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Eating habits in Poland - krótka wypowiedź w języku angielskim, Ćwiczenia z Język angielski

Esej dotyczący nawyków żywieniowych w Polsce na poziomie CAE

Typologia: Ćwiczenia


Załadowany 24.06.2020

filip-tusk-1 🇵🇱

1 dokument

Podgląd częściowego tekstu

Pobierz Eating habits in Poland - krótka wypowiedź w języku angielskim i więcej Ćwiczenia w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! „Eating habits in Poland” Known for the unique cuisine and praised for its dishes, Poland has various manifold offers regarding food. However, Polish people have been going through a change for quite a few years now, regarding the habits of how, what and when they eat. Therefore, the principal aim of this report is to document the said change. More and more Poles are seen to care about their physique; hence they look into what they put onto their plates and what they are being fed with. The process can be observed on social media and generally on the Internet, yet it is slow paced and despite the promotion, a mere percentage of them takes interest in those fields. Only when they are faced with serious health problems do they change their diet. According to scientists, globally only 10% of the population changes their eating habits throughout their lifetimes. Contrary to popular belief, it does not take much to elongate our lifespans – it comes down to the will of a specific individual.

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