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Język chiński - pytania egzaminacyjne, Egzaminy z Język chiński

Przykładowe pytania egzaminacyjne z wyjaśnieniami w jezyku angielskim

Typologia: Egzaminy


Załadowany 27.01.2020

kindziunia 🇵🇱

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Pobierz Język chiński - pytania egzaminacyjne i więcej Egzaminy w PDF z Język chiński tylko na Docsity! 心意 心意 xin1yi4 noun 1 regard; kindly feelings 这点儿礼物是我们大家的一点儿心意。 zhèdiǎnr lǐwù shì wǒmen dàjiā de yīdiǎnrxīnyì. This little gift is a token of our regard. 2 intention; purpose 你们不了解他的心意。 Nǐmen bù liǎojiě tā de xīnyì. You don’t understand his intention 哈尔滨 哈爾濱 Ha1er3bin1 Harbin (capital of Heilongjiang Province) 用功 用功 yong4gong1 verb (-//-) study hard 他在教室里用功。 tā zài jiàoshì lǐ yònggōng. He is studying in the classroom. adjective diligent; studious 读书很用功 Dúshū hěn yònggōng be studious; be diligent in one’s studies 抓紧时间 抓緊時間 zhua1jin3 shi2jian1 make the best use of one’s time; not waste time 张大 張大 zhang1da4 verb 1 literary magnify; exaggerate; publicize widely 张大其词 zhāngdàqící exaggerate; overstate 张大其事 zhāngdàqíshì publicize widely; play up 2 (-//-) (mouth, eyes, etc.) open wide 应该的 應該的 ying1gai1de5 1 you're most welcome 2 sure thing! 3 I did what I was supposed to do 描写 描寫 miao2xie3 verb describe; depict; portray 描写一位画家的成长过程 miáoxiě yī wèi huàjiā de chéngzhǎng guòchéng describe his development into painter 这段描 写非常生动。 Zhè duàn miáoxiě fēicháng shēngdòng. This description is very vivid. adjective linguistics descriptive 插图 插圖 cha1tu2 noun (artistic or scientific) illustration; plate 给书加上插图 gěi shū jiāshàng chātú illustrate a book 书中有几幅彩色插图。 Shū zhōng yǒu jǐ fú cǎisè chātú. The book has several colour plates. 蟒蛇 蟒蛇 mang3she2 noun zoology boa; python; anaconda 吞食 吞食 tun1shi2 verb swallow; devour 大鱼吞食小鱼。 Dà yú tūnshí xiǎo yú. Big fish eat small fish. 我刚好看见一条蛇在吞食青蛙。 Wǒ gānghǎo kànjian yī tiáo shé zài tūnshí qīngwā. I came upon a snake devouring a frog. 巨兽 巨獸 ju4shou4 1 giant creature 2 huge animal 摹本 摹本 mo2ben3 noun facsimile; copy 猎物 獵物 lie4wu4 noun prey; quarry; game; bag 逼近猎物 bījìn lièwù gain on the chase 成为骗 子的猎物 Chéngwéi piànzi delièwù become fair game for the crook 咀嚼 咀嚼 ju3jue2 verb 1 masticate; chew 2 mull over; ruminate; chew the cud 演员对每句台词 都要反复吟咏, 咀嚼, 才能进入角色。 Yǎnyuán duì měi jù táicí dōu yào fǎnfù yínyǒng, jǔjué, cáinéng jìnrù juésè. An actor must rehearse his lines thoroughly and really ponder them to get inside the character. 囫囵吞下 囫圇吞下 hu2lun2 tun1xia4 swallow sth. whole 囫囵 囫圇 hu2lun2 book does not stand out. noun often pejorative attempt; try 别有企图 biéyǒuqǐtú have other intentions; have ulterior motives 企图心 企圖心 qi3tu2xin1 1 ambition 2 ambitious 均 均 jun1 adjective equal; even 人口分布不均。 Rénkǒu fēnbù bù jūn. The population is unevenly distributed. adverb without exception; all 各项准备工作均已就绪。 Gèxiàng zhǔnbèi gōngzuò jūn yǐ jiùxù. All the preparations are complete. 泄气 泄氣 xie4qi4 verb (-//-) lose heart; feel discouraged; be disheartened 困难面前不泄气 kùnnan miànqián bù xièqì keep one’s end up in the face of difficulties 我不该 说那些泄气话。 Wǒ bù gāi shuō nàxiē xièqìhuà. I shouldn’t have made those discouraging (or pessimistic) remarks. adjective disappointing; frustrating; pathetic 我队一比五输了, 真泄气! Wǒ duì yī bǐ wǔ shū le, zhēn xièqì! Our team was beaten one to five. What a disappointment! 这么矮他都跳不过去, 真泄气! Zhème ǎi tā dōu tiào bù guòqu, zhēn xièqì! He can’t even jump that high. How pathetic! 弄不懂 弄不懂 nong4bu5dong3 unable to make sense of (sth) 厌烦 厭煩 yan4fan2 verb be sick of; be fed up with; be tired of 令人厌烦的 lìngrén yànfán de sickening; wearisome 他非常厌烦他现在做的工作。 Tā fēicháng yànfán tā xiànzài zuò de gōngzuò. He is thoroughly fed up with his job. 这支小夜曲听 多少遍也不会厌烦。 zhè zhī xiǎoyèqǔ tīng duōshǎo biàn yě bù huì yànfán. One never tires of listening to this serenade. 