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BETTER BY DESIGN IS SievePercentage passing for Zone-1Zone-2Zone-3Z, Notas de estudo de Engenharia Civil

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Tipologia: Notas de estudo


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Baixe BETTER BY DESIGN IS SievePercentage passing for Zone-1Zone-2Zone-3Z e outras Notas de estudo em PDF para Engenharia Civil, somente na Docsity! Grading Curves for 20mm MSA (Road Note-4, RRL, UK) Percentage Passing Curve (1) Curve(2) Curve(3) Curve(4) *Curve(5) 40 100 20 100 100 100 100 100 10 45 55 65 75 72 4.75 30 35 42 48 40 2.36 23 28 35 42 30 1.20 16 21 28 34 25 0.600 9 14 21 27 15 0.300 2 3 5 12 4 0.150 0 0 0 1.5 0 IS Sieves (mm) 4020104.752.361. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 100 45 30 23 16 9 20 55 35 28 21 14 3 65 42 35 28 21 5 100 75 48 42 34 27 12 1.5 % P A SS IN G Table-1 Exposure PCC RCC Mild 220 0.6 300 0.55 ---- M20 Moderate 250 0.6 300 0.5 M15 M20 Severe 260 0.5 350 0.45 M20 M25 Very Severe 300 0.45 400 0.45 M20 M35 Extreme 300 0.4 400 0.4 M25 M40 Note: Minimum Cement Content is irrespective of grade of Cement Table-2 Nominal Max. Agg. Size (mm) 10 +40 15 +20 20 +00 30 -15 40 -30 Table-3 Exposure Conditions: Mild- Concrete surface protected against weather or aggressive conditions Moderate- Concrete surfaces sheltered from severe rain or freezing whilst wet Concrete continuously under water. Concrete exposed to condensation and rain Concrete exposed to non-aggressive sub-soil/ground water or coastal environment Severe- Very Severe Concrete surfaces exposed to sea water spray,corrossive fumes or severe freezing conditions whilst wet Extreme Concrete surfaces in tidal zone Members in direct contact with liquid /solid aggressive chemicals Minimum Cement Contents and Maximum W/C ratio for different exposure with normal weight Aggregate of 20mm Nominal maxium size as per IS:456-2000 Plain Concrete (PCC) Reinforced Concrete (RCC) Minimum grade of Concrete Min Cement Kg/m3 Max Free W/ C Min Cement Kg/m3 Max Free W/C Adjustments to Minimum Cement Contents for aggregates other than 20mm nominal maximum size as per IS:456-2000 Adjustments in Minimum Cements in Table- 1 (Kg/m3) Concrete surfaces exposed to severe rain, alternate wetting and drying or occasional freezing whilst wet or severe condensation Concrete in contact or buried under non-aggressive soil/ground water, completely immersed in sea water Concrete surfaces exposed to abrasive action ,for example machinery, metal tyred vehicles or water carrying solids BETTER BY DESIGN 1 in 20 1.65 1 in 40 1.96 1 in 100 2.33 designied to a better surface WORKSHEET FOR CONCRETE MIXES DESIGN PROJECT: Const. of Br. No 1/1 for PMGSY Project on road no-1 JOB LOC. Abutment no-1 on Silchar side apporoach road. Conc. Grade M-25 Date: 3/12/2007 I. REQUIREMENTS/PARAMETERS: A. B. DURABILITY REQUREMENTS Exposure Maximum w/c ratio Minimum cement content Minimum Grade of Concrete C. Type/Grade Cement Grade D. WORKABILITY OR SLUMP (mm) DEGREE OF WORKABILITY E. DETAILS OF FINE AGREGATE Type (Natural/Mixed) % passing 600 micron sieve % oversize % passing 600 micron sieve *(pure sand) Select Zone %retained on 4.75mm IS Sieve Specific Gravity Dry Loose Bulk Density (kg/lit) Bulkage Surface Moisture F. DETAILS OF COARSE AGGREGATE Type % Passing 20mm Sieve (CA-II) %Passing On 4.75mm Sieve (CA-I) Specific Gravity SPECIFIED MINIMUM STRENGTH(F ck ) kg/cm2 CEMENT(TYPE /GRADE) Characteristic Strength kg/cm2 Maximum size of aggregate(MSA) (mm) Dry Loose Bulk Density(DLBD)-CAI kg/cm2 Dry Loose Bulk Density(DLBD)-CAII kg/cm2 II. Degree of Quality Control Value Selected III. WATER TO CEMENT RATIO W/C Ratio (Figure-A) W/C Ratio ( For Durability) W/C Ratio (Selected) IV. PROPORTION OF FINE AGGREGATE Maximum Size Of Aggregate(MSA) Slump W/C selected %Passing 600 Mic. IS Sieve Proportion Of Fine Aggregate V. PROPORTION OF COARSE AGGREGATE VI. CORRECTIONS IN AGGREGATE PROPOTION A. % Passing 4.75mm Sieve % Proportion of Fine Aggregate after correction % Proportion of Coarse aggregate after correction. B. % passing 4.75mm sieve % proportion of fine aggregate after correction c) % proportion of coarse aggregates after corrections VII. AGGREGATE TO CEMENT RATIO (A/C): A. INPUT for A/C determination: Maximum size of aggregate(MSA) Type Of Aggregates – FINE -- CA-I -- CA-II W/C ratio selected workability/slump Grading curve no/zone