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romeo e giulietta, riassunTo di inglese, Schemi e mappe concettuali di Inglese

Riassunto di inglese su Romeo e giulietta

Tipologia: Schemi e mappe concettuali


Caricato il 14/05/2022

laura-a-20 🇮🇹

1 documento

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Scarica romeo e giulietta, riassunTo di inglese e più Schemi e mappe concettuali in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! Beka mi È and Ditta in trama Romeo and julietFocuses on twoyoung lovers The work stands out is a similiar tragedy Antonio and Cleopatra written a lot later in 1606 It's set in Verona Romeo is infated with a girl called Rosaline He goes to a masquerade party organized by Lord capulets But once she saw juliet He falls in cane instantly The Montagnes and Capuleti ora bitter enemies and they are the Families of romeo and Juliet Even if the young couple Have everything then they declare their Love The following afternoon they are married Secretly by Friar Laurence On wedding Night Romeo killed Juliet's cousin in duel Friar Laurence Tells Romeo to not in Mantra until things calm down if you return to the city you will die Juliet is told that she has to marry pois uno was Chosen by Her Parents She reuses so pretends to be dead to escape with Romeo aided by Friar Laurence She takes a sleeping pill and Seems to be dead and theus escapes the wedding with Paris Her parents lay Her in a a grane The Friar Laurence nouns Romeo Romeo hears official meus from the servant that He juliet was dead when sees her dead he kills Himself but as soon as she makes up