驾驶 駕駛 jia4shi3 verb drive (a vehicle); pilot (a ship or plane) 无人驾驶 wúrénjiàshǐ driverless (operation) 分辨 分辨 fen1bian4 verb distinguish; differentiate; tell 分辨真假 Fēnbiàn zhēn-jiǎ distinguish truth from falsehood 很难分辨谁是谁非。 Hěn nán fēnbiàn shuíshìshuífēi. It’s hard to tell who is right and who is wrong. 他分辨不出人家奏的是什么曲子。 Tā fēnbiàn bù chū rénjia zòu de shì shénme qǔzi. He couldn’t tell what tune they were playing. noun physics resolution 分辨率 fēnbiànlǜ physics resolving power 亚利桑那 亞利桑那 Ya4li4sang1na4 noun Arizona (US) 航向 航向 hang2xiang4 noun course (of a ship or plane) 改变航向 gǎibiàn hángxiàng change course 正经 正經 zheng4jing5 adjective 1 decent; respectable; honest 正经人 zhèngjingrén a decent person 2 serious 正经事儿 zhèngjingshìr serious affairs 谈正经事 tán zhèngjingshì talk business 钱必须用在正经地方。 Qián bìxū yòng zài zhèngjing dìfang. Money must be put to the right uses. 说正经的, 你得注意点身体。 Shuō zhèngjing de, nǐ děi zhùyì diǎn shēntǐ. Seriously now, you ought to take more care of your health. 3 standard 正经货 zhèngjinghuò standard goods adverb dialect really; truly; indeed 这黄瓜长得还正经不错呢! Zhè huánggua zhǎng de hái zhèngjing bùcuò ne! These cucumbers are really doing fine. 接触 接觸 jie1chu4 verb 1 come into contact with; get in touch with 代表团接触了各界人士。 Dàibiǎotuán jiēchù le gèjiè rénshì. The delegation met with people from all walks of life. 她的手接触了硫酸, 烧伤了。 Tā de shǒu jiēchù le liúsuān, shāoshāng le. Her hand came into contact with sulphuric acid and was burned. 2 engage 小规模接触 xiǎo guīmó jiēchù a minor (or small) engagement 与敌 人接触 yǔ dírén jiēchù engage the enemy 双方武装力量已脱离接触。 Shuāngfāng wǔzhuāng lìliàng yǐ tuōlí jiēchù. The armed forces of both sides have disengaged. 3 electricity contact; connection 接触不良 jiēchùbùliáng loose (or poor) connection 接触故障 jiēchù gùzhàng contact fault 始终 始終 shi3zhong1 noun VARIANT OF 30158080始末shi3mo4始末 beginning and end—whole story See 35097344有始有终you3shi3you3zhong1有始 有终 adverb from beginning to end; from start to finish; all along; throughout 会谈始终在友好的气氛中进行。 Huìtán shǐzhōng zài yǒuhǎo de qìfēn zhōng jìnxíng. The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere throughout. 手术过程中病人始终是清醒的。 Shǒushù guòchéng zhōng bìngrén shǐzhōng shì qīngxǐng de. The patient remained conscious throughout the operation. 稍为 稍為 shao1wei2 adverb a little; a bit; slightly; a trifle 稍微搁点儿盐 shāowēi gē diǎnr yán put in a little salt 稍微有点儿惊慌 shāowēi yǒudiǎnr jīnghuāng be a trifle alarmed 今天稍微有点儿冷。 jīntiān shāowēi yǒudiǎnr lěng. It’s rather chilly today. 这种颜色比那种稍微深一点儿。 zhèzhǒng yánsè bǐ nà zhǒng shāowēi shēn yīdiǎnr. This colour is just a shade darker than that one. 明理 明理 ming2li3 noun obvious truth or fact verb sensible; reasonable 明理的人 Mínglǐ de rén sensible person 理解力 理解力 li3jie3li4 noun faculty of understanding; understanding; comprehension 理解力强 lǐjiělì qiáng have good understanding (or comprehension) 理解力差 lǐjiělì chà have poor understanding (or comprehension) 迁 遷 qian1 verb 1 move 该厂已迁往内地。 Gāi chǎng yǐ qiān wǎng nèidì. The factory has moved to the interior. See 28289280迁居qian1ju1迁居; 28291584迁葬qian1zang4 迁葬 2 change 变迁 biànqiān changes; vicissitudes 桥牌 橋牌 qiao2pai2 noun bridge (a card game) 打桥牌 dǎ qiáopái play bridge 高尔夫 高爾夫 gao1er3fu1 golf (loanword) 政治活动 政治活動 zheng4zhi4 huo2dong4 political activities 或是 或是 verb 1 fall into disuse (or disrepair) 荒废了的水渠又利用起来了。 Huāngfèi le de shuǐqú yòu lìyòng qǐlai le. The irrigation canals that had fallen into disrepair are in use again. 这所别墅荒废已久。 Zhè suǒ biéshù huāngfèi yǐ jiǔ. This villa has been deserted for a long time. 2 waste (time) 她一边说话一 边干活, 不肯荒废半点儿功夫。 tā yībiān shuōhuà yībiān gànhuó, bù kěn huāngfèi bàndiǎnr gōngfu. She worked while she talked, not wasting a moment. 