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Pamiętaj, że możesz odnosić sią
do dwóch osób, rzeczy lub zjawisk
wykorzystując wyrazy the former
(„to piermsze”, „ten pierwszy”) oraz the
lattęr („to drugie”, „ten drugik: They
offered ma a woucher or a refund. I chose
the latter; Of the two sugąestions,
we prefer the former.
Jednym z rodzajów rozprawki jest rozprawka typu „za i przeciw” (ang. for and against essay).
W takiej rozprawce możemy rozważać problem określony w poleceniu z dwóch punktów widzenia.
20.1 LEA |]
Rozprawka typu „za i przeciw”
Przeczytaj treść polecenia, a następnie modelową wypowiedź. Uzupełnij brakujące
przymiotniki, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.
Coraz więcej osób w Polsce uważa emigrację zarobkową za złą decyzję. Napisz rozprawkę na
ten temat, przedstawiając zalety i wady takiego wyboru.
The first decade of the Z1st century was the time of 1.m_ e emigration from Poland to
countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany or Ireland. For most people, the main reason
was to improve theirz.f_______ Lsituatian. Currently, there is a3.e____ nbelief that
there are more drawbacks of emigratian than benefits. Could this view be justified?
Some people advocate the view that emigrationis4,b________ l to our country. First
of all, it reduces the level of unemployment in Poland, particularly among those with only
5.b___ e skills and qualifications. As a consequence, the state spends |ess money on
welfare benefits. Another advantage of emigration is that the Polish people familiarize
themselves with the culture and 6.6______ y life of other countries. This leads to a better
understanding of%7d_______tlifestyles and better knowledge of8.f_____ n languages.
Thirdly, Poles abroad are able to save money for future investments.
However, opponents of emigratian claim that it costs us too much. To begin with, emigrants
are3.h__——_ y adults who can work efńciently. They learn quickly and seldom falLili, which
makes them 10.p_____ t employees. Another argument against emigration iś that the cost
of educating a Polish citizen over the course of twelve years istt.e________ t. Thisis
paid for with taxpayers' money. However, emigrants do not pay any taxes in Poland; they earn
money and spend it in their 12. n_ w homeland.
In conclusion, emigration is certainly nat a black and white issue. However, its disadvantages
seem to outweigh all the advantages.
Z podanych elementów ułóż zdania kończące rozprawkę typu „za i przeciw”. Uzupełnij
brakujące elementy. Nie zmieniaj kolejności padanych wyrazów.
1. conclusion / own / car ( have / more / advantage / disadvantage / in my opinion / it / be
f not / only | corwenient and safe / meanś / transportation / but / it / be / also | source
I great fun
2. all/ all/ live / the country / have / benefit / main / one / be / privacy / closeness
[ nature f my opinion / however / they / be / nothing / compared / opportunity /
prowided by / city life
3. take | everything / account / there / be / both / positive / negative / aspect / get /
married / | / feel | strongly | former ! outweigh / latter