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Floryda - krótki opis po angielsku., Prezentacje z Język angielski

Prezentacja opisuje Florydę, w tym podstawowe o niej informacje, oraz kilka ciekawostek. Cała prezentacja jest zrobiona w języku angielskim.

Typologia: Prezentacje


Załadowany 11.06.2024

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Pobierz Floryda - krótki opis po angielsku. i więcej Prezentacje w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! FLORYDA On the start, we’’ll tell about flag and capital Floryda. This is the flag of Florida. This is the capital of Florida. Many famous people come from Florida, such as: - Ariana Grande - Maya Rudolph - Ray Charles - Bob Ross - Maya Angelou Currently, such celebrities live in Florida as: - Dwayne ,,The Rock” Johnson - Pitbull - Mike Tyson - Cher - Paul McCartney - Pat Riley - Gloria Estefan There are plenty of great places to visit in Florida. The state itself covers 170,000 km2. 1,067 km of beaches can be used all year round, which is why Florida is called the Sunny State. Here are some places worth visiting when visiting Florida. Space Center - NASA Beaches Trivias: 1. Florida is home to the oldest city in the United States founded by Europeans. St. Augustine was founded in the mid-16th century. 2. Florida is the only place in the world where crocodiles and alligators live nearby 3. In the United States, Florida is the largest producer of watermelons, strawberries, oranges and tomatoes. Of course, this is favored by a warm, sunny climate. 4. Disney World in Florida is visited by an average of fifty thousand people a day, and sometimes the number even reaches one hundred thousand! Prepare for queues. The park is also as big as almost the entire city of San Francisco!