3 neglect; be out of practice 荒废学业 Huāngfèi xuéyè neglect one’s studies 4 leave uncultivated; lie waste 村里没有一亩地是荒废的。 Cūnli méiyǒu yī mǔ dì shì huāngfèi de. Not a single mu of land in the village lies unused. 谈得来 談得來 tan2de5lai2 verb colloquial get along well; hit it off (opp. 谈不来) 直到 直到 zhi2dao4 verb until 直到昨晚才接到通知 zhídào zuówǎn cái jiēdào tōngzhī didn’t get the notice until last night 直到现在我们还没有接到正式通知。 Zhídào xiànzài wǒmen hái méiyǒu jiēdào zhèngshì tōngzhī. Up until now, we’ve received no official notification. 撒哈拉沙漠 撒哈拉沙漠 Sa1ha1la1 Sha1mo4 noun the Sahara (Desert) 撒哈拉以南地区 Sāhālā yǐnándìqū Sub-Sahara 故障 故障 gu4zhang4 noun hitch; breakdown; stoppage; trouble; malfunction; fault; failure 排除故障 páichú gùzhàng fix a breakdown; clear a stoppage 出了什么故障? Chū le shénme gùzhàng? What’s gone wrong? 发动机出了故障。 Fādòngjī chū le gùzhàng. The engine has broken down. or The engine is out of order. 引擎 引擎 yin3qing2 noun engine 汽车引擎 qìchē yǐnqíng automobile engine 搜索引擎 sōusuǒyǐnqíng search engine 机械师 機械師 ji1xie4shi1 machinist 乘客 乘客 cheng2ke4 noun passenger 担当 擔當 dan1dang1 verb take on; undertake; assume 担当重任 Dāndāng zhòngrèn take on heavy responsibilities 无论什么工作, 他都敢于担当。 Wúlùn shénme gōngzuò, tā dōu gǎnyú dāndāng. He’s willing to take on any kind of job. 艰难 艱難 jian1nan2 adjective difficult; hard 艰难岁月 jiānnán suìyuè difficult days; hard times; arduous years 处境艰难 chǔjìng jiānnán be in a predicament 生活艰难 shēnghuó jiānnán live in straitened circumstances 行动艰难 xíngdòng jiānnán walk with difficulty 艰难困苦出能人。 jiānnán kùnkǔ chū néngrén. Bad times make a capable man. 维修 維修 wei2xiu1 verb keep in (good) repair; service; maintain 维修房屋 wéixiū fángwū maintain houses and buildings 维修汽车 wéixiū qìchē service a car 生死攸关 生死攸關 sheng1si3-you1guan1 idiom of vital importance 生死攸关的问题 Shēngsǐ yōuguān de wèntí matter of life and death; matter of vital importance 维持 維持 wei2chi2 verb keep; maintain; preserve 维持生活 wéichí shēnghuó support oneself or one’s family 维持现状 wéichí xiànzhuàng maintain the status quo; keep things as they are law 维持原判 wéichíyuánpàn uphold the original judgment 维持秩 序 Wéichí zhìxù keep (or maintain) order 人烟 人煙 ren2yan1 noun signs of human habitation 人烟稠密 rényān chóumì densely populated; populous 人烟稀少 Rényān xīshǎo be sparsely populated 没有人烟 méiyǒu rén yān uninhabited 伏 伏 fu2 verb 1 lean over; bend over 伏几而卧 fújī'érwò fall asleep leaning over a table 2 lie prostrate 伏地不动 fú dì bù dòng lie still on one’s stomach 3 subside; go down 起伏 qǐfú undulate; rise and fall 4 hide 昼伏夜出 zhòufúyèchū hide by day and come out at night 5 yield; admit (defeat, guilt, etc.) 6 subdue; vanquish 降伏对手 Xiángfú duìshǒu subdue an opponent noun 1 fu; hottest days of the year 入伏 rùfú the hottest days of the year begin 2 (Fú) a surname measure word abbreviation volt (V) 木筏 木筏 mu4fa2 noun raft 漂流 漂流 piao1liu2 verb 1 driven by the current; drift about 沿江漂流而下 Yánjiāng piāoliú érxià float down the river 2 VARIANT OF 27845632漂泊piao1bo2漂泊 2 lead a wandering life; drift noun sports rafting 遇难者 遇難者 yu4nan4zhe3 victim 黎明时分 黎明時分 li2ming2shi2fen1 at dawn (or daybreak) 惊奇 驚奇 jing1qi2 adjective wondering; surprised; amazed 孩子睁大眼睛, 惊奇地望着魔术师。 Háizi zhēng dà yǎnjing, jīngqí de wàngzhe móshùshī. The child stared with wonder at the magician. 雷击 雷擊 lei2ji1 verb (lightning) strike 遭雷击 zāoléijī be struck by a thunderbolt 一般 一般 yi1ban1 adjective 1 same as; just like 他们俩一般高。 Tāmen liǎ yībān gāo. The two of them are of the same height. 火车飞一般地驰去。 Huǒchē fēi yībān de chí qù. The train flashed past like lightning. 2 general; ordinary; common 一般规 律 yībān guīlǜ universal law; general rule 一般说来 yībān shuōlái generally speaking 一般的做法 yībān de zuòfǎ common practice 一般性辩论 yībānxìng 處在 chu3zai4 1 to be situated at 2 to find oneself at 小傢伙 小傢伙 xiao3jia1huo5 noun colloquial kid 我那小家伙调皮得很。 Wǒ nà xiǎojiāhuo tiáopí de hěn. My kid is very naughty. 