Pobierz Słówka z języka angielskiego i więcej Notatki w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! 134 Word List Unit 1 – In Character 1a adventurous \´d"ventS´r´s\ (adj) = risk-taking lubiący przygodę, śmiały, odważny arched \A…tSt\ (adj) = curved łukowaty, wygięty w łuk bossy \"bÅsi\ (adj) = always telling others what to do władczy, apodyktyczny brain \breIn\ (n) = the organ inside the head that controls the body and feelings mózg brave \breIv\ (adj) = showing no fear dzielny, odważny brighten up \ÆbraItn "øp\ (phr v) = to make sth look newer and more pleasant ożywiać, rozświetlać, rozjaśniać bushy \"bUSi\ (adj) = (of hair, beard, etc) very thick bujny, gęsty calm \kA…m\ (adj) = relaxed; not nervous opanowany, spokojny careful \"ke´f´l\ (adj) = paying attention to what you are doing ostrożny, uważny charming \"tSA…mIN\ (adj) = pleasant and attractive czarujący, uroczy cheerful \"tSI´f´l\ (adj) = joyful and enthusiastic radosny, wesoły chubby \"tSøbi\ (adj) = a little fat in a pleasant way pulchny clever \"klev´\ (adj) = intelligent bystry confident \"kÅnfId´nt\ (adj) = sure of yourself and your abilities pewny siebie cruel \"kru…´l\ (adj) = heartless; causing suffering okrutny curious \"kjU´ri´s\ (adj) = wanting to know more and always asking questions ciekawy, zaciekawiony curved \k‰…vd\ (adj) = slightly rounded zaokrąglony, zakrzywiony, wygięty earlobe \"I´l´Ub\ (n) = the soft part at the bottom of the ear płatek ucha elderly \"eld´li\ (adj) = old; past middle-aged starszy, starszawy eyebrow \"aIbraU\ (n) = the thin line of hair above each eye brew famous \"feIm´s\ (adj) = well- known sławny feature \"fi…tS´\ (n) = a part of your face cecha charakterystyczna forehead \"fÅrId\ (n) = the part of the face above the eyebrows czoło friendly \"frendli\ (adj) = pleasant and kind przyjazny, życzliwy funny \"føni\ (adj) = humorous zabawny, śmieszny generous \"dZen´r´s\ (adj) = willing to give hojny, szczodry gentle \"dZentl\ (adj) = calm and kind delikatny, łagodny honest \"ÅnIst\ (adj) = always telling the truth uczciwy, szczery hooked \hUkt\ (adj) = (of a nose) slightly curved haczykowaty, zakrzywiony jealous \"dZel´s\ (adj) = envious of others zazdrosny judge \dZødZ\ (v) = to form an opinion about sb/sth oceniać, osądzać kind \kaInd\ (adj) = caring about other people uprzejmy, życzliwy lazy \"leIzi\ (adj) = unwilling to work or make an effort leniwy lip \lIp\ (n) = each of the two outer parts of the mouth warga look after \"lUk A…ft´\ (phr v) = to take care of sb/sth zajmować się, opiekować się look for \"lUk f´\ (phr v) = to try to find szukać, poszukiwać czegoś look forward to \ÆlUk "fO…w´d tu\ (phr v) = to expect sth with pleasure nie móc się doczekać look up \ÆlUk "øp\ (phr v) = to try to find a word, name, etc in a reference book szukać (np. definicji w słowniku) middle-aged \ÆmIdl "eIdZd\ (adj) = between 45 and 65 years old w średnim wieku patient \"peIS´nt\ (adj) = able to remain calm and not get easily annoyed cierpliwy popular \"pÅpj´l´\ (adj) = well-known and liked by many people popularny, lubiany rectangular \rek"tœNgjUl´\ (adj) = (of a shape) having two short equal sides, two long equal sides and four right angles prostokątny reliable \rI"laI´b´l\ (adj) = trustworthy solidny, rzetelny, wiarygodny rude \ru…d\ (adj) = not polite niegrzeczny, nieprzyzwoity sensible \"sens´b´l\ (adj) = showing good judgment rozsądny serious \"sI´ri´s\ (adj) = sensible and not joking poważny sociable \"s´US´b´l\ (adj) = enjoying being with other people towarzyski tend \tend\ (v) = to be likely to do sth mieć skłonności thick \TIk\ (adj) = (of eyebrows) not thin; bushy krzaczasty, gęsty violent \"vaI´l´nt\ (adj) = using force; aggressive agresywny, gwałtowny 1b by nature (phr) = as a result of inborn or inherent qualities z natury, z charakteru complicated \"kÅmplIkeItId\ (adj) = involving many different parts; difficult to understand skomplikowany, złożony crew \kru…\ (n) = a film team with special skills ekipa (osoby pracujące razem) fairy tale \"fe´ri teIl\ (n) = a fantasy story for children baśń, bajka (coś zmyślonego) glossy \"glÅsi\ (adj) = (of a magazine) printed on shiny high-quality paper ilustrowany (np. magazyn), wydany na błyszczącym, kredowanym papierze physicist \"fIzIsIst\ (n) = a scientist who studies energy, light, natural forces, etc fizyk queue \kju…\ (n) = a line of people waiting for sth kolejka receptionist \rI"sepS´nIst\ (n) = sb whose job is to welcome people in an office/building/ hotel recepcjonista, recepcjonistka reliable \rI"laI´b´l\ (adj) = trustworthy solidny, rzetelny, wiarygodny strict \strIkt\ (adj) = tough with rules and discipline surowy, wymagający update \Æøp"deIt\ (v) = to revise; to improve aktualizować 1c accessories \´k"ses´riz\ (pl n) = additional outfit items such as hats, belts, jewellery, etc akcesoria, dodatki achievement \´"tSi…vm´nt\ (n) = an accomplishment osiągnięcie ankle sock \"œNk´l sÅk\ (n) = a piece of clothing that covers the foot and the ankle skarpeta do kostki beachwear \"bi…tSwe´\ (n) = pieces of clothing that we wear when we go swimming strój plażowy belt \belt\ (n) = a long narrow piece of material worn around the waist pasek, pas blouse \blaUz\ (n) = a type of shirt for women and girls damska bluza bow tie \Æb´U "taI\ (n) = an accessory worn around men's necks that looks like a butterfly mucha (do koszuli) champion \"tSœmpi´n\ (n) = an athlete who has won first prize in a sports competition mistrz cross-country skier \ÆkrÅs "køntri Æski…´\ (n) = an athlete who skis across fields and the countryside biegacz narciarski, biegaczka narciarska 135 fair play \Æfe´ "pleI\ (n) = following the rules in sport czysta gra (bez oszukiwania) footwear \"fUtwe´\ (n) = shoes, boots, trainers, etc obuwie ideal \ÆaI"dI´l\ (n) = a moral standard or principle ideał, wzór inspiring (to sb) \in"spaI´rIN\ (adj) = making people want to try and achieve sth great inspirujący dla kogoś menswear \"menzwe´\ (n) = clothing items for men odzież męska participate (in sth) \pA…"tIsIpeIt\ (v) = to take part in an activity brać (w czymś) udział polka dot \"pÅlk´ dÅt\ (n) = each of the dots of a clothes design kropka (wzór na materiale) polo shirt \"p´Ul´U S‰…t\ (n) = a T-shirt with a collar and two or three buttons koszulka polo polo-neck \"p´Ul´U nek\ (adj) = (of a jumper, etc) with a high neck that folds over golf proudly \"praUdli\ (adv) = feeling pleased about sth you have achieved dumnie, z dumą pullover \"pUlÆ´Uv´\ (n) = a sweater pulower, sweter regularly \"regjUl´li\ (adv) = frequently regularnie, systematycznie silk \sIlk\ (adj) = (of clothes) made of a luxurious, delicate, soft type of cloth jedwabny, wykonany z jedwabiu skinny jeans \ÆskIni "dZi…nz\ (pl n) = a pair of jeans with very narrow legs jeansy z wąskimi nogawkami sportswear \"spO…tswe´\ (n) = clothing items worn when we do sports odzież sportowa stylish \"staIlIS\ (adj) = trendy and attractive stylowy suffer (from sth) \"søf´\ (v) = to experience sth unpleasant cierpieć (z powodu czegoś) sweatshirt \"swetS‰…t\ (n) = a loose piece of clothing for the upper part of the body bluza, górna część dresu tailored suit \ÆteIl´d "su…t\ (n) = a suit made to fit a specific person's body closely garnitur szyty na miarę tracksuit \"trœksu…t\ (n) = the loose trousers and sweatshirt that we wear when we go jogging dres waistcoat \"weIsk´Ut\ (n) = a sleeveless piece of clothing with buttons worn over a shirt kamizelka (część garnituru) womenswear \"wImInzwe´\ (n) = clothing items for women odzież damska Culture 