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Test A z języka angielskiego, Testy z Język angielski

Klucz odpowiedzi z Języka Angielskiego do Gr. A

Typologia: Testy


Załadowany 27.10.2023

SzymonWojdak 🇵🇱



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Pobierz Test A z języka angielskiego i więcej Testy w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! strona 1 z 2 Klucz odpowiedzi Unit 3 Test A Liczba punktów 50 Grupa A 1 1E, 2B, 3C, 4A, 5F Załącznik: Test A, Unit 3, Listening, exercise 1.mp3 Autor: Nowa Era (0-5 p.) 2 1B, 2C, 3B, 4A Autor: Nowa Era (0-4 p.) 3 1 when something has fallen down and as a result is damaged or destroyed 2 very hot 3 when an animal or plant gives you a sharp pain 4 what you write at the end of a letter or email 5 when you are hurt in an accident Autor: Nowa Era (0-10 p.) 4 1 hasn’t snowed 2 is worse 3 blows strongly 4 badly 5 drives faster 6 easier to study 7 have just been 8 will be warmer Autor: Nowa Era (0-8 p.) 5 1 am going to 2 have just eaten / have just had 3 better than Autor: Nowa Era (0-6 p.) 6 1 the strongest wind 2 was much colder 3 more slowly Autor: Nowa Era (0-6 p.) 7 Sample answer: Hi Grandma, How are you? We’re having a great time in Makarska. Yesterday we went swimming off a small island. The water was amazingly blue. It was awesome! Right now, I’m sitting in a café having an ice cream because it is so hot. Tomorrow we’re going to take a ferry to another island and visit a sandy beach. After that, we’re going to go rafting. The weather is really hot here, and it’s sunny every day. See you next week, Artur Autor: Nowa Era (0-6 p.) 8 1 best 2 sunny 3 slowly 4 stronger 5 stormy Autor: Nowa Era (0-5 p.) Grupa B Liczba punktów 50 1 1C, 2A, 3B, 4D, 5F Załącznik: Test A, Unit 3, Listening, exercise 1.mp3 Autor: Nowa Era (0-5 p.) 2 1A, 2B, 3A, 4C Autor: Nowa Era (0-4 p.) 3 1 what you write at the end of a letter or email 2 when something has fallen down and, as a result, is damaged or destroyed 3 when you are hurt in an accident 4 when an animal or plant gives you a sharp pain 5 very hot Autor: Nowa Era (0-10 p.) 4 1 have just been 2 drives faster 3 hasn’t snowed 4 will be warmer 5 blows strongly 6 is worse 7 easier to study 8 badly Autor: Nowa Era (0-8 p.) 5 1 have just eaten / have just had 2 better than 3 am going to Autor: Nowa Era (0-6 p.) 6 1 was much colder 2 more slowly 3 the strongest wind Autor: Nowa Era (0-6 p.)