在我看来 在我看來 Zai4 wo3 kan4lai5 in my opinion; as I see it 半点 半點 ban4dian3 noun the least bit 没有半点慌张 méi yǒu bàndiǎn huāngzhāng not the least bit flurried; calm; composed 原则问题半点也不能动摇。 Yuánzé wèntí bàndiǎn yě bù néng dòngyáo. One should never waver on matters of principle. 这是一 个科学问题, 来不得半点虚伪。 Zhè shì yī ge kēxué wèntí, láibude bàndiǎn xūwěi. This is a matter of science, which permits no falseness. 疲乏 疲乏 pi2fa2 adjective 1 tired; fatigued; weary 感到疲劳 gǎndào píláo feel tired 身心疲劳 shēn-xīn píláo weary in body and mind 2 physiology fatigue 肌肉疲劳 jīròu píláo muscular fatigue 精神疲劳 jīngshén píláo mental fatigue 饥渴 飢渴 ji1ke3 adjective hungry and thirsty 饥渴难耐 Jīkě nán nài unbearable hunger and thirst 又饥又渴 yòujīyòukě be hungry as well as thirsty 惧怕 懼怕 ju4pa4 verb fear; dread 惧怕死神 jùpà sǐshén afraid of dying; fear of death 丝毫 絲毫 si1hao2 adjective [usu. in the negative] the slightest amount or degree; a bit; a particle; a shred; an iota 丝毫不差 sīháobùchà not err by a hair’s breadth; tally in every detail; be just right 拿不出丝毫证据 Ná bù chū sīháo zhèngjù cannot provide a shred of evidence 在学习上我们丝毫也不能松懈。 zài xuéxí shàng wǒmensīháo yě bùnéng sōngxiè. We must not, in the slightest degree, slack off in our studies. 迷失 迷失 mi2shi1 verb lose (one's way, etc.) 迷失方向 míshī fāngxiàng lose one’s bearings; get lost 迷失归路 míshī guīlù unable to find one’s way back 荒无人烟 荒無人煙 huang1wu2ren2yan1 idiom desolate and uninhabited 荒无人烟的地带 huāngwúrényān de dìdài region with no sign of human habitation 不可思议 不可思議 bu4ke3-si1yi4 idiom inconceivable; unimaginable; unthinkable 不久以前, 登月还是不可思 议的事情。 Bùjiǔ yǐqián, dēngyuè háishibùkěsīyì de shìqing. Travel to the moon was inconceivable until recently. 震慑 震懾 zhen4she4 verb literary awe; frighten 俯首听命 俯首聽命 fu3shou3-ting1ming4 idiom bow down to obey submissively; be at sb.'s beck and call; be all obedience 绝迹 絕跡 jue2//ji4 verb disappear; vanish; stamp out 猛犸在史前时期就已绝迹。 Měngmǎ zài shǐqián shíqī jiù yǐ juéjì. Mammoths became extinct in prehistoric times. 血吸 虫病在我们县已经绝迹。 Xuèxīchóng bìng zài wǒmen xiàn yǐjing juéjì. Schistosomiasis has been stamped out in our county. 生死关头 生死關頭 sheng1si3guan1tou2 juncture when one’s life is at stake; moment when one’s fate hangs in the balance; critical juncture 举动 舉動 ju3dong4 noun movement; move; act; activity 轻率的举动 Qīngshuài de jǔdòng rash act 你有什么举动要先告诉我一声。 Nǐ yǒu shénme jǔdòng yào xiān gàosu wǒ yī shēng. Let me know before you make a move. 他已年迈体衰, 举动越来越 缓慢。 tā yǐ niánmài tǐ shuāi, jǔdòng yuèláiyuè huǎnmàn. He’s old and infirm, moves more and more slowly. 荒唐 荒唐 huang1tang5 adjective 1 absurd; fantastic; preposterous 荒唐可笑 huāngtang kěxiào ridiculous; absurd; laughable 荒唐透顶 huāngtangtòudǐng absolutely ridiculous; preposterous 2 dissipated; loose; intemperate 记起 記起 ji4//qi3 verb recall; recollect; call to mind 那情景使她记起了童年。 Nà qíngjǐng shǐ tā jìqǐ le tóngnián. The sight recalled the days of childhood to her. 好气 好氣 hao3qi4 1 to be happy 2 to be in a good mood 作画 作畫 zuo4hua4 paint a picture 封闭 封閉 feng1bi4 verb 1 seal 用蜡封闭瓶口 yòng là fēngbì píngkǒu seal a bottle with wax 2 seal off; close 封闭机场 fēngbì jīchǎng close an airport 3 medicine block adjective isolated; separate; narrow and provincial 封闭的社会 fēngbì de shèhuì closed society 傻子 傻子 sha3zi5 noun fool; blockhead; idiot 傻眼 傻眼 sha3//yan3 verb colloquial be dumbfounded; be stunned 他一看考题就傻眼了 (= 傻了 眼)。 Tā yī kàn kǎotí jiù shǎyǎn le . When he saw the examination questions he got a nasty shock. 占地方 照 照 zhao4 noun 1 photograph; picture 小照 xiǎozhào one’s own small photo 2 license; permit 禁止无照行车。 Jìnzhǐ wú zhào xíngchē. No driving without a license. verb 1 shine; illuminate; light up 拿手电照路 Náshǒu diàn zhào lù light the way with a torch 车灯把大路照得通亮。 Chēdēng bǎ dàlù zhào de tōng liàng. The headlights lit up the road. 