Pobierz Notatki o książce Życiologia, Brzezińskiego w języku angielskim i więcej Notatki w PDF z Filozofia, poglądy filozofów tylko na Docsity! In Życiaologia, unfortunately or fortunately, we will not find any theories or revolutionary discoveries. Instead, you'll find a lot of thought-provoking content. Contrary to what is included in the subtitle, this is not a book about time management, but rather about managing life, on a fairly general level. We will not find in it methods, techniques and solutions for planning and organizing days, weeks, months or years, we will not learn how to achieve goals or how to fight procastination. However, we will find three Gardens of Life (work, home and you), which we have to take care of ourselves, with limited time. If we devote ourselves too much to one garden, the others will suffer. How to reconcile it? Author places the reader in the role of a gardener who has to take care of his three gardens in such a way that he feels happy and fulfilled. He has a real approach, a "warm" attitude towards oneself. A realistic approach helps us define goals that are achievable, taking into account the environment in which we operate and the resources we have (including time). A "warm" attitude helps us fight our internal criticism, not to worry about comparing with others, it also helps us understand that not everyone at work has to make an outstanding career, not all of us have to find in life it is not known what passions - and yet you can live a happy life. Illustrating human life as a table on three legs, he rightly states that such a table will not wobble. As long as each leg is of the same length. And since three legs are the three gardens of our life, it means that you have to find time to take care of each garden. The first garden is Work. And everyone knows what to do in this garden, but the author asks if time at work is not an escape from time at home for some people. Or before being with yourself. Moreover, it shows that today's work is different from the one in which man has worked for centuries. The second garden, i.e. the House, is also different. Because once a woman raised children among other women, took care of everything in this house, and the man was either in the war or from morning to night in the field or in the factory. Therefore, in today's realities of the house, it is not entirely clear how to arrange it all so that this garden would be beautiful with good feelings and relationships, and not overgrown with weeds of understatement. The author gives many emphatically accurate examples, conversations, quarrels or jostling between characters in the House garden. The third garden that some of us forget is myself. Taking time to nurture the garden of your passion. Or to cherish your time if the reader has not yet discovered his passion. Taking care of yourself in the context of health, but also physical and mental hygiene, because weed infestation in this garden, if it does not lead to a heart attack, probably leads to anger or jealousy at others or, in other words, to the constant energy of lack. Wise time management in life - this is the management that allows us to nurture each of the gardens. Brzeziński does not give simple advice, such as: spend 45 hours a week on work, 20 hours on family, 15 hours on your passions. It shows more that it is worth taking care of the balance between these zones. In his opinion, paradoxically, the greatest lazy are ... workaholics who focus entirely on one of the spheres of life (by the way, in some cases simply pretending to work). Focus only on one garden - it's easy, the real challenge is to find the golden mean between different spheres of life. Importantly, at least for me, Brzeziński does not give us golden advice, does not impose what should / should / must be done. It presents different positions and different consequences, and everyone can choose what they choose. I much prefer such books than guides what specific steps, at what time and how long I have to do to be happy. Lifeology shows us how it is worth taking care of your life, not only so that one of the gardens does not overgrow with weeds, but above all so that each of them in its beauty makes its owner proud. Illustrative quote: “A body that has no stored high-class energy will not get to come up with high-class ideas. Because you can't use the energy that you don't have. " What I appreciate in Brzeziński's books is the presentation of rather non-obvious observations, such as: - compared to home, the world of work is very organized - we usually have strictly assigned roles, responsibilities, resources and goals - at home, taking into account the constantly changing approach to the role of women and men, it is not known how to arrange all this effectively to it worked. The division of duties, which we know even from our family homes, rarely corresponds to the current social reality. The challenge in the family is to organize it all in such a way that it is a good solution for her, for him, for their children. - about relationships with others: The other person can give us a lot, but there are things that only ourselves can give to ourselves. Mindless help is harmful. Sacrificing yourself does not trigger gratitude, but rather claims and anger. - work and home are connected vessels - problems in one of the spheres pose a threat to the other. It is harmful to think about work and home as follows: work is effort, home is relaxation. The house is also a "very task-oriented" place and the sooner we understand it, the better for us and our relationship - thanks to this understanding, we will be able to give up some of the unrealistic assumptions. Notes: Changing the world requires changing people. Man changes more willingly if he is praised for something than criticized. So it is better to praise long and concretely. Keep the criticism short and the praise frequent and specific. We are thinking animals. If there is a stimulus, we have a choice before reacting. In order for the moment of choice to be conscious, it must be trained. Not everyone wants to train it, so