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Informacje i wskazówki
Informacje i wskazówki

Ćwiczenia z języka angielskiego, przydatne zwroty, Ćwiczenia z Język angielski

Kilka zdań z przykładowymi przydatnymi zwrotami

Typologia: Ćwiczenia


Załadowany 25.03.2024

aleksandra-witkowska-3 🇵🇱

1 dokument

Podgląd częściowego tekstu

Pobierz Ćwiczenia z języka angielskiego, przydatne zwroty i więcej Ćwiczenia w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! 1.Thease mens shouldn’t be out. They killed two people. These men shouldn’t be out. They have killed two people. 2. For the first look, that everything is okey with her. At first glance she seemed okey/ fine. 3. I found valuable books by chance. I found valuable books by accident. 4. For the sake of our kids we didn’t get divorced. 5. In the long run our problems are unsolvable. 6. In other words, you should to find another solution. 7. It would be recommended to meet with him in person. 8. We have to leave immediately. 9. I bought this dress by mistake. 10. In theory they should deliver our food in 20 minutes. 11. In the beginning this street didn’t have name. 12. In spring all trees bloom. 13. His sister has been talking on the phone all day! 14.This business is getting out of control. 15. Your dress looks old fashioned. When did you buy it? 16. These computers are sold out at this moment. 17. My brother is underaged so he can’t buy alcohol. 18. They will be back in a minute. 19. I saw the president live.