1 checked \tSekt\ (adj) = (of a cloth pattern) with squares of different colours w kratkę clan \klœn\ (n) = a large family group klan cloth \klÅT\ (n) = a material for making clothes tkanina, materiał clothing \"kl´UDIN\ (n) = items of clothes odzież date back (to) \ÆdeIt "bœk\ (phr v) = to have existed since a certain time pochodzić z (jakiegoś okresu w przeszłości) event \I"vent\ (n) = an organised occasion wydarzenie, zdarzenie folds \f´Uldz\ (pl n) = parts of a piece of cloth which overlap one another fałdy (np. tkaniny) funeral \"fju…n´r´l\ (n) = a ceremony for burying a dead person pogrzeb ghillie brogues \ÆgIli "br´Ugz\ (pl n) = a type of traditional Scottish shoes tradycyjne szkockie buty noszone do kiltu hang \hœN\ (v) = to be suspended from sth at a high place wisieć hose \h´Uz\ (n) = a pair of knee-high socks skarpety do kolan kilt pin \"kIlt pIn\ (n) = a special safety pin for holding a Scottish tartan skirt in place przypinka podtrzymująca kilt knee \ni…\ (n) = the joint that connects the upper and lower parts of the leg kolano occasion \´"keIZ´n\ (n) = an important event or celebration okazja, wydarzenie pattern \"pœt´n\ (n) = a design on clothes wzór, deseń, motyw ozdobny pleats \pli…ts\ (pl n) = the folds in a piece of clothing plisy, fałdy (np. w spódnicy) pouch \paUtS\ (n) = a small bag made of cloth sakiewka, mała torba put on \ÆpUt "Ån\ (phr v) = to wear clothes/shoes zakładać, nakładać sporran \"spÅr´n\ (n) = a men's pouch hanging in front of the Scottish kilt futrzana torebka (element szkockiego stroju narodowego) unlike \øn"laIk\ (prep) = being different from sth niepodobny, zupełnie inny wedding \"wedIN\ (n) = a marriage ceremony ceremonia ślubna Unit 2 – Reading Time 2a action and adventure \ÆœkS´n ´nd ´d"ventS´\ (n) = a book full of dangerous and exciting situations akcja i przygoda amusing \´"mju…zIN\ (adj) = entertaining zabawny, rozśmieszający bestseller \Æbest"sel´\ (n) = a book that has sold a lot of copies hit, bestseller (np. książka) biography \baI"Ågr´fi\ (n) = a book about the life of a famous person biografia break a code (phr) = to decode a message złamać kod, rozszyfrować break down \ÆbreIk "daUn\ (phr v) = (of cars, engines, etc) to stop working zepsuć się break into \"breIk Int´\ (phr v) = to get into a building, etc to steal sth włamać się gdzieś break out \ÆbreIk "aUt\ (phr v) = (of wars, fires, storms, etc) to begin suddenly zacząć się gwałtownie, wybuchnąć break up \ÆbreIk "øp\ (phr v) = 1) (of schools) to stop for holidays; 2) to end a relationship 1) kończyć naukę przed feriami lub wakacjami; 2) rozstać się, zerwać ze sobą clever \"klev´\ (adj) = done in a way that shows skill, intelligence and inventiveness bysty comedy \"kÅm´di\ (n) = a book intended to be funny komedia complicated \"kÅmplIkeItId\ (adj) = hard to understand; involving lots of different parts skomplikowany, złożony confusing \k´n"fju…zIN\ (adj) = unclear and difficult to understand niejasny, dezorientujący crime fiction \kraIm\ (n) = a book about a detective and the way they solve a mystery powieść kryminalna depressed \dI"prest\ (adj) = sad and unable to enjoy anything przygnębiony, zasmucony difficult to read (phr) = (of a book, etc) hard to follow or understand (np. o książce) trudna w odbiorze dull \døl\ (adj) = boring; uninteresting nudny, nieciekawy easy to read (phr) = (of a book, etc) requiring little effort to follow or understand (np. o książce) łatwa w odbiorze 138 Word List passenger \"pœs´ndZ´\ (n) = sb who travels on a bus, plane, etc pasażer passport control \"pAspO…t k´nÆtr´Ul\ (n) = (at an airport) the place where authorities check passengers' passports kontrola paszportowa strap \strœp\ (n) = a narrow piece of material for fastening or carrying things pasek Culture 3 amusing \´"mju…zIN\ (adj) = entertaining zabawny, rozśmieszający at the bottom of sth (phr) = at the lowest part of sth na spodzie, na dole czegoś bold \b´Uld\ (adj) = (of colours) very strong odważny, krzykliwy change \tSeIndZ\ (v) = to get off one means of transport and onto another przesiadać się confusing \k´n"fju…zIN\ (adj) = difficult to understand niejasny, dezorientujący curve \k‰…v\ (n) = a bend in a river, a road, a railway line, etc zakręt, łuk, wygięcie diamond \"daI´m´nd\ (n) = a shape with four sides and two sharp ends romb line \laIn\ (n) = a railway track linia kolejowa straight \streIt\ (adj) = not curved prosty symbol \"sImb´l\ (n) = sth that represents a place or idea symbol underground railway \Æønd´graUnd ÆreIlweI\ (n) = a railway system under the earth's surface metro Values A: Philanthropy announce \´"naUns\ (v) = to make a public statement about sth ogłaszać, oznajmiać, obwieszczać borrow \"bÅr´U\ (v) = to take sth which you are expected to return at a later time pożyczać coś od kogoś fortune \"fO…tS´n\ (n) = a large amount of money and wealth fortuna, majątek invest \In"vest\ (v) = to put money into sth inwestować project \"prÅdZekt\ (n) = a detailed study on sth in order to build or make it projekt Public Speaking Skills A cheeky \"tSi…ki\ (adj) = rather impolite bezczelny confidently \"kÅnfId´ntli\ (adv) = in a way that shows that you feel sure about your own abilities, ideas, etc pewnie, z wiarą w siebie fairy \"fe´ri\ (n) = a female imaginary creature with wings that has magical powers wróżka independent spirit (phr) = sb who is confident and able to do things by himself/ herself, and who doesn't rely on other people's opinions niezależna osoba nurse \n‰…s\ (n) = sb whose job is to look after sick people in a hospital pielęgniarka trunk \trøNk\ (n) = the body of the tree without its branches pień Unit 4 – Hard Times 4a active \"œktIv\ (adj) = always enjoying doing things aktywny, ruchliwy, czynny afford \´"fO…d\ (v) = to have enough money to be able to do sth pozwalać sobie na coś, mieć na coś pieniądze anxious (about sth) \"œNkS´s\ (adj) = worried about sth zaniepokojony (czymś), pełen obaw (o coś) attract \´"trœkt\ (v) = to cause people to come to a place przyciągać (np. ludzi) become unemployed (phr) = to lose one's job zostać bezrobotnym believe (in sb/sth) \bI"li…v\ (v) = to be certain that sb/ sth is effective and reliable wierzyć (w kogoś/coś) bill \bIl\ (n) = a piece of paper showing the money you owe for goods or services rachunek cause \kO…z\ (n) = the reason why sth happens przyczyna, powód CV \Æsi "vi…\ (n) = a written statement of sb's education and work experience życiorys zawodowy, CV day care \"deI ke´\ (n) = the supervision provided to babies/young children when their parents are at work opieka nad dzieckiem divorce \dI"vO…s\ (n) = the end of a marriage by law rozwód financial problem (phr) = lack of money problem finansowy, brak pieniędzy fundraising event \"føndreIzIN IÆvent\ (n) = an event for collecting money for a charity wydarzenie organizowane w celu zebrania pieniędzy give up \ÆgIv "øp\ (phr v) = to stop hoping or trying poddać się, zrezygnować illness \"Iln´s\ (n) = a disease choroba let sb go (phr) = to tell sb to leave their job pozwolić komuś odejść miserable \"mIz´r´b´l\ (adj) = very unhappy smutny, przygnębiony, ponury miss \mIs\ (v) = to be unable to take advantage of (an opportunity) ominąć, przegapić move house (phr) = to leave present home and go to live in a different one przeprowadzać się personal information (phr) = details about yourself such as name, address, date of birth, etc dane osobowe pile up \ÆpaIl "øp\ (phr v) = to accumulate gromadzić się, piętrzyć się positive attitude (phr) = feeling hopeful and confident that things will be ok pozytywne nastawienie professional networking site (phr) = a website that connects people with potential employers strona internetowa przeznaczona do nawiązania i utrzymania kontaktów zawodowych promotion \pr´"m´US´n\ (n) = getting a more important position in your job awans proud (of sth) \praUd\ (adj) = very pleased about sth you have done być dumnym z czegoś quit \kwIt\ (v) = to leave a job odchodzić, rezygnować reason \"ri…z´n\ (n) = the fact why sth happens powód, przyczyna retire \rI"taI´\ (v) = to stop working because of old age przejść na emeryturę separation \Æsep´"reIS´n\ (n) = a husband and wife living separately seperacja, rozłąka serious injury (phr) = suffering severe physical or mental harm poważny uraz start a new job (phr) = to find a new job and begin to work there zacząć nową pracę take after \"teIk A…ft´\ (phr v) = to have the same appearance or character as sb być podobnym do kogoś, wdać się w kogoś take exams (phr) = to sit examinations pisać egzaminy take off \ÆteIk "Åf\ (phr v) = 1) to remove clothes; 2) (of planes) to leave the ground 1) zdjąć (np. ubranie); 2) startować (o samolocie) take over \ÆteIk "´Uv´\ (phr v) = to gain control of sth objąć, przejąć take up \ÆteIk "øp\ (phr v) = 1) to begin a hobby, sport, etc; 2) to fill (time, space) 1) zacząć (np. uprawiać sport); 2) zajmować czas, miejsce think \TINk\ (v) = to have a certain opinion about sb/ sth uważać, myśleć, sądzić useful \"ju…sf´l\ (adj) = that can help or serve a purpose użyteczny, przydatny 139 volunteer \ÆvÅl´n"tI´\ (v) = to offer to work without getting paid zgłosić się na ochotnika 4b audience \"O…di´ns\ (n) = a group of people watching a play, a film, a concert, etc publiczność, widownia backpacking \"bœkÆpœkIN\ (n) = travelling with little money and a bag on your back podróżowanie z plecakiem change of plan (phr) = a different decision zmiana planu crowd \kraUd\ (n) = a large number of people together tłum dentist \"dentIst\ (n) = the doctor who takes care of people's teeth dentysta, dentystka exhibition \ÆeksI"bIS´n\ (n) = a public show of paintings, sculptures, photographs, etc wystawa (np. w muzeum) fall asleep (phr) = to start sleeping zasnąć, zasypiać fear (of sth) \fI´\ (n) = the feeling of being afraid of sth strach (przed czymś) landing \"lœndIN\ (n) = (of a plane) returning to the ground lądowanie opening ceremony \Æ´Up´nIN "ser´m´ni\ (n) = a formal social event marking the beginning of sth ceremonia otwarcia surgery \"s‰…dZ´ri\ (n) = a doctor's office gabinet lekarski take-off \"teIk Åf\ (n) = (of a plane) departure start samolotu text \tekst\ (v) = to send a message on a mobile phone wysyłać wiadomość tekstową 4c anxiety \œN"zaI´ti\ (n) = worry; nervousness niepokój, obawa avoid (doing sth) \´"vOId\ (v) = to choose not to do sth unikać (robienia czegoś) breathe \bri…D\ (v) = to let air into and out of the lungs oddychać bug \bøg\ (n) = a small insect insekt, robak change \tSeIndZ\ (v) = to make sth different zmieniać, odmieniać closed space (phr) = a place with blocked entry or exit zamknięta przestrzeń consider \k´n"sId´\ (v) = to take into account rozważać, brać pod uwagę control my fear (phr) = to be able to remain calm and not get afraid panować nad swoim strachem damage \"dœmIdZ\ (v) = to cause harm to sth niszczyć, uszkodzić deal with \"di…l wID\ (phr v) = to try to solve a problem radzić sobie z czymś, mieć z czymś do czynienia develop \dI"vel´p\ (v) = to start suffering from an illness zachorować na empty \"empti\ (v) = (of a place) to get abandoned pustoszeć face my fears (phr) = to confront and overcome my fears of certain things stawić czoła własnym lękom feel (terribly) sick (phr) = to be very ill czuć się okropnie flying \"flaIIN\ (n) = travelling by air latanie focus (on sb/sth) \"f´Uk´s\ (v) = to give my attention to sb/sth skupiać się (na kimś/czymś) freeze \fri…z\ (v) = to stop moving completely zastygać w bezruchu freeze up \Æfri…z "øp\ (phr v) = to not be able to say sth because you feel uncomfortable zamilknąć height \haIt\ (n) = a high place wysokość hurt \h‰…t\ (v) = to cause pain or injury to sb zranić, sprawiać ból metre \"mi…t´\ (n) = 100 centimetres metr (miara) my hair stands on end (idm) = I feel extremely frightened włos jeży mi się na głowie, włosy stanęły mi dęba my hands sweat (phr) = my hands are covered with drops of liquid coming out through the skin ręcę mi się pocą my heart beats faster (phr) = my heart moves more quickly than normal moje serce bije szybciej my mouth goes dry (phr) = my mouth loses all its liquid (due to great fear) zasycha mi w ustach pessimistic \Æpes´"mIstIk\ (adj) = thinking that only bad things will happen pesymistyczny phobia \"f´Ubi´\ (n) = an extreme and unreasonable fear fobia, lęk presentation \Æprez´n"teIS´n\ (n) = a piece of work that you show to other people prezentacja professional help (phr) = assistance from an expert fachowa pomoc public speaking \ÆpøblIk "spi…kIN\ (n) = the act of giving a speech to an audience wystąpienie publiczne realise \"rI´laIz\ (v) = to understand correctly zdać sobie sprawę z czegoś, uświadamiać sobie coś run a mile (idm) = to do my best to avoid sth uciekać najdalej jak się da safety equipment \"seIfti IÆkwIpm´nt\ (n) = all the clothes, tools, machines, etc necessary for protection wyposażenie ochronne shake like a leaf (phr) = to tremble a lot (due to great fear) trząść się jak osika smell \smel\ (v) = to give off a certain smell wąchać, pachnieć, wydzielać zapach stay \steI\ (v) = to remain in a place for some time zatrzymać się storm \stO…m\ (n) = bad weather with lightning, thunder and heavy rain burza, nawałnica sympathise (with sb) \"sImp´TaIz\ (v) = to show that you can understand sb's bad feelings współczuć, komuś tip \tIp\ (n) = a piece of advice wskazówka, rada wet \wet\ (v) = to cover or soak sth in water zwilżyć, zmoczyć Culture 4 brave \breIv\ (adj) = courageous odważny bug \bøg\ (n) = a small insect insekt, robak creepy-crawly \Ækri…pi "krO…li\ (n) = a small insect that can scare you robal, robactwo exciting \Ik"saItIN\ (adj) = very interesting pasjonujący, ekscytujący, emocjonujący forget \f´"get\ (v) = to not remember sth zapominać giant \"dZaI´nt\ (adj) = very big gigantyczny highlight \"haIlaIt\ (n) = the most interesting part of an event główna atrakcja host \h´Ust\ (v) = to provide the place and facilities for an event być gospodarzem local \"l´Uk´l\ (adj) = living in the area that we're talking about lokalny, miejscowy rare \re´\ (adj) = scarce; unusual rzadki sample \"sA…mp´l\ (n) = a small amount of sth for testing próbka up close \"øp kl´Us\ (adv) = from a close distance z bliska, z bliskiej odleglości wonder \"wønd´\ (v) = to ask myself about sth zastanawiać się Unit 5 – Citizen 2100 5a alone \´"l´Un\ (adj) = without anyone else samotny, samotna 140 Word List charging station \"tSA…dZIN ÆsteIS´n\ (n) = a place that supplies electric power for recharging electric vehicles stacja ładowania samochodów elektrycznych come across \"køm ´krÅs\ (phr v) = to meet/find sb/ sth by chance natknąć się, napotkać come back \Ækøm "bœk\ (phr v) = to return wracać, powracać come into \"køm Int´\ (phr v) = to inherit dziedziczyć, dostać w spadku come over \Ækøm "´Uv´\ (phr v) = to visit przyjeżdżać, wpadać come round \Ækøm "raUnd\ (phr v) = to visit przyjść, wpaść z wizytą construct \k´n"strøkt\ (v) = to build sth budować, konstruować create \kri"eIt\ (v) = to generate sth tworzyć crowded \"kraUdId\ (adj) = with too many people zatłoczony deliver\dI"lIv´\ (v) = to take sth to a particular place or person dostarczać, doręczać drone delivery \"dr´Un dIÆlIv´ri\ (n) = bringing goods to sb's place using a small, remote-controlled aircraft dostawa przy pomocy drona floating \"fl´UtIN\ (adj) = that can stay on the surface of a liquid pływający, unoszący się na powierzchni improve \Im"pru…v\ (v) = to make sth better poprawiać, ulepszać, udoskonalać increase \In"kri…s\ (v) = to become bigger in amount wzrastać, przerastać lonely \"l´Unli\ (adj) = sad because of being alone samotny, samotna perfect \"p‰…fIkt\ (adj) = ideal perfekcyjny, doskonały produce \pr´"dju…s\ (v) = to make sth produkować, tworzyć provide (sth to sb) \pr´"vaId\ (v) = to supply sth to sb; to make sth available to sb dostarczać, zapewniać (coś komuś) reduce \rI"dju…s\ (v) = to make sth less in amount redukować, obniżać self-driving bus (phr) = a large vehicle without a driver that can carry a lot of passengers samojezdny autobus solar window \Æs´Ul´ "wInd´U\ (n) = a window which has a panel to absorb the sun's rays and generate electric power okna wyposażone w panele słoneczne take up space (phr) = to occupy a certain amount of an area zajmować, zabierać miejsce 3D-printed \ÆTri… "di… ÆprIntId\ (adj) = produced with the use of a machine in a three-dimensional form wydrukowane na drukarce 3D traffic jam \"trœfIk ÆdZœm\ (n) = a big number of vehicles unable to move, or moving very slowly korek drogowy, zator transport \trœn"spO…t\ (v) = to take people or goods from one place to another transportować, przewozić vacuum tube train \Ævœkju´m "tju…b treIn\ (n) = a high- speed train that travels on a magnetic track through a tunnel from which air has been removed superszybki pociąg poruszający się w rurze próżniowej vertical farm (phr) = each portion of land for raising crops one on top of the other in a skyscraper pionowe gospodarstwo rolne 5b install \In"stO…l\ (v) = to put sth into position and make it ready for use instalować, umieszczać pick up \ÆpIk "øp\ (phr v) = to collect sb from a place in a car, etc odebrać kogoś, zabrać kogoś (samochodem) project-based \"prÅdZekt ÆbeIst\ (adj) = (of homework) mainly involving careful study and research of a specific subject oparty na metodzie projektu sales department \"seIlz dIÆpA…tm´nt\ (n) = the department of a firm in charge of selling its products or services dział sprzedaży VR headset \Ævi… "A… Æhedset\ (n) = a device with which a user covers his/her eyes and its computer technology enables him/her to physically experience imaginary worlds zastaw do wirtualnej rzeczywistości wish sb luck (phr) = to tell sb that you hope they will be successful życzyć komuś powodzenia 5c advanced technology (phr) = cutting-edge machinery and equipment zaawansowana technologia affordable \´"fO…d´b´l\ (adj) = reasonably priced w przystępnej cenie body function \"bÅdi ÆføNkS´n\ (n) = a series of operations that each organ of the body performs czynność życiowa contract \"kÅntrœkt\ (n) = a written agreement between an employer and an employee kontrakt, umowa crime \kraIm\ (n) = illegal activities in general punished by law przestępczość criminal \"krImIn´l\ (n) = sb who does sth illegal przestępca, kryminalista cure \kjU´\ (n) = a medicine or therapy that makes sb healthy again lekarstwo, lek disabled \dIs"eIb´ld\ (adj) = physically or mentally impaired niepełnosprawny elderly \"eld´li\ (adj) = old starszy, w podeszłym wieku gain weight (phr) = to become heavier przytyć, przybrać na wadze health care \"helT ke´\ (n) = the medical services of a country or region opieka zdrowotna, opieka medyczna heart disease \"hA…t dIÆzi…z\ (n) = a medical condition in which the organ of the body that pumps blood does not work normally choroba serca medical attention (phr) = getting treatment from a doctor opieka lekarska monitor \"mÅnIt´\ (v) = to keep track of sth obserwować, monitorować obesity \´U"bi…s´ti\ (n) = the state of being unhealthily overweight otyłość pollution levels (phr) = the amounts of harmful substances released in the air that cause harm to the environment poziomy zanieczyszczenia poverty \"pÅv´ti\ (n) = the state of being extremely poor bieda, ubóstwo regular \"regjUl´\ (adj) = ordinary normalny, zwykły soil \sOIl\ (n) = the top layer of the earth in which plants grow gleba, ziemia space travel \"speIs Ætrœv´l\ (n) = a journey outside the Earth's atmosphere podróż kosmiczna suffer (from sth) \"søf´\ (v) = to experience pain or unpleasant emotions cierpieć (na coś) surgery \"s‰…dZ´ri\ (n) = an operation operacja wearable device \Æwe´r´b´l dI"vaIs\ (n) = a gadget such as a smart watch, etc that you can put on your wrist or other parts of your body urządzenie, które nosi się na sobie (np. smartwatch) 143 deep \di…p\ (adj) = great głęboki, poważny drop out (of sth) \ÆdrÅp "aUt\ (phr v) = to withdraw from a course of study at a university, etc porzucić coś release \rI"li…s\ (v) = to launch a film, CD, etc for people to see or buy wypuścić, wydawać, opublikować run \røn\ (v) = to manage a company, an organisation, etc prowadzić (np. firmę) Unit 7 – Narrow Escapes 7a alive \´"laIv\ (adj) = not dead żywy avalanche \"œv´lA…ntS\ (n) = a large amount of snow rolling down a mountainside lawina beat \bi…t\ (v) = to hit sth uderzać calm \kA…m\ (adj) = relaxed; not nervous spokojny, opanowany cancel \"kœns´l\ (v) = to say that sth planned will not happen anulować, odwołać conditions \k´n"dIS´nz\ (pl n) = circumstances warunki discover \dIs"køv´\ (v) = to find sb/sth that you were looking for odkryć, odnaleźć earthquake \"‰…TkweIk\ (n) = a sudden violent movement of the Earth's surface trzęsienie ziemi effort \"ef´t\ (n) = the physical activity required to achieve sth wysiłek, trud explore \Ik"splO…\ (v) = to travel around a place to learn about it eksplorować, zwiedzać explosion \Ik"spl´UZ´n\ (n) = a sudden violent burst of energy eksplozja, wybuch fire \faI´\ (n) = a blaze pożar flood \flød\ (n) = a large amount of water covering a dry area powódź gear \gI´r\ (n) = equipment sprzęt heavy snowfall (phr) = snow falling in large quantities intensywne opady śniegu hit \hIt\ (v) = (of a hurricane, earthquake, etc) to have a severe effect on sb/sth uderzać ignore \Ig"nO…\ (v) = to not pay attention to sb/sth ignorować, lekceważyć, nie reagować na coś injure \"IndZ´\ (v) = to cause physical harm to sb ranić, kaleczyć knock (on sth) \nÅk\ (v) = to hit a door/window with your hand in order to attract the attention of the people inside pukać (w coś) lava \"lA…v´\ (n) = hot molten rock coming out of a volcano lawa meanwhile \"minwaIl\ (adv) = while another thing is happening w międzyczasie narrow \"nœr´U\ (adj) = small in width wąski promise \"prÅmIs\ (v) = to give sb your word obiecywać, dawać słowo put off \ÆpUt "Åf\ (phr v) = to postpone odłożyć coś, przełożyć coś put on \ÆpUt "Ån\ (phr v) = to cover part of one's body with clothes, shoes, etc zakładać; przytyć, przybrać (na wadze) put out \ÆpUt "aUt\ (phr v) = to stop a fire burning zgasić, ugasić (ogień) put up \ÆpUt "øp\ (phr v) = to let sb stay in your house przenocować kogoś recover \rI"køv´\ (v) = to become healthy again dochodzić do siebie, powracać do zdrowia rescue \"reskju…\ (n) = the act of saving sb from harm or danger ratunek rubble \"røb´l\ (n) = the pieces of a building that has collapsed or been destroyed gruzy shake \SeIk\ (v) = to make short quick movements trząść się spread \spred\ (v) = to expand and cover a large area rozpościerać się, rozprzestrzeniać się strike \straIk\ (v) = to hit sb/ sth forcefully uderzać supplies \s´"plaIz\ (pl n) = food and equipment necessary for living zaopatrzenie, prowiant survive \s´"vaIv\ (v) = to remain alive przetrwać, przeżyć thunderstorm \"Tønd´stO…m\ (n) = bad weather with a lot of rain and thunder burza tie \taI\ (v) = to fasten together with a knot związywać trap \trœp\ (v) = to prevent sb from leaving a place uwięzić typhoon \ÆtaI"fu…n\ (n) = a very violent tropical storm tajfun unhurt \øn"h‰…t\ (adj) = not injured nieuszkodzony volcanic eruption \vÅlÆkœnIk I"røpS´n\ (n) = a sudden explosion of a volcano erupcja wulkanu warning sign \ÆwO…nIN "saIn\ (n) = a message informing of danger znak ostrzegawczy 7b board \bO…d\ (v) = to get on a bus, plane, boat, etc wsiąść do brand-new \Æbrœnd "nju…\ (adj) = used for the first time nowiutki, nieużywany crew \kru…\ (n) = the people who work on a ship/plane załoga deck \dek\ (n) = a flat open surface on a ship pokład statku iceberg \"aIsb‰…g\ (n) = a large mass of ice floating in the sea góra lodowa lifeboat \"laIfb´Ut\ (n) = a boat kept on a ship to be used in emergencies szalupa, łódź ratunkowa on board (phr) = on a boat or plane na pokładzie passenger \"pœs´ndZ´\ (n) = sb travelling on a bus, plane, train, etc pasażer snow chains \"sn´U tSeInz\ (pl n) = a set of chains that help the car to move over snow safely łańcuchy antypoślizgowe victim \"vIktIm\ (n) = sb injured or killed in an accident or attack ofiara volcano \vÅl"keIn´U\ (n) = a mountain out of which molten rock, ashes and gases burst wulkan 7c ambulance service (phr) = the organisation that provides special vans for taking people to hospital in case of emergency usługi ratunkowe ankle \"œNk´l\ (n) = the joint connecting the foot with the leg kostka u nogi burn \b‰…n\ (n) = an injury caused by fire or heat oparzenie carry out \Ækœri "aUt\ (phr v) = to perform a task przeprowadzać (np. badanie) cave rescue service (phr) = the expert organisation that helps injured, trapped or lost cave explorers ratownictwo jaskiniowe crime \kraIm\ (n) = an illegal action przestępstwo, zbrodnia eyewitness \"aIwItn´s\ (n) = sb who has seen a crime or accident happen naoczny świadek fire service \"faI´ Æs‰…vIs\ (n) = the organisation responsible for putting out fires straż pożarna giant \"dZaI´nt\ (adj) = enormous; very big gigantyczny government \"gøv´nm´nt\ (n) = the group of people who rule a country rząd let in \Ælet "In\ (phr v) = to allow sb/sth to enter wpuścić medical emergency (phr) = an unexpected critical condition of sb's health nagły przypadek 144 Word List mountain rescue service (phr) = the expert organisation that helps injured or lost people in the mountains ratownictwo górskie repair \rI"pe´\ (n) = the act of fixing sth damaged naprawa rip through \"rIp Tru…\ (phr v) = to destroy a place completely by moving forcefully through it zdewastować runway \"rønweI\ (n) = the long road in an airport where aeroplanes take off and land pas startowy rush (sb somewhere) \røS\ (v) = to take sb to a place very quickly przetransportować (kogoś) w szybkim tempie severe \sI"vI´\ (adj) = very serious; extremely bad poważny, ciężki speedboat \"spi…db´Ut\ (n) = a fast motorboat wyścigowa łódź motorowa summit \"sømIt\ (n) = the top of a mountain szczyt, wierzchołek suspiciously \s´"spIS´sli\ (adv) = in a way that causes sb to think that sth wrong is happening podejrzanie the coastguard \D´ "k´UstgA…d\ (n) = the organisation that helps swimmers and ships in danger and prevents crime at sea straż przybrzeżna the police \D´ p´"li…s\ (n) = the organisation that prevents crime and arrests criminals policja Culture 7 blow up \Æbl´U "øp\ (phr v) = to destroy sth with explosives wysadzić (przy pomocy materiałów wybuchowych) break out \ÆbreIk "aUt\ (phr v) = to start all of a sudden wybuchnąć (np. o epidemii) careless \"ke´l´s\ (adj) = without paying attention nieuważny cure \kjU´\ (n) = a remedy or a treatment for a disease lekarstwo, lek disaster \dI"zA…st´\ (n) = a catastrophe; a sudden tragic event katastrofa, klęska guard \gA…d\ (n) = sb whose job is to protect people, places, buildings, etc strażnik, ochroniarz gunpowder \"gønÆpaUd´\ (n) = an explosive substance in the form of fine grains used in bombs and fireworks proch strzelniczy high society \ÆhaI s´"saI´ti\ (n) = the rich and powerful people who form the upper class of a society klasa wyższa, śmietanka towarzyska knock down \ÆnÅk "daUn\ (phr v) = to completely destroy a building powalić, zniszczyć put out \ÆpUt "aUt\ (phr v) = to stop sth from burning zgasić, ugasić (ogień) royal court \ÆrOI´l "kO…t\ (n) = the home of a king and queen dwór królewski ruin \"ru…In\ (n) = what is left of a damaged building, area, etc ruina spread \spred\ (v) = (of a disease) to affect more and more people rozprzestrzeniać się trade \treId\ (n) = the activity of buying and selling goods and services handel Unit 8 – Learning & Earning 8a banker \"bœNk´\ (n) = sb who owns or manages a bank bankier, bankowiec breathing equipment \"bri…DIN IÆkwIpm´nt\ (n) = devices that help you breathe underwater sprzęt potrzebny do oddychania pod wodą carry off \Ækœri "Åf\ (phr v) = to succeed in doing sth difficult poradzić sobie carry on \Ækœri "Ån\ (phr v) = to continue doing sth kontynuować, robić coś dalej carry out \Ækœri "aUt\ (phr v) = to perform (a task) przeprowadzać (np. badanie w laboratorium) cleaner \"kli…n´\ (n) = sb whose job is to clean buildings osoba sprzątająca contract \k´n"trœkt\ (n) = a legal agreement between two or more people kontrakt, umowa director \d´"rekt´\ (n) = sb whose job is to tell actors how to play their parts reżyser earn \‰…n\ (v) = to receive money from work zarabiać engineer \ÆendZI"nI´\ (n) = a scientist whose job is to design and build houses, machines, etc inżynier farmer \"fA…m´\ (n) = sb whose job is to grow crops and keep animals rolnik flooding \"flødIN\ (n) = water covering an area due to heavy rain powódź full-time \ÆfUl "taIm\ (adv) = working the standard number of hours per week na cały etat hold my breath (phr) = to keep air inside my lungs without letting it out wstrzymać oddech indoors \ÆIn"dO…z\ (adv) = inside a place w środku, w budynku journalist \"dZ‰…n´lIst\ (n) = a reporter dziennikarz librarian \laI"bre´ri´n\ (n) = a professional who works in a library bibliotekarz, bibliotekarka life form \"laIf fO…m\ (n) = a type of a living thing żywy organizm mountain guide \"maUntIn ÆgaId\ (n) = a professional who leads and instructs climbers przewodnik górski outdoors \ÆaUt"dO…z\ (adv) = outside a place na zewnątrz, poza domem overalls \"´Uv´rO…lz\ (pl n) = a one-piece garment for manual labour kombinezon roboczy oyster \"OIst´\ (n) = a type of shellfish ostryga peak \pi…k\ (n) = the top of a mountain szczyt, wierzchołek góry pearl diver \"p‰…l daIv´\ (n) = sb whose job is to swim to the bottom of the sea in order to find and pick shells that have a valuable jewel inside poławiacz pereł poisonous \"pOIz´n´s\ (adj) = containing a substance that can cause death trujący possibility \ÆpÅs´"bIl´ti\ (n) = likelihood możliwość, prawdopodobieństwo publisher \"pøblIS´\ (n) = sb or a company that produces books, magazines, newspapers, etc wydawnictwo, wydawca pure \pju´\ (adj) = complete czysty, prawdziwy receptionist \rI"sepS´nIst\ (n) = sb whose job is to welcome and help in a hotel, office, hospital, etc recepcjonista, recepcjonistka regular hours (phr) = normal working hours stałe godziny pracy responsible (for sth/sb) \rI"spÅns´b´l\ (adj) = in charge of sth/sb odpowiedzialny (za coś/ kogoś) risky \"rIski\ (adj) = dangerous