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Informacje i wskazówki
Informacje i wskazówki

Artykuł o czasie wolnym, Prezentacje z Język angielski

Artykuł na temat tego jak znależć czas wolny

Typologia: Prezentacje


Załadowany 19.03.2024

katarzyna-zysko 🇵🇱

2 dokumenty

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Pobierz Artykuł o czasie wolnym i więcej Prezentacje w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! In the whirlwind of academic stress and social demands, teens often find free time elusive. In this article I want to write about ways to obtain this time First of all set yourself realistic goals. It is important that we remember not to take on too much burden and to take on tasks that we know we will do. Secondly, learn to say no when you feel overwhelmed or stretched too thin. Understand that you can't do everything, and it's okay to prioritize your well-being. Saying no doesn't mean you're incapable; it shows maturity and self-awareness. If young people choose to follow these rules, it is possible that they will have some time to rest.