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Przykładowy test z języka angielskiego, który może się przydać, Notatki z Język angielski

Jest to zadanie ktore może się przydać przy nauce do sprawdzianów

Typologia: Notatki


Załadowany 27.11.2023

zuzia-ttat 🇵🇱

2 dokumenty

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Pobierz Przykładowy test z języka angielskiego, który może się przydać i więcej Notatki w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! UNIT 11 Exercises Read a senience about the present and then write a sentence about the past. Example: Carol usually gets up at 7:30. Yesterday SA8.9a4. 2. BŃ.. TE BO a . Carol usually wakes up early. Yesterday morning . Carol usually walks to work. Yesterday .. . Carol is usually late for work. Yesterday . Carol usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday . Carol usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday evening .. Carol usually sleeps very well. Last night AuAWNH Put one of these verbs in each sentence: hurt teach spend sell throw fall catch buy cost Example: I was hungry, so 1 .Żaughć......... something to eat at the store. 1. Tom's father . him how to drive when he was 17. 2. down the stairs this morning and ..............:4:4:1-4114-11---. his leg. 3. We needed some money, SO WE ...........---.1111.... Our car. 4. Am. a lot of money yesterday. She ......................... a dress that . .$80. 5. Jim „.. the ball to Sue, who ......................... it. Write questions. A friend has just come back from vacation and you are asking about it. Examples: where/ go? „A/heze.d(a.yca.90.2.. food / good? .4/45.4he.6200. Gaad. „ how long/ stay there? ua „ stay in a hotel? . goałone? . „ how/ travel „ the weather / nice? „ what/doin the evenings? ... .. meet any interesting people? Put the verb into the correct form. Use the simple past. Example: 1 .dian" (not/go) to work yesterday because 1..4/254/4..... (not/be) well. 1. TOM aaa aaaaee002. (not/shave) this morning because he ..........-..,........... (not/have) 2. ... (not/eat) anything because we . (not/be) hungry. 3.1.. (not/rush) because I not/be) in a hurry. 4. She.. (not/be) interested in the book because she ...............1.11-11.. (not/understand) it. 23