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A comprehensive guide for MTU students on how to use Harvard referencing system when citing primary and secondary sources of law, including treaties, regulations, directives, judgments, legislation, textbooks, journal articles, e-books, international legal sources, websites, government publications, and podcasts.
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In-Text Citation Short treaty name in italics and year signed Example: (Treaty of Lisbon 2007) Reference List Full title of the treaty in italics, (year in brackets), Official Journal of the European Union in italics , series number, page numbers. Example: Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, (2007), Official Journal of the European Union C 306, pp.1-230.
In-Text Citation Short name of regulation and year published Example: (General Data Protection Regulation 2016) Reference List ‘Legislation type, number and title in single quotation marks’, (year in brackets), Official Journal of the European Union in italics, series number, page numbers. Example: ‘Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC’ (2016), Official Journal of the European Union L 119, pp. 1-88.
In-Text Citation Short name of directive and year published Example: (Unfair Commercial Practices Directive 2005) Reference List ‘Legislation type, number and title in single quotation marks’, (year in brackets), Official Journal of the European Union in italics, series number, page numbers. Example: ‘Directive (EU) 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005 concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market and amending Council Directive 84/450/EEC, Directives 97/7/EC, 98/27/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council’ (2005), Official Journal of the European Union L 149, pp. 22-39.
In-Text Citation Name of the case and year Example: (Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd. and Maximillian Schrems (Schrems II) 2020) Reference List Case name in single quotation marks (year in brackets), case number, European Case Law Identifier. Available at: URL (Accessed: date). Example: ‘Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd. and Maximillian Schrems (Schrems II)’ (2020), C-311/18, ECLI:EU:C:2020:559. Available at: https://curia. clang=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=9777395 (Accessed: 24/5/2021).
In-Text Citation Bunreacht na hÉireann year, Article Example: (Bunreacht na hÉireann 1937, Article 40.1) Reference List Bunreacht na hÉireann (year in brackets). Example: Bunreacht na hÉireann (1937) LEGISLATION Primary Legislation: Act/Statute In-Text Citation Title of the Act and Year Example: (Data Protection Act 2018) Reference List Title of Act including year, followed by Act No. of Year, s. [if a section has been referred to], City, Publisher, available: web address [date accessed][if available online] Example: Data Protection Act 2018, No. 7/2018, s. 10, Dublin: Stationery Office, available: [accessed 08 May 2021]
MTU HARVARD REFERENCING GUIDE FOR LEGAL RESOURCES Secondary/Delegated Legislation: E.g. Statutory Instrument In-Text Citation Title of Statutory Instrument including year Example: (Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 36(2)) (Health Research) (Amendment) Regulations 2021) Reference List Title of Statutory Instrument including year , S.I. No. of Year, Place of Publication: Publisher, available: web address [accessed date] [if available online]. Example: Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 36(2)) (Health Research) (Amendment) Regulations 2021, S.I. No. 18/2021, Dublin: Stationery Office, available: http://www. [accessed 08 May 2021] JUDGMENTS/CASES OF IRISH COURTS In-Text Citation The name of the case is italicised and the year is placed in brackets. Name of the case (Year) Example: (Friends of the Irish Environment v. The Government of Ireland and Ors (2020)) Reference List The name of the case is italicised and the year is placed in brackets, followed by the case citation/reference details Name of the case (Year) Volume number (if available) Law report abbreviation* Starting page number Example: Friends of the Irish Environment v. The Government of Ireland and Ors (2020) IESC 49 *Check the Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations at at for more information on law report abbreviations. If including cases in your reference list, it is preferable to list cases separately under the subheading “Cases”.
In-Text Citation Author name and year Example: (Keenan 2021) – general reference to overall content of text (Keenan 2021, p72) – specific reference to a particular point or idea on page 72 Reference List Author name, year, title of text in italics, edition, publisher information Example: Keenan, A 2021 , Essentials of Irish Business Law, 7 th^ edition, Boru Press, Ireland LEGAL JOURNAL ARTICLE In-Text citation Author name and year Example: (McInerney 2002) – general reference to overall content of article (McInerney 2002, p75) - specific reference to a particular point or idea on page 75 Reference List Author name, year ‘title of article’ and details of journal Example: McInerney S 2002 ‘Bases for action against race discrimination in E.U. Law’ vol 27 Eur. L. Rev.
MTU HARVARD REFERENCING GUIDE FOR LEGAL RESOURCES E-BOOK In-Text Citation: Author name and year Example: (Mac Donnell 2015) (Mac Donnell 2015, p.30) Reference List Author name, year, title of e-book in italics , publisher information, URL link (Accessed: date) Example: Mac Donnell, V 2015, An Introduction to Business Law, 2 nd^ Edition, Chartered Accountants Ireland, Dublin, action?docID=5839348&query=business+law+# (Accessed: 17th^ May 2021) INTERNATIONAL LEGAL SOURCES In-Text Citation Name of Convention in italics and year Example: A child means every human being below the age of 18 years (Convention on the Rights of the Child 1990) Reference List Treaty Title Year Example: Convention on the Rights of the Child 1990
In-Text citation Author surname (person or organization) year (page created or revised) Example: (Data Protection Commission 2021) Reference List Author, Year of publication, Title of Web Content, Publisher (if applicable), URL (Accessed: date) Example: Data Protection Commission 2021, Data Protection Basics, https://www. (Accessed: 28th April 2021)
In-Text citation (Country Government Department Year) Example: (Ireland Department of Justice 2020) Reference List Government name, Year, Title of publication , Publisher, Place of Publication (if applicable), URL (Accessed: date) Example: Department of Justice, 2020, Courts Service Corporate Strategic Plan, Courts Service, available at Plan_2021_-2023.pdf/Files/Courts_Service_Corporate_Strategic_Plan_2021-_2023. pdf (Accessed: 28th April 2021)
In-text citation (Author Surname Year) Example: (Hunt 2020) Reference List Author Surname, Initial(s) (Year), Title of Podcast, [Podcast] Publisher (if applicable), Place of Publication (if applicable), URL (Accessed: date) Example: Hunt, B (2020), Understanding Legislation, [Podcast] Ronan Daly Jermyn, (Accessed: 28th April 2021).
MTU HARVARD REFERENCING GUIDE FOR LEGAL RESOURCES This guide was compiled by the Law Lecturing team of the Department of Marketing and International Business, Munster Technological University in 2021: Katie Power, Louise P. Murphy, Josephine O'Halloran, Karen McCarthy BL, Roz Breen and Ann Lynch.