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Ćwiczenia z języka angielskiego, Notatki z Język angielski

Ćwiczenia z języka angielskiego

Typologia: Notatki


Załadowany 19.11.2022

the-nadia 🇵🇱

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Pobierz Ćwiczenia z języka angielskiego i więcej Notatki w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! NI LL AUR Grammar Book FxXeTCISeS Reported Speech <> Jo 880 ÓW ga 8 <> LB Direct and Reported Speech Пряма мова (direct speech) прямо передає мову автора, а непряма мова (indirect speech) показує, що хтось переказує висловлювання автора. Direct Speech Reported Speech Present Simple ‘I am fine’, the boy said. Past Simple The boy said (that) he was fine. Present Continuous ‘He is sleeping’, she said to me. Past Continuous She told me (that) he was sleeping. Present Perfect ‘I just have washed my car’, he said. Past Perfect He said (that) he had washed his car. Past Simple ‘I played chess’, Susan said. Past Simple / Past Perfect Susan said (that) she played chess. Susan said (that) she had played chess. Past Continuous ‘We were working all night long’, she said. Past Continuous / Past Perfect Continuous She said (that) they were working all night long. She said (that) they had been working all night long. Future Simple ‘She will go to the park tomorrow’, my brother said. Conditional (would) My brother said (that) she would go to the park the next day. Bob said, ‘This film is very funny’. Bob said (that) the film was very funny. Direct and Reported Speech. Interrogative Sentences (Questions) У непрямих запитаннях, на відміну від прямих, прямий порядок слів (спочатку підмет, а потім присудок). Загальні питання (Yes / No Questions) – це запитання, на яке потрібно дати відповідь «так» або «ні» – ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Якщо непрямою мовою передається загальне запитання, то запитання утворюється за допомогою if або whether. Дієслова do і does при утворенні непрямих запитань не вживаються. He asked me, ‘Do you speak English?’ – He asked if I spoke English. Спеціальні питання (Wh-Questions) – це запитання, у яких вживаються питальні слова: who (хто), when (коли), where (де), why (чому), which (котрий) та інші. У цьому випадку непрямі запитання утворюються за допомогою відповідних питальних слів. Write sentences in reported speech with ‘say’ or ‘tell’ 1. Bob: ‘I do my homework every day’ 2. Kelly: ‘I cleaned my room yesterday’ 3. Susan to me: ‘I am typing a document now’ 4. John to her: ‘My sister went to the cinema last Saturday’ 5. Peter to him: ‘I shall help you with Math tomorrow’ 6. Kathy: ‘I have washed all clothes’ 7. Steve: ‘I was reading from 6 till 7 pm yesterday’ 8. Jane: ‘I had come home by 5 pm yesterday’ 9. Mrs. Green: ‘My friend is running at the moment’ 10. Mr. Smithson: ‘I am working now’ Exercise 2 Write questions in reported speech 1. Peter to me: ‘Do you like green tea?’ 2. John to his sister: ‘Did you go to the theatre yesterday?’ 3. Michelle: ‘Where is the police station?’ 4. Kathy to me: ‘What are you drawing?’ 5. Bob: ‘Is he doing his homework now?’ 6. Kelly to her brother: ‘When do you get up in the morning?’ 7. David to her: ‘Did you clean your room yesterday?’ 8. Susan to Jane: ‘Have you washed your dresses?’ 9. Sam: ‘Whose textbook was on the desk?’ 10. Jasmine to me: ‘What is your favourite lesson?’ Exercise 3 Write sentences in reported speech 1. The teacher: ‘Open the books!’ 2. My sister: ‘Don’t close the window’ 3. Pam: ‘Give me the phone’ 4. John: ‘Don’t swim at the lake!’ 5. Bob: ‘Send this e-mail’ Exercise 4 Write sentences in reported speech 1. Samantha to her sister: ‘I can help you with your homework’ 2. Kelly: ‘You should clean your room’ 3. Susan: ‘May I open the window?’ 4. John to her: ‘You needn’t water the flowers’ 5. Bob: ‘I must send this e-mail’ 6. Steve: ‘I have to meet my sister tomorrow’ Exercise 5 Write sentences in reported speech 1. Peter: ‘I like coffee’ 2. Sam: ‘I washed my clothes yesterday’ 3. Susan to me: ‘I am making a pie now’ 4. Kelly: ‘Where is the factory?’ 5. Bob: ‘I bought some milk last Monday’ 6. Steve: ‘Open the door!’ 7. Kathy to David: ‘Have you ever been to Leeds?’ 8. Jasmine: ‘I was reading this book the whole evening yesterday’ 9. John: ‘I’ll get the letters tomorrow’ 10. Jane to Michelle: ‘I can help you with Math’