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Język angielski bierny, Ćwiczenia z Język angielski

Język angielski tryb bierny i czynny

Typologia: Ćwiczenia


Załadowany 15.10.2024

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1 dokument

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Pobierz Język angielski bierny i więcej Ćwiczenia w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! The passive voice: Practice upper-intermediate - p. 1 The passive voice: Practice upper-intermediate - p. 2 10 11 12 13 14 Put into the correct active or passive form. She promised him a book. He They will take her to hospital tomorrow. She You cannot expect children to understand these problems. Children .... No-one has climbed this mountain before. This mountain He disappeared and no-one has seen him again. He disappeared and | was told the latest news by a friend this n morning. A friend Have you ever been called a fool before? Has She was recommended a new doctor by her friend. Her friend . Were you offered the job I told you about? Did Were you given enough sugar? Did .. People will show the visitor the new buildings. The visitor Someone will tell you what time the train leaves. You Someone ordered the prisoners to stand up. The prisoners | want someone to answer the phone call. | want Passive with verbs + preposition. Change these sentences into the passive. They will send for you when the boss arrives. He put off the meeting. Look how well they have brought up those children. Be careful what you say, as they will take down all your words. Interrogative form. Put these questions into the passive. Is somebody picking you up tonight? Passive with reporting verbs. Put the following sentences into the passive. People claim the Mona Lisa is the world's most famous painting. The Mona Lisa It is They say her smile hides a secret. Her SMile |... aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa