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Appunti programma inglese, Study notes of English

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The Canterbury Tales is about thirty pilgrims, who are going to the shrine of Thomas Backet in Canterbury Cathedral. Pilgrimages were a social event, a spiritual journey but also fun --> characters are modelled on real people, in the pilgrimages the middle class: kings, barons, church people went there. of the feudal world involved in the wool trade The characters --> realistic describe, based on realistic social groups, they are social type, they have individual characteristics also The pilgrimage --> purification of the soul, opportunity to meet other people, opportunity of travel The society was developing into a more mobile society


Is the period when there is a revolution from the Middle Ages to modernity, and some features that distinguish these eras are: 1) The independence of the state so free from external forces such as the church

  1. The reform, which leads to the independence of the pope and the birth of the A Anglican Church
  2. The rise of a new social class which is the merchant class
  3. A new navel power with fleet and navy
  4. The parliament institution very important KING IN THE TUDOR PERIOD
  • Henry VII put and to the war of Roses. increase the power of its position with: - A treaty with France -With a trade a g r e a agreement with the Netherlands -Whit a marriage between his heir and a p r I n c p princess.
  • Under Henry VII the monarchy became stranger, and England progressed and became a moder
  • Henry VIII called the “Golden Prince” thanks to his natural good looks and his ability. he married Catherine of Aragon broke with Rome and became the “supreme head on Earth of the church of England”. Because the pope refused the annulment of his marriage
  • Edward VI He never reigned in his own right. He died at fifteen years old.
  • Mary I only child of Henry VIII She wanted to restore a papal obedience. She made a lot of persecutions, and her nickname became “Bloody Mary”. ELIZABETH I -Became queen of a divided nation: the majority of which was anti-Catholic and anti-Spanish -She had a strong personality, and she was very intelligent, she spoke a lot of languages -She avoided both extreme: Catholicism and puritans she chooses the Anglicanism -She welcomes the merchants and middle classes the wool making trade -She does a marriageability to avoid a war she controls France and Spain by looking for a husband between French and Spain SPAIN enemy of England because of religious aspect Spain is a catholic country Give to all the protestants groups economic and military support they rebels against Spain


  1. Early period (1564-1593)when he done plays of experimentation --> period immature where he try out different kinds for write and he follower trends
  2. Period of the Great comedy (1593-1600) --> when he produced all of comedy: A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM, THE MERCHANT OF VENICE --> when he had light-hearted mess optimism, love, positive
  3. Great tragedies (1600-1605)--> he had a pessimism, disgust at the falsity, dishonesty and evil of humanity, he written: ROMEO AND JULIET, HAMLET, OTHELLO, KING LEAR, MACBETH
  4. Last period --> he had a serenity, he outlooks on life, he through a magic solution for all problems THE DEVELOPPEMENT OF DRAMA Tragedy beginning of the 5 century BC in Greece has an unhappy ending in the plot there are a madness, suicide, suffering, war The characters: villain, fate, warriors, princes, hero (nobility classes) the style is solemn and with an elevated languages The aim is the purification of the repressed emotions Comedy beginning of the 5 century BC in Greece has a happy ending in the plot there are a revolves around love, so love story with marriage The characters: ordinary but also there are a fixed character, and these have little psychological I n introspection the style and the languages are funny and humorous The aim is a mockery of the vices and follies of the society to which it belongs THE ELIZABETHAN THEATRE In the Elizabethan theatre period there is an artistic flourishing that is based on: 1) drama 2)poetry 3)music The drama development because it is for all classes so it is trully national experience there was a lot of literacy and with the theatre all people understood the price was low and so all people could afford it theatre was a form of entertainment for all Is a form of education This period is call “REMEWAL” Characteristics --> the aim was to leave a moral message --> the mix of comedy and tragedy --> it is based on three unities: place, time, action --> is inspired by Seneca for the tragedy and by Plutus for the comedy --> there are a lot of bloody, revenge, emotions, passions THE ELIZABETHAN PLAYHOUSE -->the permanent theatres were outdoors; they were circular or rectangular in shape -->the stage is a part with illumination had no curtains to separate the viewer from the actor, so the changes were seen by the audience -->the stage was divided into apron stage where there was the main scene Inner stage where there was the secondary plot, served for the background s scenes Upper stage where there were the highest scenes (like the castle walls in H a Hamlet) -->in the front of the stage there was a trap for the apparitions -->tiring house the actors changed their clothes -->the uncovered part of the stage is called the pit where actors communicated with the public to create an intimate relationship --> in the show there are symbolic props to create an illusion

--> the gallery is the part where the nobles watch the show and is a part in the dark

HAMLET Hamlet : acts like he’s crazy to find out if the fantasy told him the truth

In the 2 Act there is a lot of plotting Polonius: use his daughter to read Hamlet’s speeches Claudius: He calls some old friends of Hamlet to investigate him PERSONAGES Hamlet the price of Denmark, a reflective and thoughtful young man, often indecisive and hesitant It is UNFIT HERO because: honest, melancholy, innocent, pure= and there adjectives are not s u I t suitable for a hero Claudius The King of Denmark, Hamlet’s uncle, the villain of the play, he is dishonest, brutal, injustice, he I is evil Gertrude Hamlet’s mother is an innocent, shallow woman unaware of the events around her Ophelia Is a sweet and innocent girl, who obeys her father and her brother, Laertes. She depends on men t to tell her how to behave. He falls into madness because of too much pain CHATACTERISTIS OF THIS TRAGEDY There is much ambiguity between appearance and reality in Hamlet there is much chaos or dismption and disorder: the world is turned, the world has changed there is a lot of claster of images with the clothes (represent a mask) and with figure of speech