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Prace pisemne z języka angielskiego., Publikacje z Język angielski

Dokumenty to kilka prac pisemnych.

Typologia: Publikacje


Załadowany 29.09.2023

natt-ma 🇵🇱

2 dokumenty

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Pobierz Prace pisemne z języka angielskiego. i więcej Publikacje w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! Inventor of the telephone- debate A: Good morning! How are you doing? B: Hello, I’m very well, thank you. What about you? A: Quite shocked, actually. I’ve just read an article that turned my view on some things upside- down. B: I’m listening. A: It’s about a device we are using both right now. B: Telephone, yes? A: Indeed! You see, most people who are familiar with this invention are unaware of its true origin. We believe that Alexander Graham Bell was the first one to build it in 1876. However, the historical fact is that the telephone had been invented five years earlier by an Italian inventor Antonio Meucci. B: Now I am as shocked as you are. So you are saying that Bell only plagiarized Meucci’s invention? Why does he get so much praise and fame then? It doesn’t seem fair at all. A: And it is not. The worst part is that it is not just a rumour or assumption. There is actual evidence that Antonio Meucci invented the telephone, and in 2001 the U.S. Congress passed a resolution recognizing his contribution to the invention of the telephone. B: The way I see it, it is just an example of how corrupted and false the American education system is. I truly understand that twenty or thirty years ago there might had not been enough evidence to confirm Antonio’s contribution and teach these facts in schools, but nowadays we know the truth and yet the educational system rejects it. A: I agree with you, however, it would seem to me that the schools are simplifying history to make it more understandable for the students. I think that it is easier to just put Alexander Graham Bell in the history book, not along with ten different people that contributed to the invention to some degree. If you ask me, it is a good way to make students more interested in history and take some burden away. After all, they cannot learn the whole history of the world. B: I can see your point of view, but I do not agree. If the children are learning history then they ought to learn the truth, not the lies. From my point of view, it is that simple. A: Well, I might agree with you one day. As for now, I have to go to work. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Goodbye! B: Bye!