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Sprawdzian z angielskiego, Egzamin maturalny z Język angielski

Test z focus 4 z unitu trzeciego

Typologia: Egzamin maturalny


Załadowany 27.03.2023

kinga-stelmach 🇵🇱

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Pobierz Sprawdzian z angielskiego i więcej Egzamin maturalny w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! MiniMatura Unit 7 Group B Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ LISTENING 1 TRACK 8 You will hear four different recordings. For questions 1–4, choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 1 The speaker is A criticising people for wasting time on the Internet. B encouraging younger people to learn from the older generation. C pointing out ways you can use the Internet to your advantage. 2 Which sentence best describes the situation? A Beth shows her grandfather how to open an attachment. B Beth discovers why her grandfather is confused. C Beth finds the photos her grandfather has downloaded. 3 The speaker says that Michael’s mother should A encourage him to change his diet. B be happy with his current weight. C be worried because of a recent weight gain. 4 Before her illness, Sally A was eating unhealthy food. B was suffering from insomnia. C wasn’t doing any exercise. _____/4 VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. There is one extra verb. throw figure bring come talk go I can’t wait for his next book to come out. He’s such a great author. 1 They used to ___________ in for tennis but now they prefer badminton. © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE  Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+) Total: ___/50 MiniMatura Unit 7 Group B Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ 2 They __________ in the furniture when I bought the house. 3 My best friend __________ me into going to the party with her last week. 4 We’ve __________ out why our electricity bill was so high this month. _____/4 3 Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the words in capitals. This is an attempt to tackle the problem of obesity in schools. OBESE 1 It’s a truly _________________ moment for the world of science. HISTORY 2 I think it’s _________________ to leave early in the morning to avoid the worst traffic. ADVISE 3 They were able to _________________ quickly to my request. RESPONSE 4 I would love to gain _________________ in the field of chemistry. RECOGNISE 5 This tea is supposed to help with _________________ so I think I’ll try it. DIGEST 6 The level of _________________ in my student accommodation isn’t great. CLEAN _____/6 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use passive voice. I have been sent (send) a text message but I can’t read it! 1 I wish the kids could somehow ______________________________ (make/turn off) all their devices and enjoy the outdoors. 2 Judging by how awful it looks, this house may ______________________________ (never/renovate) since it was first built. 3 This idea needs ______________________________ (patent) as soon as possible! 4 Nobody likes ______________________________ (take) for granted. 5 My son ______________________________ (give) this watch by my dad for his 10th birthday. _____/5 © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE  Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+) MiniMatura Unit 7 Group B Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ READING 8 Read the text. For questions 1–6, choose the correct answer A,B,C or D. EUGENE GOOSTMAN PASSES A TEST Eugene Goostman is a thirteen-year-old boy from Odessa in Ukraine. He has got a pet guinea pig and his father is a doctor. In 2014, he passed a test that some people say had never been passed before. Is Eugene a genius? In fact, he doesn’t really exist at all. Eugene is a chatterbot. That is, a computer programme which can listen and reply to questions. You may have one on your smartphone. You can ask it to do simple tasks like find out what the weather is like in Portugal or how many dollars there are to the euro. You can also try to have a conversation with your chatterbot, although their answers don’t always make sense. However, Eugene is more advanced than these very basic versions. He actually managed to fool some people into thinking he was human in a test thought up over 60 years ago. The test he passed is called the Turing Test, named after the computer expert, AlanTuring, who became famous for his work on the Enigma code machine during the Second World War. This was a German machine which was brought to England in 1939 from Poland. By breaking the codes, Turing was able to find out German war plans in advance. In 1950, Turing wrote a paper which predicted that, one day, robots would have the intelligence to carry out a human-like conversation. Two years later, in 1952, he finalised the rules of a test which would show whether or not this intelligence existed. The main rule was that, if any computer persuaded 30 percent of the people reading or listening to the answers that it was human, it would pass the test. Turing passed away in 1954 but the challenge lived on. Interestingly, Turing based his test on a party game, called Imitation, which he enjoyed taking part in. In this game, a set of questions were given to a man and a woman. They typed their answers, not necessarily truthfully, and the other party guests had to try to guess who had written which set of answers. The theory was that there would always be some clues that would give them away. Turing died without knowing whether any robot would ever manage to pass his test but, in 2014, on the sixtieth anniversary of his death, Eugene Goostman managed to do it. © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE  Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+) MiniMatura Unit 7 Group B Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ Not everyone is impressed by Eugene’s accomplishment. Some say that Eugene wasn’t the first chatterbot to pass the test. This is technically true but the previous tests were either too short or they were judged by an audience rather than experts. These factors meant that the results weren’t conclusive. Eugene’s test involved many more questions but there were still criticisms. The main one involves Eugene’s ‘human’ profile. His designers deliberately made him a thirteen-year-old with poor English so that judges would be more likely to ignore his strange or irrelevant answers than they would if he was a native speaker adult. Finally, even if he was the first chatterbot to really pass the test, many people argue that Eugene doesn’t actually possess real intelligence. All it can do is imitate intelligence. In other words, it is unable to think or learn like a real human being. Chatterbots may not be ready to take over the world yet but they can have uses. They can perform basic tasks on a smartphone while we are unable to press buttons on our phones ourselves, such as while driving. They could be used to create believable characters in video games which can follow orders and report on what is happening. However, robots with real intelligence are still a long way off. You won’t be able to get one to do your homework for a few more years, I’m afraid! 1 Eugene Goostman did not really A answer any questions. B pass a test. C have a pet guinea pig. 2 Alan Turing first made his prediction that intelligent robots would one day exist A during the Second World War. B two years before he made the rules for his test. C in a paper which also set out the rules for the test. 3 Alan Turing died before A a robot managed to pass his test. B he could finish writing the rules for his test. © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE  Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+) MiniMatura Unit 7 Group B Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____ C his paper on artificial intelligence was published. 4 Some people have said that A Turing’s test had already been passed before Eugene took it. B the audience judging Eugene weren’t knowledgeable about computers. C Eugene’s test was too short for the results to prove intelligence. 5 The writer’s view of chatterbots is that they A are capable of real learning and intelligence. B have some uses which involve following instructions. C could be useful for students who need help with their homework. 6 In the text, the writer is A criticising chatterbots because of their limitations. B questioning whether there will ever be real artificial intelligence. C explaining why Eugene Goostman is special. _____/6 WRITING 9 Do the writing task. Brałeś/Brałaś niedawno udział w eksperymencie, który polegał na nieużywaniu przez tydzień żadnych urządzeń elektronicznych, takich jak smartfon, iPad, tablet, czytnik e- booków, laptop, TV itp. Napisz artykuł do gazetki szkolnej, w którym opiszesz swoje odczucia na początku i pod koniec eksperymentu. Napisz, co było łatwe, co było trudne i czego można nauczyć się podczas takiego odpoczynku od urządzeń elektronicznych. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE  Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)