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Informacje i wskazówki

zdania z języka angielskiego potrzebne bardzo, Notatki z Język angielski

Są to zdania z wypowiedzi uczniów mojej szkoły

Typologia: Notatki


Załadowany 09.01.2023

oliwka1425 🇵🇱

1 dokument

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Pobierz zdania z języka angielskiego potrzebne bardzo i więcej Notatki w PDF z Język angielski tylko na Docsity! 1. I heard about the competition from my friends 2. They were talking about it so I had to try it 3. The autor presents important issues in this book 4. It had been my dream for 2 years 5. My teacher came to the class and told us about the competition 6. I had choosen the book which is called 7. I didn't expect that I would be a winner 8.Tell me, what you think about the trip 9.I have chosen a book tittled "..." 10. I won five tickets for every movie in a cinema 11. He explained to me where I could read more about it 12 I chose"Lalka" because I read it in my school and I liked this story very much 13. The woman doesn't love the man 14. I really like writtings books 15. My old computer is broken 16. I was surprised 17. You should watch my competition film 18. I felt very good because I like making films and reading books 19 My friends told me about that competition 20. I was really shocked 21. I was told that there would be competition in my school 22. I had chosen a book called ".." 23 Sorry for not writing for a long time 24. I had to take part in that competition 25 The prize was computer 26. She loves meeting a new peoples at the concert 27. I didn't expect that it would change my life 28. They gave been friends since they were born 29. It s a story of a young girl and her life in new city 30. If you want we will watch it together when I come to England 31 It's about the girl who had to travell to the .... 32. You sholud watch the films witch other people sent for this competition and tell me what yo think about them 33. She caught me .... 34. I choose 35. prize 36. I thought that the organisator of the competition would give me a better prize 37. I struggled to win very much. but it wasn't worth it 38. The book "Kordian" it's or set-book 39. When I was in the English lesson, my teacher told me that I had excellent ideas and schoold organizes a competition 40. I told my parents about it 41. The book wich I chose is about a tragic love story 42. Shye told me about the book she had been reading recently.... 43. The gift wich I got for winning the firrst position was.. I think it wsas a fantastic idea to give a money prize for the winner 44 . The rest of the oney I can spend on book that I have wanted to buy 45. I recommend to yo to see the movies about yhe books hich were chosen by other people 46. My teacher asked me if I wanted to help her and also get a good grade 47. You should go to Polish mountains because they are beatiful 48. You sholud take mountains boots 49. We will have fun