金色的太阳照在天安门城楼上。 Jīnsè de tàiyáng zhào zài Tiān'ānmén chénglóu shàng. The golden sun shines upon the gate tower of Tian’An Men. 2 reflect; mirror 照镜子 zhào jìngzi look in the mirror 湖面照出了她的倒影。 Húmiàn zhào chū le tā de dàoyǐng. Her image was reflected in the lake. 3 take a picture (or photograph); photograph; film; shoot 这镜头可不容易照。 Zhè jìngtóu kě bù róngyì zhào. This scene is difficult to shoot. 这张照片里我没照好。 Zhè zhāng zhàopiàn lǐ wǒ méi zhào hǎo. I don’t come out well in this photo. or I don’t look good in this picture. 4 take care of; look after See 35899136照看zhao4kan4照看 5 notify 知照 zhīzhào inform 6 contrast 对照 duìzhào compare and contrast 7 understand 心照不宣 xīnzhàobùxuān understand each other without saying anything; tacit understanding preposition 1 in the direction of; towards 照这个 方向走。 Zhào zhège fāngxiàng zǒu. Go in that direction. 2 according to; in accordance with 照规章办事 zhào guīzhāng bànshì follow the regulations 照 他们的说法 zhào tāmen de shuōfa according to what they say 照我看, 线路有 毛病。 Zhào wǒ kàn, xiànlù yǒu máobing. I think there’s something wrong with the circuit. 阵 陣 zhen4 noun 1 battle array (or formation) 长蛇阵 chángshézhèn single-line battle array 2 position; front 上阵 shàngzhèn go into battle; pitch in; start work noun 1 colloquial a period of time 那阵儿 nàzhènr in those days; then 这阵儿 zhèzhènr these days; recently 病了一阵儿 bìng le yīzhènr be ill for some time 2 short period; spell 一阵风 yīzhènfēng a gust (or blast) of wind 一阵雨 yī zhènyǔ a spatter (or shower) of rain 一阵寒潮 yīzhèn háncháo a cold spell 一 阵咳嗽 yīzhèn késou a fit (or spasm) of coughing 一阵热烈的掌声 yīzhèn rèliè de zhǎngshēng a burst of warm applause 嗡 嗡 weng1 onomatopoeia drone; buzz; hum 蜜蜂嗡嗡地飞。 Mìfēng wēngwēng de fēi. Bees are buzzing all around. 橡树 橡樹 xiang4shu4 noun oak 树顶 樹頂 shu4ding3 noun tree tops 维尼熊 維尼熊 Wei2ni2xiong2 Winnie the Pooh 酿 釀 niang4 noun wine 佳酿 jiāniàng good wine verb 1 make (wine); brew (beer) 酿酒 niàngjiǔ make wine 2 make (honey) 蜜蜂会酿蜜。 Mìfēng huì niàngmì. Bees make honey. 3 lead to; result in 酿祸 niànghuò lead to disaster 呀 呀 ya5 auxiliary [used in place of 啊 when the preceding word ends in sound a, e, i, o, or ü ] 快来呀。 Kuài lái ya. Come here, quick! 她是谁呀? Tā shì shuí ya? Who is she? 为啥 為啥 wei4sha2 dialectal equivalent of 为什么  wèishénme [为什么] 假如 假如 jia3ru2 conjunction if; supposing; in case 假如发生火灾 jiǎrú fāshēng huǒzāi in case of fire 假如有空, 我一定来。 Jiǎrú yǒu kòng, wǒ yīdìng lái. I will come provided I have the time. 假如有这必要, 就这么干吧。 Jiǎrú yǒu zhè bìyào, jiù zhème gàn ba. Do so, if necessary. 假如明天开会, 准备工作来得及吗? Jiǎrú míngtiān kāihuì, zhǔnbèi gōngzuò láidejí ma? Supposing we hold the meeting tomorrow, will there be enough time to prepare? 筑 築 zhu4 verb build; construct 筑堤 zhùdī build a dyke 筑路 zhùlù construct a road noun archaic music zhu (a 13-stringed instrument, played by pluck with a bamboo stick) noun another name for Guiyang 何必 何必 he2bi4 adverb no need to; why 何必去那么早。 Hébì qù nàme zǎo. There is no need to go so early. 开个玩笑嘛, 何必当真呢? Kāi ge wánxiào ma, hébì dàngzhēn ne? I was only joking. Why take it so seriously? 为了这点小事生气, 何必呢? Wèile zhè diǎn xiǎoshì shēngqì, hébì ne? What’s the point of getting angry about such a trivial matter? 随口 隨口 sui2kou3 adverb speak thoughtlessly or casually; blurt out whatever comes into one's head 随口答应 Suíkǒu dāying say “yes” absent-mindedly; agree without thinking 编 編 bian1 noun 1 [often in book titles] book 《故事新编》故事新编》 《故事新编》Gùshi Xīnbiān》 Old Stories Retold 2 part of a book; book; volume 上编 shàng biān Book I; Volume I; Part I 3 organization and personnel; establishment 超编 chāobiān overstaffed 缺编 quēbiān understaffed 在编 zàibiān permanent staff; on the regular payroll verb 1 weave; plait 编辫子 biān biànzi plait one’s hair 编柳条 筐 biān liǔtiáokuāng weave wicker baskets 2 organize; group; arrange 编班 biānbān group into classes 把他编在我们组吧。 