: HOMWORK FEEDBACK + TASK BASED LEARNING (Pre-task) INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION T→C Whole Class 5’ SS reflect on one’s learning process and develop metacognitive skills through self-assessment T provides a brief feedback on the Padlet/ wordart results, discussing some common mistakes. SS share and compare the results with the class. Reflect on their results and common mistakes Language Teacher will work closely with Learning Support Teacher. HOMEWORK FEEDBACK: Padlet/Wordart 09 Description of procedures INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION SS⇆Class 15’ Develop oral production skills. Assess SS’s knowledge and skills. Reflect on one’s learning process and develop metacognitive skills via peer assessment T notes formative assessment rubric without interrupting oral presentation. T provides positive feedback. T discusses peer assessment rubric with the class Groups share their thinglink posters on IWB and present them orally to the class. The students who listen fill in peer assessment rubrics. Compensatory tools: preference for oral communication. Dispensatory tools: extra time to prepare the answer. Certified S is allowed to use L1 TBL: BROCHURES ORAL PRESENTATION and PEER ASSESSMENT INTER ACTION TIME AIMS What T does What SS do INCLUSION T→C Whole Class 5’ Reflect on one’s own learning process and develop metacognitive skills via self- assessment T assigns homework (Self-Assessment Questionnaire via Google Forms) SS use their T’s and their peers’ feedback to improve their projects. SS fill in a Self-Assessment Questionnaire. Language Teacher will work closely with Learning Support Teacher. TBL: HOMEWORK (self-assessment) LESSON 3: TASK BASED LEARNING (Task review) 09 Description of procedures LESSON 3: TBL (PEER ASSESSMENT) INDICATORS RARELY OCCASIONALLY FREQUENTLY MOST OF THE TIME ALWAYS Interest and participation Participates actively and gives his/her contribution Works with dedication Time and workload management Can manage time and work properly Completed his/her task Social and cross-cultural skills Respects cultural differences Is open to different ideas 09 Description of procedures LESSON 3: TBL (Homework – SELF-ASSESSMENT) DESCRIPTORS AND CRITERIA EXCELLENT (9-10) SUFFICIENT (7-8) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (4-6) INTERACTION: COMMUNICATIVE EFFICACY Can ask questions with ease and fluency. Can process responses quickly. Clear pronunciation. Knows how to correct if realizes is making a mistake. Can ask questions with confidence. Process answers independently. Fairly clear pronunciation. Can correct if realizes is making a mistake with a little help Knows how to ask questions even if w/some uncertainty Can partially derive answers Knows how to partially correct only if inconsistencies are pointed out WRITTEN AND ORAL PRODUCTION Can always express and interact in a correct, fluent, profuse and personalized way. Can almost always express and interact in an correct and appropriate way. Expresses oneself and interacts incorrectly, is not always understandable and mostly incomplete. LISTENING AND READING Can understand message in an immediate, clear and complete way at the same time grasping its implicit aspects. Can understand the message as a whole. Does not understand the message. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT RUBRIC - LANGUAGE SKILLS 10 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT RUBRIC – PAIR/GROUP WORK 10 CRITERIA DESCRIPTORS ADVANCED (9-10) INTERMEDIATE (8) BASIC (7) BEGINNER (4-6) COOPERATION WITH OTHERS Works extremely well with others. Never argues Works well with others.Rarely argues Requires structure, directions, and leadership. Argues sometimes Does not work well with others. Usually argues with teammates ATTITUDE Always displays positive attitude Generally displays positive attitude Rarely displays positive attitude Is disruptive and doesn’t display empathy FOCUS Almost always focused on the task and what needs to be done Focuses on the task andwhat needs to be done most of the time Sometimes focused onthe task and what needs to be done. Does not focus on the task and what needs tobe done. ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE Always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Provided effective feedback to other members. Usually listens to, shareswith, and supports the efforts of others. Provided some effective feedback to others. Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Provided little feedback to others. Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts ofothers. Provided no feedback to others. