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Informacje i wskazówki

Wykład kości, wykład numer 2, Skrypty z Anatomia

ogólne informacje na temat układu kostnego, budowa oraz funkcje kręgosłupa

Typologia: Skrypty


Załadowany 29.10.2021

marysok 🇵🇱

1 dokument

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Pobierz Wykład kości, wykład numer 2 i więcej Skrypty w PDF z Anatomia tylko na Docsity! Lesia Jaroslawiwna 77 classes w sumie egzamin pisemny i ustny The human body is composed of 206 bones that perform five main functions: 1) support 2) protection 3) body movement 4) blood cell formation 5) storage of inorganic salts and lipid II. Cells in Osseous tissue: osteocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, osteoprogenitor, cells. III. Cellular matrix - 1/ calcium hydroxyapatite, 2/ collagenous fibers Long bone structure Diaphysis -- shaft epiphysis -- bone ends epiphyseal line nutrient foramen medullary cavity V. Types of bone: a. lamellar or compact bone 1. contains osteons composed of concentric lamellae 2. each osteon has an osteonic canal (Haversian canal) which has blood vessels and nerves 3. osteocytes found within lacunae 4. canaliculi connect osteocytes and function to diffuse nutrition to the osteocytes 5. communicating (also called perforating or Volkman's) canals, connect adjacent osteons, and carry blood vessels. 6. the diaphyses, or shafts of long bones, are composed mostly of lamellar bone b. Cancellous, trabecular, or spongy bone