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Język angielski - czasy, Notatki z Język angielski

Subject: Will, be going to, present continuous and present simple for future- grammar in context.

Typologia: Notatki


W sprzedaży od 14.07.2024

oliwia-myskiewicz 🇵🇱

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Pobierz Język angielski - czasy i więcej Notatki w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! Subject: Will, be going to, present continuous and present simple for future- grammar in context. will/won’t (future simple) be going to (zamierzać) present continuous present simple for future -Predictions based on what we think eg. I think there won’t be any teachers at schools in 2050. - On-the- spot decisions(sudden decisions) eg. I’ll answer the phone. - Promises/ threats eg. I will buy you a new computer./ I will kill you. - Time clauses (zdania czasowe) eg. As soon as I come back home, I will have lunch. - intentions- zamiary eg. I'm going to become a doctor - predictions based on what we see eg. It's going to rain - fixed future arrangements eg. I'm flying to London tomorrow. - timetables eg. What time does the train leave?