ryzykowny, niebezpieczny rockslide \"rÅkslaId\ (n) = a mass of rocks falling down a hillside lawina kamieni salary \"sœl´ri\ (n) = the money earned from a job in a month or year pensja, wynagrodzenie shift \SIft\ (n) = a part of a working day zmiana (w pracy) snow goggles \"sn´U gÅg´lz\ (pl n) = a type of glasses for the protection of eyes when you are in a snowy place gogle śnieżne, narciarskie okulary ochronne 145 speleologist \Æspi…li"Ål´dZIst\ (n) = a scientist who explores and studies caves speleolog (osoba zajmująca się badaniem jaskiń) surface \"s‰…fIs\ (n) = the top of the sea powierzchnia temporary \"temp´r´ri\ (adj) = not permanent tymczasowy tiny \"taIni\ (adj) = very small malutki, niewielki tricky \"trIki\ (adj) = confusing and difficult podchwytliwy, zawiły uniform \"ju…nIfO…m\ (n) = a special set of clothes that some people have to wear to work mundur, uniform wages \"weIdZIz\ (pl n) = the money earned from a job according to the number of hours, days or weeks that sb has worked płaca, zarobki watch out for (sth) \ÆwÅtS "aUt f´\ (phr v) = to look out for sth uważać na, zwracać uwagę na well-paid \Æwel "peId\ (adj) = earning a lot of money dobrze płatny win \wIn\ (v) = to get the first place in a game, competition, etc wygrać, zwyciężyć 8b apply (for sth) \´"plaI\ (v) = to ask for sth officially składać podanie, ubiegać się (o coś) be stuck (in sth) (phr) = to be trapped (in a bad situation) utknąć bill \bIl\ (n) = a piece of paper showing how much we should pay for goods or services rachunek canteen \kœn"ti…n\ (n) = a cafeteria in a school, factory, etc stołówka deadline \"dedlaIn\ (n) = the time by which sth must be finished ostateczny termin deal with \"di…l wID\ (phr v) = to interact with sb as part of your job radzić sobie z czymś, mieć z czymś do czynienia delete \dI"li…t\ (v) = to remove data from a computer kasować, usuwać embarrassing \Im"bœr´sIN\ (adj) = causing shame wprawiający w zakłopotanie, zawstydzający pay \peI\ (n) = the money sb earns from their job wynagrodzenie, płaca professional \pr´"feS´n´l\ (adj) = expert in your job profesjonany, zawodowy project \"prÅdZekt\ (n) = a piece of work about a subject assigned by sb projekt promotion \pr´"m´US´n\ (n) = getting a more important position in your job awans staff \stA…f\ (n) = all the people who work at a place kadra, pracownicy training course \"treInIN kO…s\ (n) = a period of study in which you acquire the skills for a specific job szkolenie 8c advanced \´d"vA…nst\ (adj) = at a higher, more difficult level zaawansowany antisocial \ÆœntI"s´US´l\ (adj) = not allowing you to meet and spend time with other people niesprzyjający kontaktom towarzyskim certificate \s´"tIfIk´t\ (v) = a document proving that you've completed a course of study or training świadectwo, zaświadczenie, certyfikat closely \"kl´Usli\ (adv) = in a way that shows a strong connection between two or more people w bliskim kontakcie, ściśle course \kO…s\ (n) = a series of lessons kurs, program degree \dI"gri…\ (n) = a qualification given on completion of a university course stopień naukowy demanding \dI"mA…ndIN\ (adj) = very difficult wymagający experience \Ik"spI´ri´ns\ (n) = knowledge and skill gained by doing sth regularly doświadczenie humanity \hju…"mœn´ti\ (n) = all the people in general ludzkość lecturer \"lektS´r´\ (n) = a university teacher of the lowest rank wykładowca lose a patient (phr) = (of a doctor) to not be able to prevent a patient from dying stracić pacjenta (nie uratować mu życia) marine biologist \m´Æri…n baI"Ål´dZIst\ (n) = a scientist who studies the sea and the organisms living in it biolog morski mark \mA…k\ (n) = a grade for school work ocena personal trainer \Æp‰…s´n´l "treIn´\ (n) = a physical education instructor who helps individuals become fit trener osobisty porter \"pO…t´\ (n) = a hotel employee who carries guests' luggage bagażowy, portier qualification \ÆkwÅlIfI"keIS´n\ (n) = a particular skill in or knowledge of a subject; a diploma or degree kwalifikacja, predyspozycja qualify \"kwÅlIfaI\ (v) = to obtain knowledge and abilities to do a job kwalifikować się, nadawać się script \skrIpt\ (n) = the written text of a play, film, TV series, etc scenariusz, skrypt security guard \sI"kjU´r´ti gA…d\ (n) = sb whose job is to protect a building and its people strażnik, ochroniarz set up \Æset "øp\ (phr v) = to prepare the necessary equipment for an activity organizować, przygotowywać shot \SÅt\ (n) = the particular position in which a cameraman films sb/sth ujęcie (w filmie) stressful \"stresf´l\ (adj) = causing worry and anxiety stresujący surgeon \"s‰…dZ´n\ (n) = a doctor who performs operations on patients chirurg training \"treInIN\ (n) = practice szkolenie Culture 8 affect \´"fekt\ (v) = to have a consequence on sth mieć wpływa na attack \´"tœk\ (v) = to use violence against sb/sth atakować, napadać, nacierać ceremony \"ser´m´ni\ (n) = a formal event to celebrate sth ceremonia, uroczystość disease \dI"zi…z\ (n) = an illness choroba employ \Im"plOI\ (v) = to give sb a job zatrudniać injury \"IndZ´ri\ (n) = physical damage to the body kontuzja, uraz keep track of (phr) = to monitor sb/sth śledzić lift (sb/sth up) \lIft\ (v) = to take sb/sth to a higher place podnieść (kogoś/ coś) look after \"lUk A…ft´\ (phr v) = to take care of sb/sth zajmować się, opiekować się measure \"meZ´\ (v) = to take care of sb/sth mierzyć occasion \´"keIZ´n\ (n) = a special event okazja preserve \prI"z‰…v\ (v) = to protect ochraniać, zachowywać, zabezpieczać prison \"prIz´n\ (n) = the place where criminals are kept więzienie, zakład karny riverbank \"rIv´bœNk\ (n) = each of the two edges of a river where it meets the land brzeg rzeki rowing boat \"r´UIN b´Ut\ (n) = a small boat that sails on water with long wooden poles łódź z wiosłami 148 Word List memory \"mem´ri\ (n) = the amount of space that a computer, a mobile phone, etc has for storing information pamięć scan \skœn\ (v) = to produce a digital representation of a document, picture, etc with the use of a device that can read data skanować (używając skanera) social media account \ Æs´US´l "mi…di´ ´ÆkaUnt\ (n) = registering at a website on the Internet that helps people communicate konto na portalu społecznościowym 10c activation code \ÆœktI"veIS´n k´Ud\ (n) = a series of numbers or letters sent by a bank via a text message that provides access to a customer's account online kod aktywacyjny blog entry \"blÅg entri\ (n) = sth that you write on an online shared diary wpis na blogu chat \tSœt\ (v) = to talk to sb in a friendly and informal way on the Internet gawędzić, czatować instant messaging service \ÆInst´nt "mesIdZIN Æs‰…vIs\ (n) = a service that offers online text messages and chat functions komunikator internetowy interest \"Intr´st\ (n) = a hobby or an activity that you enjoy doing zainteresowanie landline \"lœndlaIn\ (n) = a phone connection that works with a wire as opposed to a mobile phone telefon stacjonarny log in \ÆlÅg "In\ (phr v) = to access an online account by using your password and username zalogować się online banking \ÆÅnlaIn "bœNkIN\ (n) = accessing your bank account and making your transactions electronically through a bank's website bankowość internetowa password \"pA…sw‰…d\ (n) = a group of letters and/or numbers or other characters that allows you to access a computer system, an online bank account, etc hasło PIN \pIn\ (n) = a personal identification number for accessing your online bank account numer PIN post \p´Ust\ (n) = a message on a social networking site