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Jest to test kwalifikujący do poziomu B1 w języku angielskim., Ćwiczenia z Język angielski

Jest to test kwalifikujący do poziomu B1 w języku angielskim.

Typologia: Ćwiczenia


Załadowany 05.12.2021

dominika-19 🇵🇱

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Pobierz Jest to test kwalifikujący do poziomu B1 w języku angielskim. i więcej Ćwiczenia w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! STAGE 4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE ARTICLES Indefinite article *A* /*AN? are indefinite articles. example a car and *an* before a wo indefinite articles before a singular noun particular person or thing. We use 'a' before a word beginning with a consonant for rd beginning with a vowel for example an eye. We use the when we talk about it for the first time. It represents no Definite article *THE" is a definite article. We pronounce sthe” /5e/ before a word beginning with a consonant for word beginning with a vowel, for example the eye. We use the example the car and /d1/ before a which has become definite because we talk about it for the definite article "the" before a noun second time for example This is an cye. The eye is blue. I. PUT IN 4, AN OR THE INTO THE SENTENCES: 1. Who opened ___ window ? 2. She lives in____ centre of Glasgow. 3. I want ___ glass of water, please. 4.___ manyoucanseein____redcaris French. 5. They've got _boyand____girl.__ boy's two and ___ girl's six. 6. Today is ___ only day that I'm free. 7. When I left ___ station I had to wait for taxi. 8. Have you seen ___ last film with ___ most famous British actor, Robert Mc Kluscky? 9. We spent ___ pleasant evening having coffee at Pizza Hut. 10. She bought ___ new dress from ___ shop on the corner . 11. Whatis____ price for ___ dress over there? 12. PIl reach ___ bus station in ten minutes and get into ___ bus that will take me to Warsaw, which is ___ greatest city in Poland. II. COMPLETE THIS STORY. PUT IN A, AN OR THE. It is a story of __ (1) man who tried to get some money from ___ (2) bank. ___ (3) man who wore ___ (4jlong black coat walked into ___ (5) bank in America and gave ____(6) piece of paper to one of ___ (7) young women who worked there. ___ (8) woman read that ___ (9) man wanted her to give him some money. She thought he could be carrying ___ (10) knife under ___ (11) coat and did exactly what ___(12) man wanted her to do. But __ (13) man had no time to buy anything because ___ (14) police learnt who he was and got him the same day. He made a mistake. ___ (15) piece of paper he gave to __ (16) woman was (17) back of____ (18) letter from his company which said __(19)man would lose his job next month. There was ____ (20) man's name and address on it. It was enough for (21) police to find __(22)man. m POSSESSIVES g s" to the noun. UNS we form by addini boy's coat, the cat 's milk, Tom's THE POSSESSIVE FORM OF NO mals, e.g. the We use the possessive form with people and ani house. ! With things we use the word * of", e.g. the walls of the house — not the house's walls, or the top th "s top. of the book and not the book's top. when and how long, e-$- today's news (dzisiejsze with time, to say ik (dziesięciominutowy spacer), in two months” time (za dwa We use the possessive form 's wiadomości) or ten minutes" wat miesiące). After a singular noun we use 's , €.8- girl — gi girls”. irl's. After a plural noun, we put * after s, e.g. girls IU. TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING INTO ENGLISH: 1. kapelusz kobiety - 2. jutrzejsze wiadomości — 3. matka Anny - 4. spód butelki — 5. pokój sióstr — 6. pokój sióstr Anny — 7. bok tej książki - 8. trzydniowe święto — s 9. marynarka tamtego mężczyzny - 10. kolor tamtego krzesła — 11. nazwa tej ulicy - 12. włosy jej brata — 13. ubrania jego dzieci - 14. zapach kwiatów - 15. mąż Marii — 16. środek nocy — 17. wczorajsza gazeta — VES AND POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS show that something belongs hoes means that the shoes belong to him. Possessive adjectives my books, their house. end of the sentence and don't precede any nouns, POSSESSIVE ADJECTI należy to somebody, ©.g. his si always precede nouns, €.g- her car, Possessive pronouns usually go at the e.g. that car is hers or this is mine. IV. WRITE THE CORRECT POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES 1. Mike lives with mother and father. 2. They like meeting friends. 3. Excuse me Sir, is this book? No, it isn't book. 4. Mary likes Biology teacher. 5. We live with children. 6. Jenny and Nick are from London. surname is Smith.

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