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Notatki do artykułu - Jezyk angielski, Notatki z Język angielski

Tekst na poziomie C1, pomocne notatki do prezentacji ,,dlaczego warto mieć zdrową mentalność

Typologia: Notatki


Załadowany 13.11.2020

Jula01 🇵🇱



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Pobierz Notatki do artykułu - Jezyk angielski i więcej Notatki w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! 1st slide So for today’s subject of speech I thought I could talk about the importance of staying mentally strong since I believe that there is always a part in us that feels a little bit unstable. For starters, a crucial fact we have to bear in mind is that having a good mental health is just as important as being physically healthy. the way we function the way we see the world and our role in it is determined by our mental health. Have you ever seen or heard of a pessimistic actor or businessman? the answer is probably not, because people who have gained success are usually happy and positively motivated towards life itself, due to the fact that it was their own optimism that got them to be the person they are today. Of course it’s not easy to change our way of seeing the world, it takes time and determination, it would be awfully less easier if we had a precise recipe for how to become emotionally stable, but unfortunately such a recipe doesn’t exist. However there are many tips that may help us change our attitude and build up the basics of a more fulfilling and less stressful life, because isn’t life itself is already stressful enough, especially in the XXI century. 2nd slide In the article I came across very meaningful words( read the quote). I think it's a heart melting quote, but I am aware of the fact that it’s easier to say to put all our bad emotions at bay, than actually do so, but I strongly believe that each person should try it for their own well-being. We should be a bit like our favorite childhood movie heroes, that never gave up, took no notice of how bad a situation was and just did what they had to do and at the same time avoiding self-pity and dark scenarios. 3rd slide - so what can we do to change our attitude for the better? ect like i said there are no exact instructions on how to be happy and menatlly strong, but there are certain things in life that should get more of our attention than they actually do. 4ht slide Let's start off with avoiding self-pity. Nowadays life can be really unfair, and it’s easy to fall into depression and negative feelings, but strong people don’t take self pity under consideration, they take responsibilities for their choices and actions. To become menatlly strong we have to learn to move on instead of regretting our choices and feeling sorry for ourselves so that others can see how much pain we are in. 5th slide If we allow others to mock us and we let bad words get to us then we will forever have the feeling of being worse than everybody around us, letting someone pull us down and take away our worth will never let us rise and and achieve our life goals. That’s why to be mentally strong we have to be in control of ourselves and be able to ignore pointless remarks and only focus on those that may bring good into our life. 6th slide Being strong means accepting that fact that everything changes, menatlly strong people see change as an opportunity, in contrast to those who are scared to try new things. If we accept change and go with the flow we will always be in a winner's position. 7th slide getting a flat tire or having a flight delayed happens to everybody, we will always find ourselves in situations that are beyond our control, but we shouldn’t stress about them because those things just happen, instead we should focus on things than we can control and that can actually make a difference 8th side from what i’ve experienced this is a key thing to remember. It's good to be kind and helpful, but we have to bear in mind that there is no chance that we will be able to please everybody. It's very important to remember that we as individuals are also very significant and that we matter too, so saying no to someone is okay, because our goals should be a priority 9th slide believing in our possibilities should be a principle, taking a risk with a positive mindset will allow you one day to become the person you wanted to be. if we don't risk things in life then we will never find out what we are actually capable of. 10th slide We all make mistakes, we all have bad memories but many of us tend to keep reliving those moments over and over again, this kind of attitude is misleading. We shouldn’t be afraid of living in the present, because the future may be more promising than the days behind us. 11th slide making mistakes and picking bad decisions is a human thing, but only wise people will be able to admit that what they did was wrong. mentally healthy people will learn from their mistakes to avoid similar ones in the future, whilst the mentally weak ones will end up repeating the same mistake over and over again. 12th slide Not being jealous is a hard posture to achieve nowadays,when the world revolves around money and power, around people who have more and around those who have less, getting rid of jealousy is crucial. when we see a person with a better lifestyle we should see them as an inspiration for our next steps in life, instead of wishing them misfortune. 13th slide a strong and menatlly healthy person will never give up, they will try until they succeed just like a toddler while learning to walk. the ability of getting up after we fall is a charisma only