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Informacje i wskazówki
Informacje i wskazówki

Angielski język angielski, Schematy z Język angielski


Typologia: Schematy


Załadowany 07.05.2024

ministerlol-lmfao 🇵🇱

Podgląd częściowego tekstu

Pobierz Angielski język angielski i więcej Schematy w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! Ex.1/34 1. manufacturing – the industry in which machinery is used to produce goods 2. information technologies – the development and application of computer systems 3. goods – things that are made to be sold 4. service jobs – jobs in transport, communications, hospitals, energy industry, etc. 5. skilled – having the knowledge and the ability to do something well 6. morale – the amount of confidence that a group of people have 7. unemployment – the state of not having a job 8. lead times – the time between the design of a product and its production 9. handling – the process of packing and distributing goods 10. Work flow – a set of tasks peformed to complete a procedure