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Informacje i wskazówki
Informacje i wskazówki

Rozprawka angielskiZalety i wady szukania partnera na portalach społecznościowych, bez opi, Matury próbne z Język angielski

rozprawka z języka angielskiego na temat Zalety i wady szukania partnera na portalach społecznościowych, bez opinii.

Typologia: Matury próbne


Załadowany 11.05.2023

aleksandra-pnv 🇵🇱

1 dokument

Podgląd częściowego tekstu

Pobierz Rozprawka angielskiZalety i wady szukania partnera na portalach społecznościowych, bez opi i więcej Matury próbne w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! Zalety i wady szukania partnera na portalach społecznościowych, bez opinii. Finding a life partner is known to be not very easy. We try to find someone who is like us, and we do not always succeed. Maybe it is worth making things easier and using social networks? What are the pros and cons of finding love partners in Internet? When we looking for love in social networks like Tinder, we need to be careful. People can pretend to be someone they are not. We could be victims of online violence. If someone is weird to us, we just can not answer them. Strangers on the Internet are cheating very often, which is very annoying. But sometimes it makes life very easy to search for soulmate in Internet. One of the most important benefits of online dating is the time saving. We can tell by looks who we interested about and who we do not. We can find the love we like the most. If we like someone, we can go out with them. In addition, many online dating sites offer different types of personality tests and matching tests that can be helpful in selecting potential partners. It is so simple! To sum up, searching for an online partner is very helpful. You have to beware of fraudsters who are known to be something they are not. Also remember that looks are not everything, and to fall in love, you have to know him or her better.