Pobierz rozszerszona rzeczywistosc i więcej Prezentacje w PDF z Informatyka tylko na Docsity! Augmented Reality Chris Baker Comp 4640 What is Augmented Reality? Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer research which deals with the combination of real-world and computer- generated data. Most of the AR research is currently concerned with the use of video imagery which is digitally processed and augmented by adding computer- generated graphics. How does AR Work? The basic idea of augmented reality is to superimpose graphics, audio and other sense enhancements over a real-world environment in real-time. The graphics will then change to accommodate the user’s eye or head movements. Simulated augmented reality medical image What is needed? There are three components needed in order to make an augmented-reality system work: • Head-mounted display • Tracking system • Mobile computing power Current Uses of AR Yellow first down line used on TV broadcasts of football games: • Real world elements: football field and players • Virtual element: the yellow line drawn over the image by computers in real- time Wikitude – AR Travel Guide Mobile travel guide for the Android platform (open source OS for cell phones). Plan a trip or find about current surroundings in real-time. Future of AR Military: • The Office of Naval Research has sponsored AR research • AR system could provide troops with vital information about their surroundings. Medical: • Superimpose an image from an MRI onto a patient’s body. • This might allow surgeons to pinpoint a tumor to remove. Education: • Used in labs where students can learn more about the experiments they are participating in. Future of AR Gaming: • ARQuake is an AR version of the popular game Quake. 1st person shooter that allows the user to run around in the real world while playing a game in the computer generated world. Uses GPS, a hybrid magnetic and interial orientation sensor, gun controller, and a standard laptop carried in a backpack.