post (wiadomość np. na portalu społecznościowym) set up (a bank account) \Æset "øp\ (phr v) = to make all the necessary arrangements in order to have access to your bank account on the Internet zakładać coś, tworzyć coś (np. konto w banku) tweet \twi…t\ (n) = a message written on "Twitter", a social networking site wpis na portalu Twitter user-friendly \Æju…z´ "frendli\ (adj) = easy to use przyjazny użytkownikowi video chat \"vIdi´U tSœt\ (v) = to communicate with sb with the use of a web camera on a computer or smartphone via the Internet czat wideo vlog \vlÅg\ (n) = a video blog wideoblog Culture 10 amount (of time) \´"maUnt\ (n) = a length of time ilość (czasu) chance \tSA…ns\ (n) = an opportunity to do sth szansa decade \"dekeId\ (n) = a period of ten years dekada dial \daI´l\ (n) = a disc on an older telephone that has holes with numbers which you turn in a circular direction to make a phone call tarcza telefonu display \dI"spleI\ (v) = to show sth prezentować, demonstrować earliest \"‰…li´st\ (adj) = the first ever najwcześniejszy, pierwszy gramophone \"grœm´f´Un\ (n) = an antique record player gramofon grow up (with sth) \Ægr´U "øp\ (phr v) = to have sth within your surroundings from childhood to adulthood dorastać (w kontakcie z czymś) handle \"hœndl\ (v) = to touch sth with your hands; to pick sth up and have it in your hands trzymać w rękach invent \In"vent\ (v) = to create sth that hasn’t existed before wynaleźć rotary phone \"r´Ut´ri Æf´Un\ (n) = an old-fashioned device for making phone calls with a circular dial telefon z tarczą cyfrową step back in time (idm) = to go back to an older time in history cofnąć się w czasie throughout \Tru…"aUt\ (prep) = during the whole period of sth od początku do końca, przez cały (np. rok) various \"ve´ri´s\ (adj) = different różny, rozmaity Unit 11 – Food for Thought 11a bake \beIk\ (v) = to cook bread, cakes, pies, etc in the oven piec choice \tSOIs\ (n) = a number of things to choose from wybór course \kO…s\ (n) = each of the parts of a meal (starter, main course, dessert, etc) danie (posiłek) cucumber \"kju…kømb´\ (n) = a long thin vegetable with a hard green skin and a juicy flesh, eaten in salads ogórek desert \"dez´t\ (n) = a large area of land with almost no water or trees pustynia dessert \dI"z‰…t\ (n) = sweet food eaten after the main meal deser disgusted \dIs"gøstId\ (adj) = feeling a strong sense of distaste for sth zniesmaczony dish \dIS\ (n) = a particular type of cooked food potrawa, danie dough \d´U\ (n) = a mixture of flour and water that is used to make bread, biscuits, pies, etc ciasto (masa przed pieczeniem) filling \"fIlIN\ (adj) = (of food) that makes your stomach feel full sycący, pożywny, zapychający filling \"fIlIN\ (n) = food that is put inside things such as pastry, etc nadzienie, farsz, wypełnienie fry \fraI\ (v) = to cook in a pan with hot oil or fat smażyć garlic \"gA…lIk\ (n) = a small plant with a very strong taste and smell; used for cooking czosnek gravy \"greIvi\ (n) = a warm brown sauce made from the juice that comes from cooked meat mixed with flour and water sos pieczeniowy grilled \grIld\ (adj) = cooked by using very strong heat directly next to, above or below food grillowany ignore \Ig"nO…\ (v) = to pay no attention to sth/sb ignorować, nie zwracać uwagi keep away from \Æki…p ´"weI fr´m\ (phr v) = to stop sb/ yourself going near sb/sth trzymać się z dala od keep off \Æki…p "Åf\ (phr v) = to not walk on sth unikać czegoś, trzymać się z dala od keep on \Æki…p "Ån\ (phr v) = to continue doing sth kontynuować, robić coś dalej keep out \Æki…p "aUt\ (phr v) = to not allow sb to enter nie wchodzić keep up with \Æki…p "øp wID\ (phr v) = to move at the same speed as sb/sth dotrzymywać komuś kroku, trzymać ten sam poziom meal \mi…l\ (n) = the food you eat on different occasions, such as breakfast, lunch or dinner posiłek nutritious \nju…"trIS´s\ (adj) = (of food) providing things that people need in order to be healthy odżywczy 149 pastry \"peIstri\ (n) = a mixture of flour, fat and water that is cooked, usually to cover or contain other food ciasto pitta \"pIt´\ (n) = a round flat bread that comes from the Middle East and you can fill with food chleb pita plate \pleIt\ (n) = a round dish where you put your food to eat it talerz receipt \rI"si…t\ (n) = a piece of paper that you get after paying for sth paragon, pokwitowanie recipe \"resIpi\ (n) = a list of the ingredients and instructions on how to make a certain type of food przepis kulinarny salty \"sO…lti\ (adj) = tasting of salt słony sauce \sO…s\ (n) = a food dressing sos seconds \"sek´ndz\ (pl n) = an additional serving of food dokładka, repeta silkworm \"sIlkw‰…m\ (n) = a hairless white caterpillar that makes a thread used to manufacture a smooth, soft fabric larwa jedwabnika snack \snœk\ (n) = a small amount of food eaten between meals przekąska sour \saU´\ (adj) = having a sharp taste like lemon or vinegar kwaśny spicy \"spaIsi\ (adj) = having a flavour of spice; having a burning taste ostry, pikantny street food \"stri…t fu…d\ (n) = ready-to-eat meals sold at a public place by a vendor jedzenie z budek stojących na ulicy sweet \swi…t\ (adj) = tasting like sugar słodki toothpick \"tu…TpIk\ (n) = a thin piece of wood for cleaning your teeth wykałaczka topping \"tÅpIN\ (n) = sth you put on top of food to make it taste better warstwa wierzchnia, dodatek trust \trøst\ (v) = to have faith in sth ufać, wierzyć tzatziki \ts´"tsi…ki\ (n) = a Greek sauce or dip made by mixing yoghurt, chopped cucumber, salt, garlic, olive oil and dill or mint sos tzatziki upright grill (phr) = a vertical appliance with two parallel metal bars or wires where you place meat to roast it pionowy grill (typowy dla kuchni Bliskiego Wschodu) vendor \"vend´\ (n) = sb who sells things from a small stall or cart that is placed at a public place sprzedawca 11b bag (of sth) \bœg\ (n) = a container used for carrying things in, such as sugar, flour, etc paczka, torebka (np. cukru) bar (of sth) \bA…\ (n) = a long thin piece of sth such as chocolate, soap, etc tabliczka (np. czekolady) bread roll \"bred r´Ul\ (n) = a long or round-shaped piece of bread for one person bułka bunch (of sth) \bøntS\ (n) = a number of flowers, grapes, bananas, etc held together pęk, wiązka (np. bananów) cabbage \"kœbIdZ\ (n) = a large round vegetable with thick green, white or purple leaves kapusta can (of sth) \kœn\ (n) = a closed, small, metal container for drinks such as cola, beer, etc puszka (np. lemoniady) cook \kUk\ (n) = a chef kucharz head (for sth) \hed\ (v) = to go towards a place kierować się (do) herb \h‰…b\ (n) = a plant whose leaves are used in cooking to add flavour to food, or as a medicine ziele, zioło lamb \lœm\ (n) = the meat of a young sheep eaten as food baranina, jagnięcina level \"lev´l\ (n) = each of the floors of a building poziom, piętro lift \lIft\ (n) = an elevator winda nightspot \"naItspÅt\ (n) = a place that opens at night for entertainment purposes lokal otwarty nocą path \pA…T\ (n) = a long strip of ground which people walk along to get from one place to another ścieżka shelf \Self\ (n) = a thin piece of wood/metal horizontally fixed to a wall or in a frame for holding objects półka shepherd's pie \`ÆSep´dz "paI\ (n) = a traditional English dish of minced meat covered with mashed potato potrawa z mielonego mięsa i ziemniaków spice \spaIs\ (n) = an aromatic substance from parts of plants used to add flavour to food przyprawa spinach \"spInIdZ\ (n) = a vegetable with large dark, green