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Riassunto Romeo e giulietta, Sintesi del corso di Inglese

Riassunto dell’opera e dei caratteri principali

Tipologia: Sintesi del corso


Caricato il 24/04/2022

ValeSol24 🇮🇹



30 documenti

Anteprima parziale del testo

Scarica Riassunto Romeo e giulietta e più Sintesi del corso in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! Plot: Act I: The first act covers a whole day, Sunday. It opens in a street where Romeo Montague reveals to his cousin Benvolio that he is in love with Rosaline, Romeo’s friends persuade him to go to a party of capulet’s family. Romeo meets Juliet there, and they fall in love instantly. Then Juliet discovers that Romeo is a Montague and therefore her enemy. Act II: The second act happens the next morning. Romeo climbs into Juliet’s garden and declares his love to her in the famous balcony scene. The two lovers plan to be secretly married by Friar Laurence. Act III: Mercutio, Romeo’s best friend, is killed by Juliet’s cousin Tybalt during a street fight. In revenge, Romeo kills Tybalt and the prince banishes him from Verona to Mantua. Act IV: In order to avoid the marriage with Count Paris that has been organised by her father against her will, Juliet takes a drug that Friar Laurence has given her. The friar sends a messenger to Mantua to explain the situation to Romeo, but before the messenger arrives, Romeo hears that Juliet is dead and decides to return to Verona. Act V: Romeo finds Juliet’s sleeping body in her family tomb. Believing her to be dead, he kisses her for the last time and drinks poison. Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo’s dead body beside her, and she kills herself.