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT RUBRIC – DIGITAL COMPETENCE 10 CRITERIA DESCRIPTORS ADVANCED (9-10) INTERMEDIATE (8) BASIC (7) BEGINNER (4-6) USE OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES Uses the technological devices extremely well with a critical and reflective approach, compares the information found online with other documentary and bibliographic sources. Uses the technological devices in an independent way with a critical and reflective approach Uses the technological devices to collect information. Sometimes needs support. Uses the technological devices to collect information, only if guided DIGITAL CONTENT CREATION Uses the devices for digital content creation in total autonomy Uses the devices independently for the creation of simple digital contents Sometimes needs support in creating digital contents Uses the technological devices for content creation, only if guided SECURITY Respects the rules of netiquette in surfing the net and knows how to recognize the main dangers of the network Knows and describes the risks of surfing the net and using the mobile phone and adopts preventive behavior. Knows and describes some risks of surfing the net and using the mobile phone and adopts preventive behavior. Is not aware of the risks of surfing the net and using the mobile phone and needs guidance to adopt preventive behavior. THE STUDENT COMMUNICATES USING APPROPRIATE VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: communicates with confidence, using a rich vocabulary and adequate functions. The pronunciation is clear and understandable, no grammar or syntactical error communicates with confidence, using vocabulary and functions properly. The pronunciation is clear and understandable, generally doesn't make grammar or syntactical errors communicates clearly, using vocabulary and functions with some hesitation. The pronunciation is correct, makes some grammar or syntactical errors that do not interfere with the good understanding of the message. communicates satisfactorily despite some hesitation. The pronunciation is not always correct, makes several grammar or syntactical errors that do not interfere with the understanding of the message. has difficulty in communicating, uses short and simple sentences, not always correct. The pronunciation is sometimes correct, the vocabulary is limited. does not communicate clearly and in a sufficiently understandable way, makes grammatical and syntactical errors, can't use effectively memorised expressions and words communicates in an inconsistent and incomprehensible way, can't memorise words or expression even if simple Student's name: date: M arks 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – SPEAKING (Oral Production and Interaction)10 THE STUDENT CAN UNDERSTAND THE MAIN POINTS OF A SPEECH, PROVIDING THAT A CLEAR LANGUAGE IS USED AND IS BASED ON FAMILIAR TOPICS: Understands various types of texts in an excellent way, understanding precise and detailed information in attition to the overall sense Understands the text clearly and completely Understands the main information of the text as well as the overall sense Understands the overall meaning of the text Partially identifies the main elements to understand the overall meaning of the text Understands only few elements of the text Does not understand the overall meaning of the text at all Student's name: date: M arks 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – LISTENING (Listening Comprehension) 10 THE STUDENT READS TEXTS WITH TECHNIQUES APPROPRIATE TO THE PURPOSE: Understands in a detailed and precise way the implicit and explicit information contained in a semi-authentic/authentic text of different nature, inferring from the context the meaning of unknown words Understands in a precise way the complete way implicit and explicit information contained in semi-authentic/authentic texts of different nature, inferring from the context the meaning of unknown words Accurately understands the implicit and explicit information contained in semi-authentic/authentic texts of different nature Understands the explicit information contained in semi-authentic/authentic texts of different nature Globally understands the explicit information contained in semi-authentic texts for personal purposes Understands, if guided, the overall meaning of semi-authentic texts for personal purposes Understands only in a partial and superficial way the overall meaning of semi-authentic texts for personal purposes Student's name: date: M arks 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – READING (Written Comprehension) 10 10 TEACHER’S SELF-ASSESSMENT SELF ASSESS Reflection Self-criticism Feedback Areas of development Outcome Remedial • British Council - Teaching English: • Dexter, P. (2020) Supporting every teacher: ten top approaches to inclusive teaching and learning – part one, World of Better Learning Kormos, J. (2020) • Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Pearson Longman; 5° ed. (01/09/2015) • Haynes, 100 Ideas for Lesson Planning, Continuum Intl Pub Group (10 marzo 2007) • Larsen, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, OUP Oxford; 3° edizione (24/03/2011) • Linguahouse: • Serragiotto, La valutazione degli apprendimenti linguistici, Atti delle II Giornate di Formazione per Insegnanti di Italiano L2/LS a Cipro, 2017 • Taylor M. What Teachers Make.What Learning Leaves. Newtown, CT: Hanover Press, 2002. • Wesker, Lesson Planning in an EFL Class: concorso a cattedra 2020 classi AB24 & AB25, Independently published (29/01/2020) 11 References & sitography
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