Bǎ tā biān zài wǒmen zǔ ba. Put him in our group. 3 edit; compile 编教材 Biān jiàocái compile teaching materials 编杂志 biān zázhì edit a magazine; work in the editorial department of a magazine 4 write; compose 编剧本 biān jùběn write a play 编儿童歌曲 biān értóng gēqǔ compose children’s songs 5 fabricate; invent; make up; cook up 瞎编 xiābiān sheer fabrication 这事儿是他编出来的。 Zhè shìr shì tā biān chūlai de. He made the whole thing up. measure word literary copy 人手一编。 Rénshǒu yī biān. Everyone has a copy. 奋力 奮力 fen4li4 adverb do all one can; spare no effort 奋力拼搏 fènlì pīnbó go all out in one’s struggle 奋力救助伤员 fènlì jiùzhù shāngyuán spare no effort to rescue the wounded 蜂巢 蜂巢 feng1chao2 noun honeycomb 踩 踩 cai3 shuō huà zǒng dàicìr. There’s always a sting in his words. 2 archaic visiting card 投刺 tóucì send in one’s card verb 1 stab; prick 刺伤 cìshāng stab and wound 2 assassinate 被刺 bèicì be assassinated 3 irritate; stimulate 刺鼻 cìbí irritate the nose; assail one’s nostrils 4 pry; spy 刺取军情 cì qǔ jūnqíng spy out military secrets 5 criticize 讽刺 fěngcì satirize 动脑筋 動腦筋 dong4//nao3jin1 verb use one's mind; exercise one's brains 他动了半天脑筋, 也没想出个法子。 Tādòng le bàntiān nǎojīn, yě méi xiǎngchū ge fǎzi. He racked his brains for a long time but couldn’t come up with a solution. 请求 請求 qing3qiu2 noun request 答应请求 dāying qǐngqiú comply with a request verb ask; request 请求贷款 qǐngqiú dàikuǎn make a request for a loan 请求宽恕 qǐngqiú kuānshù ask for forgiveness 招呼 招呼 zhao1hu5 verb 1 call 那边有人招呼你。 Nàbiān yǒurén zhāohu nǐ. Someone over there is calling you. 2 hail; greet; say hello to 热情地打招呼 Rèqíng de dǎ zhāohu greet warmly 3 notify; tell 招呼他赶快来开会。 Zhāohu tā gǎnkuài lái kāihuì. Tell him to come to the meeting at once. 你要是不去, 事先打个招呼。 Nǐ yào shì bù qù, shìxiān dǎ ge zhāohu. Let me know beforehand if you’re not going. 4 take care of 招呼老人 Zhāohu lǎorén take care of the elderly 5 dialect mind; take care 路上有冰, 招呼滑倒了。 Lù shàng yǒu bīng, zhāohu huá dǎo le. The road is icy so mind you don’t slip. 说来 說來 shuo1lai2 verb come to speak of it 说来话长。 shuōlái huà cháng It’s a long story. 说来 都是老朋友。 Shuōlái dōu shì lǎopéngyou. Come to speak of it, we are all old friends. 巧 巧 qiao3 adjective 1 skillful; ingenious; clever 他的手艺很巧。 Tā de shǒuyì hěn qiǎo. His workmanship is excellent. 你嘴巧, 你去说他准听。 Nǐ zuǐ qiǎo, nǐ qù shuō tā zhǔn tīng. You’re a clever talker and he’ll listen to you if you try to persuade him. 她真巧, 看见什么花就能画什么花。 Tā zhēn qiǎo, kànjian shénme huā jiù néng huà shénme huā. She’s really clever—she can draw any flower that she sees. See 68772067巧匠qiao3jiang4巧匠 2 (of hand, tongue) deft; glib 嘴巧 zuǐ qiǎo glib 心灵手巧 xīnlíngshǒuqiǎo clever and deft 3 cunning; deceitful; artful 花言巧语 huāyánqiǎoyǔ sweet words; fine words; flattery; blandishments 4 opportune; coincidental 你来得真巧, 我们今 天正好包饺子。 Nǐ lái de zhēn qiǎo, wǒmen jīntiān zhènghǎo bāo jiǎozi. You’ve come just at the right time. We’re just about to make jiaozi. 太巧了, 我 一出家门就来了一辆出租车。 tài qiǎo le, wǒ yī chūjiā mén jiù lái le yī liàng chūzūchē. It was most opportune that a taxi arrived just as I was leaving the house. 四处 四處 si4chu4 noun all around; in all directions; everywhere 四处奔走 sìchù bēnzǒu go hither and thither 四处流浪 sìchù liúlàng wander from place to place 四处逃窜 sì chù táocuàn flee in all directions 四处寻找 sìchù xúnzhǎo search high and low; look into every hole and corner 张望 張望 zhang1wang4 verb 1 peep (through a crack, etc.) 2 look around 探头张望 tàntóuzhāngwàng crane one’s neck and look around 偷听 偷聽 tou1ting1 verb eavesdrop 偷听别人谈话 tōutīng biéren tánhuà eavesdrop on a conversation 手掌 手掌 shou3zhang3 noun palm (of the hand) 捂住 摀住 wu3zhu4 1 to cover 2 to bury one's face 嘴巴 嘴巴 zui3ba5 noun colloquial 1 mouth 张开嘴巴。 Zhāngkāi zuǐba. Open your mouth. 