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Informacje i wskazówki

Historia polski w latach 20, Streszczenia z Historia Polski

Porusza tematu embargo francji na produkty polskie w latach 20, wywarło t sprzeciw oraz zakłopotanie

Typologia: Streszczenia


Załadowany 16.04.2024

kuba-wwwwa 🇵🇱

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Pobierz Historia polski w latach 20 i więcej Streszczenia w PDF z Historia Polski tylko na Docsity! Recently there has been a lot of discussion if celebrities are a good role model for teenagers. Some say that celebrities inspire and motivate teenagers to pursue their dreams and do their best, others contend that their influence can be a flop. In this essay I will explore both sides of arguments. Firstly, Celebrities can boost and motivate young people. They climbed up the ladder of success because they worked their socks off. Their stories can inspire teenagers to pursue their own passions and goals. Another positive aspect of stars on younger people is the use of their popularity. Many stars engage in charity, using their platform to promote important social causes, such as environmental protection, fundraising for the sick or famine-stricken people. Thanks to this they can teach teenagers to take care about our planet and other people. On the other hand, influencers can be irresponsible. Influencers should pay attention to the behavior they post in social media. Some stars are recognized for substance abuse, reckless driving or public scandals. Such things can become famous overnight. It can demoralize and encourage teenagers to imitate risky behavior. Another disadvantage is fact that famous people promote materialism. Some people are worshipping expensive lifestyle. They are posting new and expensive clothes or cars. If young people will constantly see a rich life, it may cause them to place material things above ordinary things. To sum up celebrities can inspire and motivate young people. They show them how to help other people. On the flip side famous people can promote unsuitable lifestyle. In my opinion stars are good models for teenagers.

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