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Informacje i wskazówki

Pisemne formy rozszerzone z języka angielskiego, Notatki z Język angielski

Krótka, zwięzła notatka podsumowująca wszystkie zasady pisania pracy pisemnej rozszerzonej z języka angielskiego (Formal letter, opinion essay, for & against essay i article). Przydatne słówka, zwroty i linking words.

Typologia: Notatki


W sprzedaży od 29.06.2024

HaniQ 🇵🇱

10 dokumenty

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Pobierz Pisemne formy rozszerzone z języka angielskiego i więcej Notatki w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! FORMAL LETTER TOTAL : 200 - 250 Dear Sir/Madame , Dear Mr Smith intro Creason for writing) I am writing to ... becausein conection with ... 30/40 1 & 2 ( Linking words ( Firstly, Secondaly, 1 body Then , 90/108 Suddently , Att in all, Clinking words ( One idea , Also, body However, 2 90/100 On the other hand Finally, summarsummaandmentioningelemen Takingeverything into accouna 30140 Y I look forward to hearing from youO Yours faithfully , Yours sincerely, Y2 FOR & AGAINST ESSAY TOTAL : 200 - 250 BACKGROUND intro Thesis and mentioning element 1 & 2 30/40 On the one hand,... The first argument proving that 'FOR For example, 3 ARGUMENTS body Also, .... Think about .. 2 Each followed by an 90/108 One more issue is that.. EXAMPLE For instance,... On the other hand,... Let us start with the argument that... AGAINST It can be seen in... 3 ARGUMENTS body It can be exemplified by... 1 Each followed by an 90/100 Consider... EXAMPLE Last but not least... Yet another aspect worth mentioning iss... ↑(Summary - > repeat thesis ( Mentioningelements a summary (Your opinion) I personally reckon that ... CONLY HERE : your opinion 30/40 must be the same as arguments in bodya)