2 slap 打嘴巴 dǎ zuǐba slap in the face; box sb.’s ears 挨了个嘴巴 ái le ge zuǐba get a slap in the face; snubbed; put down 叫道 叫道 jiao4dao4 1 to call 2 to shout 吊 吊 diao4 verb 1 hang; suspend 门前吊着两盏红灯。 Mén qián diào zhe liǎng zhǎn hóngdēng. Two red lanterns hung over the door. 2 raise or lower with a rope, etc. 把和好的水泥吊上去。 Bǎ hé hǎo de shuǐní diào shàngqu. Hoist up the mixed cement. 3 put in a fur lining 吊皮袄 Diào pí'ǎo line a coat with fur 4 revoke; withdraw 吊销 diàoxiāo cancel noun crane 塔吊 tǎdiào tower crane verb condole; mourn See 20078848吊丧diao4sang1吊丧 measure word archaic former monetary unit, equal to a string of 1,000 coins 成竹在胸 成竹在胸 cheng2zhu2 zai4 xiong1 idiom have a well-thought-out plan, stratagem, etc. 明年的生产计划, 厂长已 胸有成竹。 Míngnián de shēngchǎn jìhuà, chǎngzhǎng yǐ xiōngyǒuchéngzhú. The factory director has a well-thought-out plan for next year’s production. 胸有成竹 胸有成竹 xiong1you3cheng2zhu2 idiom have a well-thought-out plan, stratagem, etc. 明年的生产计划, 厂长已 胸有成竹。 Míngnián de shēngchǎn jìhuà, chǎngzhǎng yǐ xiōngyǒuchéngzhú. The factory director has a well-thought-out plan for next year’s production. 注意 注意 zhu4//yi4 verb pay attention to; take note (or notice) of 注意工作方法 zhùyì gōngzuò fāngfǎ pay attention to work methods 注意别摔倒。 Zhùyì bié shuāidǎo. Mind you don’t fall. or Mind your step. 注意, 马上就要点炮啦! Zhùyì, mǎshàng jiùyào diǎn pào la! Look out! We’re ready to blast. 我没注意他什么时候走的。 Wǒ méi zhùyì tā shénme shíhou zǒu de. I didn’t notice when he left. 必须注 意团结一切可以团结的人。 Bìxū zhùyì tuánjié yīqiè kěyǐ tuánjié de rén. We must be careful to unite all those we can. 主意 主意 zhu3yi5 noun 1 idea; plan 好主意! Hǎo zhǔyi! That’s a good idea. 人多主意多。 Rén duō zhǔyi duō. The more the people the more the ideas. 领导者的责任主 要是出主意, 用干部两件事。 lǐngdǎozhě de zérèn zhǔyào shì chū zhǔyi, yòng gànbù liǎng jiàn shì. A leader has two main responsibilities: proposing 拉长声音说话 lācháng shēngyīn shuōhuà drawl; speak in a drawl 5 move (troops to a place) 把伤员拉走 bǎ shāngyuán lā zǒu move the wounded away 6 give (or lend) a hand; help 他犯了错误, 要拉他一把。 Tā fàn le cuòwù, yào lā tā yī bǎ. He’s made mistakes and we must help him. 7 drag in; implicate; involve 拉个垫背的 lā ge diànbèi de make sb. a scapegoat (or whipping boy) 8 dialect bring up 自己把孩子拉大 zìjǐ bǎ háizilā dà raise the child by oneself 9 draw in; win over; solicit; canvass 拉客户 lā kèhù canvass customers (or clients) 拉选票 lā xuǎnpiào canvass (votes); seek a vote 拉一派打一派 lā yī pài dǎ yī pài draw in one faction and hit out at another 10 dialect chat 11 organize; set up 拉团伙 lā tuánhuǒ form a gang 12 owe 拉债 lāzhài owe debts; be in debt 13 press; pressgang See 25269248拉夫la1fu1拉夫 14 sports (in tennis, table tennis, etc.) lift (the ball) noun abbreviation = 25267968拉丁美洲la1ding1mei3zhou1拉丁美洲 Latin America verb colloquial empty the bowels 又拉又吐 yòu lā yòu tǔ suffer from vomiting and diarrhea 松手 鬆手 song1//shou3 verb loosen one's grip; let go 抓紧了, 别松手。 Zhuājǐn le, bié sōngshǒu. Hold it tight and don’t let go. 优雅 優雅 you1ya3 adjective graceful; elegant; in good taste 客厅布置得十分优雅。 Kètīng bùzhì de shífēn yōuyǎ. The drawing room was furnished with elegance and taste. 她弹的竖琴优雅动听。 Tā tán de shùqín yōuyǎ dòngtīng. She played the harp beautifully. 欢呼 歡呼 huan1hu1 verb hail; cheer; acclaim 欢呼胜利 Huānhū shènglì hail the victory 长时间的 欢呼 cháng shíjiān de huānhū prolonged cheers (or ovation) 人们站在街道两 旁, 向归来的英雄们欢呼。 Rénmen zhàn zài jiēdào liǎngpáng, xiàng guīlái de yīngxióng menhuānhū. The people lined the streets to hail the returning heroes. 他在一片欢呼声中走上讲台。 Tā zài yī piàn huānhūshēng zhōng zǒu shàng jiǎngtái. He stepped on the platform amidst loud cheers. 扬扬得意 揚揚得意 yang2yang2-de2yi4 idiom be immensely proud with success; look triumphant 她扬扬得意地举起 手来招呼新到的客人。 tā yángyángdéyì de jǔqǐ shǒu lái zhāohu xīndào de kèren. She raised her hand with a self-satisfied gesture to greet some newly- arrived guests. 