leaves that people eat as food szpinak the shopping experience of a lifetime (idm) = the greatest experience you will ever have when you go shopping najlepsze zakupy w życiu tin (of sth) \tIn\ (n) = a closed metal container in which food such as peas, beans, tuna, etc can be preserved for a long period of time puszka (np. tuńczyka) transform (into sth) \trœns"fO…m\ (v) = to change from sth to sth else zmieniać się (w coś) turkey \"t‰…ki\ (n) = the meat of a large farm bird related to the chicken indyk 11c apology \"´"pÅl´dZi\ (n) = sth that you say or write to express that you are sorry for having done sth wrong przeprosiny be entitled to sth (phr) = to have been given the right to get sth być upoważnionym do czegoś bill \bIl\ (n) = a piece of paper showing the money you owe for goods or services rachunek change \tSeIndZ\ (n) = the money you get back when you pay for sth with more money than it costs reszta (o pieniądzach) change tables (phr) = to get a different table at a restaurant, etc from the one that was initially offered to you zmienić stolik complaint \k´m"pleInt\ (n) = a statement or expression of annoyance or dissatisfaction with sb or sth zażalenie, reklamacja, skarga constant \"kÅnst´nt\ (adj) = continuous; never-ending stały, niekończący się credit card \"kredIt kA…d\ (n) = a small plastic card for charging goods or services now and paying later karta kredytowa demand \dI"mA…nd\ (v) = to ask for sth very strongly żądać, domagać się frustrating \frø"streItIN\ (adj) = annoying denerwujący, irytujący, frustrujący full refund (phr) = the return of all the money paid for goods or services because they were of poor quality, etc pełny zwrot kosztów manager \"mœnIdZ´\ (n) = sb who is head of a business, such as a restaurant, etc menadżer, kierownik money-off coupon (phr) = a piece of printed paper which allows sb to pay less for sth kupon rabatowy note \n´Ut\ (n) = money in paper form banknot order \"O…d´\ (n) = the food/ drink you've requested in a restaurant, etc zamówienie prompt reply (phr) = a fast response bezzwłoczna odpowiedź regular \"regj´l´\ (adj) = (of a customer) who often visits a place stały (np. klient) replacement \rI"pleIsm´nt\ (n) = a product that takes the place of another one due to bad quality, etc zamiennik 150 Word List sincerely \sIn"sI´li\ (adv) = honestly szczerze sth is past its sell-by date (phr) = (of a drink or food item) it is after the recommended date that it should stay on the shop shelf coś jest przeterminowane Culture 11 annual \"œnju´l\ (adj) = yearly coroczny delicious \dI"lIS´s\ (adj) = tasty pyszny, wyśmienity food critic \"fu…d krItIk\ (n) = an expert in tasting and analysing a wide selection of food dishes at a restaurant, who presents the findings to the public in a magazine, etc krytyk kulinarny fun \føn\ (adj) = enjoyable fajny, przyjemny grounds \graUndz\ (pl n) = the land that belongs to a castle, mansion, hospital, etc tereny, ziemie outdoor \"aUtdO…\ (adj) = outside zawnętrzy, poza domem promote \pr´"m´Ut\ (v) = to try to increase the popularity of sth promować, reklamować raise (money, etc for sth) \reIz\ (v) = to collect (money, etc for sth) zbierać (pieniądze na coś) sample \"sA…mp´l\ (v) = to try (food or drink to see what they taste like) kosztować, próbować sink my teeth into sth (idm) = to become involved in sth with a lot of enthusiasm zatopić w czymś zęby, zagłębić się w coś stall \stO…l\ (n) = a large table at an open market where products are sold stragan, stoisko taste \teIst\ (n) = a flavour smak workshop \"w‰…kSÅp\ (n) = a short seminar with practical work on sth warsztat Unit 12 – Earth, our Home 12a air pollution \"e´ p´Ælu… S´n\ (n) = harmful substances released into the atmosphere zanieczyszczenie powietrza break up \ÆbreIk "øp\ (phr v) = to split sth into smaller parts rozbić na części bucket \"bøkIt\ (n) = a container with a handle for carrying water, sand, etc wiadro, wiaderko clean \kli…n\ (adj) = not dirty czysty clear \klI´\ (adj) = 1) not confusing; 2) (of the sky) without clouds 1) zrozumiały; 2) bezchmurny cutting down trees (phr) = the act of cutting trees so that they fall down on the ground wycinanie drzew earn \‰…n\ (v) = to receive money from your work zarabiać forest fire \"fÅrIst faI´\ (n) = a blaze in a wooded area pożar lasu go off \Æg´U "Åf\ (phr v) = 1) to leave the place where you were; 2) (of electrical devices) to stop operating 1) wyjeżdżać; 2) przestać działać go on \Æg´U "Ån\ (phr v) = 1) to continue; 2) to happen 1) kontynuować; 2) dziać się go out \Æg´U "aUt\ (phr v) = (of a fire/a light) to stop burning/ shining zgasnąć, przestać się palić goat \g´Ut\ (n) = an animal we keep for its milk and meat koza join in \ÆdZOIn "In\ (phr v) = to get involved in an activity which others have started doing dołączyć lack of rain (phr) = a shortage of rain brak opadów little \"lItl\ (adv) = only a small amount, not much mało, niewiele look after \"lUk A…ft´\ (phr v) = to take care of sb zajmować się, opiekować się nearby \"nI´baI\ (adv) = located a short distance away blisko, niedaleko packaging \"pœkIdZIN\ (n) = a container or wrapping material in which products are sold opakowanie pick up \ÆpIk "øp\ (phr v) = to take sth in your hands podnieść (kogoś/coś) prove \pru…v\ (v) = to show that sth is true udowadniać, dowodzić receive \rI"si…v\ (v) = to be given sth otrzymać, dostać refugee camp \ÆrefjU"dZi… kœmp\ (n) = a place where people who have escaped their country can stay temporarily obóz dla uchodźców rubbish \"røbIS\ (n) = useless things thrown away śmieci, odpady spoil \spOIl\ (v) = to damage sth; to make sth worse zepsuć staff \stA…f\ (n) = a group of people who work for a company, factory, etc kadra, pracownicy support myself (phr) = to earn my living utrzymywać się wages \"weIdZIz\ (pl n) = daily or weekly payment for your work płaca, zarobki war \wO…\ (n) = armed fighting between countries wojna water pollution \"wO…t´ p´Ælu…S´n\ (n) = harmful substances released into water sources zanieczyszczenie wody 12b bottle bank \"bÅtl bœNk\ (n) = a container for recycling glass bottles pojemnik na szkło car fumes \"kA… fju…mz\ (pl n) = gases released from cars into the air spaliny samochodowe carbon footprint \ÆkA…b´n "fUtprInt\ (n) = how much carbon dioxide each person produces suma emisji gazów cieplarnianych climate \"klaIm´t\ (n) = the typical weather conditions in a place klimat dry up \ÆdraI "øp\ (phr v) = to lose all water and become completely dry wysychać emergency \I"m‰…dZ´nsi\ (n) = an unexpected serious situation that needs immediate action nagły wypadek install \In"stO…l\ (v) = to set up a piece of equipment and make it ready to use instalować, umieszczać LED bulb \"led bølb\ (n) = a modern electronic device for producing light, more economical than conventional bulbs żarówka LED light bulb \"laIt bølb\ (n) = a round-shaped glass container that produces light through electricity żarówka recycling centre \Æri…"saIklIN Æsent´\ (n) = a place where used materials are processed so as to be reused stacja/ośrodek recyklingu service \"s‰…vIs\ (v) = to examine and maintain a car/machine serwisować traffic jam \"trœfIk ÆdZœm\ (n) = too many vehicles that move very slowly korek drogowy, zator vegetarian \ÆvedZ´"te´ri´n\ (n) = sb who never eats meat or fish wegetarianin, wegetarianka 12c buy \baI\ (v) = to give money in order to get sth kupować jar \dZA…\ (n) = a glass container with a top słoik plant \plA…nt\ (v) = to put seeds in the ground so that they can grow into trees, flowers, etc sadzić, siać