B. A/C RATIO for fine aggregate for coarse aggregate C. AGGREGATE PROPORTION a. for fine aggregate TARGET MEAN STRENGTH (Fck) kg/cm2 Standard Deviation ‘S’ ( N/mm2 ) Target Mean Strength (N/mm2) Corrections due to coarse aggregates in fine aggregate : Corrections due to fine aggregates in coarse aggregates: WORKSHEET FOR CONCRETE MIXES DESIGN Const. of Br. No 1/1 for PMGSY Project on road no-1 Abutment no-1 on Silchar side apporoach road. M-25 3/12/2007 300.0 SEVERE 0.45 335.0 M25 OPC/53G 530.0 E 70 HIGH Natural 25 19 31% I 19% 2.96 1.77 15% 2% Crushed 43% 30 9% 2.53 1.44 1.39 Good 6.00 1.65 40 0.425 0.45 0.43 30.00 70.00 0.43 31% ` Quality shall be the pride of CIVIL ENGINEER RECOMMENDED PROPORTION OF FINE AGGEREGATE FOR % PASSING 600 MICRON IS SIEVE ( As per DOE,UK method) MAS=10mm Slump=(10 mm-30mm) % Prop. of FA for % passing 600 mic. IS-Sieve 100% 80% 60% 40% 15% % of FA passing 600 mic. IS Sieve 26.00 29.50 35.00 27.00 31.00 37.00 28.50 32.50 39.00 29.50 34.00 40.30 30.50 35.00 42.00 32.00 36.50 44.00 33.00 38.00 46.00 26.00 30.25 36.13 45.25 55.63 See note below Proportion of FA for the design mix % of FA passing 600 mic. IS Sieve & W/C ratio 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 % Passing line 80% Passing line 60% passing line 40% passing line 15% passing line Aggregate /Cement ratio by weight Degree of workability Very low Low Grading number 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 W/C ratio by weight 0.40 5.6 5 4.2 3.2 0.45 7.2 6.4 4.1 0.50 7.8 4.9 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 Medium High 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Note: In each case above the % passing for a particular IS SIEVE should conform the prescribed grading limit of IS Code. Mix Design for a particular grade can be designed with two type of coarse aggregate (Single sized CA-I, CA-II) or one type with graded aggregate. The Sieve Analaysis under Sr.No-SA-1 & SA-2 are for coarse aggregate of 30 mm & 15mm nominal single sized respectively.However 20 mm & 10 mm nominal single-sized aggregate or graded aggregate of 20mm nominal size (Sr.No-SA-4) instead can be used. For fine aggregate with higher finer fines and low FM values, suitable proportion of Crusher (Grit + dust ) can be used with trials to increase FM value. The above effort for making design mix (normal) is a guide only and hence user should take every care to do all related test of aggregate as per IS-codes & go for trials and ascertain the target strength achieved before actual use. SA-4 Aggregate Field Test Observatuion Sheet. (Sample-II) 1 JOB : LAB Trials 2 TYPE : Natural River Gravel, (Rounded + Irregular) 3 PHYSICAL INSPECTION : Sieve Analysis 4 SAMPLE WT. TAKEN (Natural state ) : 2985 gm 5 DRY LOOSE BULK DENSITY : 1.67 Kg/lit 6 SOURCE : Gumrah quarry 7 SPECIFIC GRAVITY : 2.53 IS Sieve Retained on each Sieve Passing through Remarks WT % WT % 40 mm 0 0 0 2985 100 MAS:20 20mm 180 6 6 2805 94 (75-100)% 10 mm 1985 66 73 820 27 4.75 mm 790 26 99 30 1 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 600 micron 300 micron 150 micron passing 150 micron Wt. of sample (total) 2165 72.529313 8 FINENESS MODULUS : ------- 9 : NA % at 3 hrs/2hrs/10min BY WEIGHT : NA % by wt. 10 S.MOISTURE 11 ABSORPTION 12 DATE OF TESTING : 7/13/2003 13 TESTED BY : MR. K.B.S 14 REMARKS : LAB INCHARGE LAB ENGINEER Cumulative Percentage Retained SILT CONTENT BY VOLUME Accepted/acceptable subject to washing & / or sieving/rejected SA-3 Aggregate Field Test Observatuion Sheet. (Sample-I) 1 JOB : LAB Trials 2 TYPE : River Sand (FA) 3 PHYSICAL INSPECTION : Sieve Analysis 4 SAMPLE WT. TAKEN (Natural state ) : 1000 gm 5 DRY LOOSE BULK DENSITY : 1.77 Kg/lit 6 SOURCE : Vaitarna (Mumbai) 7 SPECIFIC GRAVITY : 2.96 IS Sieve Retained on each Sieve Passing through Remarks WT % WT % 40 mm 0 0 0 1000 100 20mm 0 0 0 1000 100 10 mm 55 6 6 945 95 4.75 mm 137 14 19 808 81 19% over size 2.36 mm 112 11 30 696 70 1.18 mm 218 22 52 478 48 600 micron 230 23 75 248 25 31%* Zone-I 300 micron 170 17 92 78 8 150 micron 68 7 99 10 1 passing 150 micron 10 1 Wt. of sample (total) 1000 100 374 8 FINENESS MODULUS : 3.74 9 : BY WEIGHT : ---- % by wt. 10 S.MOISTURE 11 ABSORPTION 12 DATE OF TESTING : 7/13/2003 13 TESTED BY : MR. K.B.S 14 REMARKS : LAB INCHARGE LAB ENGINEER Cumulative Percentage Retained SILT CONTENT BY VOLUME 5 % at 3 hrs/2hrs/10min Accepted/acceptable subject to washing & / or sieving/rejected