妙 妙 miao4 adjective 1 wonderful; excellent; fine 妙极了! Miào jíle! Wonderful! Amazing! 这主意真妙。 Zhè zhǔyi zhēn miào. That’s an excellent idea. or What a good idea! 2 ingenious; clever; subtle 深得其中之妙 Shēn de qízhōng zhī miào have got the trick of it; fully appreciate its subtlety 他回答得很妙。 Tā huídá de hěn miào. He gave a clever answer. or His answer was adroit. 预感 預感 yu4gan3 noun premonition; presentiment 不祥的预感 bùxiáng de yùgǎn ominous presentiment verb have a premonition; have forebodings; forebode 预感到灾 难临头 yùgǎn dào zāinàn líntóu have a premonition of disaster 起疑心 起疑心 qi3 yi2xin1 become suspicious 打伞 打傘 da3san3 hold up an umbrella 不时 不時 bu4shi2 adverb 1 frequently; often 他不时来看我。 Tā bù shí lái kàn wǒ. He comes to see me from time to time. 2 at any time See 17977088不时之需 bu4shi2zhi1xu1不时之需 滴答 滴答 di1da5 verb drip 屋顶上的雪化了, 滴答着水。 Wūdǐng shàng de xuě huà le, dī da zhe shuǐ. The snow on the roof melted and dripped down. 透 透 tou4 verb 1 pass through; seep through; penetrate 透过现象看本质 tòuguò xiànxiàng kàn běnzhì see through the appearance to get at the essence 这双鞋 不透水。 Zhè shuāng xié bù tòu shuǐ. These shoes are waterproof. 血从绷带 里透了出来。 Xuè cóng bēngdài lǐ tòu le chūlai. Blood seeped out through the bandage. 阳光透过窗户照进来。 Yángguāng tòuguò chuānghu zhào jìnlai. Sunlight came in through the windows. 这个手钻钻不透这种钢板。 Zhège shǒuzuàn zuān bù tòu zhèzhǒng gāngbǎn. This hand drill cannot penetrate the steel plate. 爱克斯光能透过肌体检查病变。 Àikèsīguāng néng tòuguò jītǐ jiǎnchá bìngbiàn. X-rays can pass through the human body and show internal pathological changes. 2 tell secretly; let out; reveal 透消息 tòu xiāoxi tell sb. news on the quiet 这次谈判一点儿情况也没透出来。 zhècì tánpàn yīdiǎnr qíngkuàng yě méi tòu chūlai. Little was revealed about the talks. 只听他透了 一词半句的, 详细情况还不清楚。 zhǐ tīng tā tòu le yī cí bànjù de, xiángxì qíngkuàng hái bù qīngchu. I only heard the bits and pieces he let out, the details are still unknown. 3 appear; show 白里透红 Bái lǐ tòu hóng white touched with red 他脸上透出幸福的微笑。 Tā liǎnshàng tòuchū xìngfú de wēixiào. A happy smile appeared on his face. 她的一双大眼睛透着机灵。 Tā de yī shuāng dà yǎnjing tòu zhe jīling. Her large eyes show intelligence. adjective fully; completely; thoroughly 恨透 hèntòu be full of hatred for sb.; bitterly hate 火透了 Huǒ tòu le be in a terrible fury 道理讲得很透 Dàoli jiǎng de hěn tòu thoroughly explain one’s reasons; drive the point home 对问题了解 得很透 duì wèntí liǎojiě de hěn tòu have an intimate knowledge of the subject; know the subject inside out 桃熟透了。 Táo shútòu le. The peaches are quite ripe. 雨下透了。 Yǔ xià tòu le. It was a real good soaker. 天已经黑透了。 Tiān yǐjing hēi tòu le. It was completely dark. 我笨透了, 第一次测试都没通 过。 Wǒ bèn tòu le, dì-yī cì cèshì dōu méi tōngguò. I was stupid enough to have failed the first test. 我猜不透他在想什么。 Wǒ cāi bù tòu tā zài xiǎng shénme. I can’t make out what really is in his mind. 这个谱子我记得熟透了。 Zhège pǔzi wǒ jìde shútòu le. I have the score down pat. or I know the music really well. 她这样惹母亲生气, 真是不懂事透了。 Tā zhèyàng rě mǔqin shēngqì, zhēnshì bù dǒngshì tòu le. She’s a very thoughtless girl to upset her mother like that. 云朵 雲朵 yun2duo3 noun flaky clouds; mass of clouds 结论 結論 jie2lun4 noun 1 logic conclusion (of a syllogism) 2 conclusion; verdict 得出结论 déchū jiélùn draw (or come to, reach) a conclusion 对某人的历史作结论 Duì mǒu rén de lìshǐ zuò jiélùn reach an assessment on sb.’s past; pass (official) judgement on sb.’s history 不要忙于下结论。 Bùyào mángyú xià jiélùn. Don’t jump to conclusions. 是否可行, 还不能下结论。 Shì-fǒu kěxíng, hái bùnéng xià jiélùn. Whether this is feasible is still an open question. or Whether or not this can be done is not clear yet. 品种 品種 pin3zhong3 noun 1 biology breed; strain; variety 羊的优良品种 yáng de yōuliáng pǐnzhǒng improved breeds of sheep 小麦优良品种 xiǎomài yōuliáng pǐnzhǒng