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Rosa Parks,presentazione power point, Dispense di Inglese

presentazione powerpoint sulla nota attivista americana Rosa Parks

Tipologia: Dispense

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Caricato il 18/03/2020

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Scarica Rosa Parks,presentazione power point e più Dispense in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! ROSA PARKS Ilenia Vacca Arianna Piano Rosa Parks was born in Tuskegee, Alabama on the 4th of February 1913, from Leona and James McCauley a teacher and a carpenter. When his parents divorced , she moved with his mother to Pine Level, just outside the state capital, Montgomery. The life of Rosa Parks THE LIFE OF ROSA PARKS On 1 December 1955, in Montgomery, Rosa was came back home by bus from her work as a seamstress . In the BUS, not finding other free places, he occupied the first place behind the area reserved for white people , in the sector of places accessible to both whites and blacks with the obligation for blacks to give up the place if a white claimed it. After three stops, the driver James Blake asked her to get up and move to the back of the vehicle to give the opportunity to seat a one white passenger. She, keeping a calm, subdued and dignified attitude, refused to move and leave her place THE LIFE OF ROSA PARKS The driver stopped the vehicle and called two police officers to resolve the matter: Rosa Parks was arrested and imprisoned for improper conduct and for violating city norms that forced black people to give up their place to whites in the common sector, when there were no places available in the white sector. It has since been known as The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement. THE LIFE OF ROSA PARKS In 1956 the case of Rosa Parks arrived at the United States Supreme Court, which unanimously decreed unconstitutional segregation on Alabama public buses. From that moment, Rosa Parks became an icon of the civil rights movement. Press release, from 1965 to 1988 she was hired as secretary for Congressman John Conyers. She died of natural causes in Detroit , on 24th of october 2005 , at the age of 92.