Download Cardiff University MODULE EVALUATION POLICY and more Exams Innovation in PDF only on Docsity! Cardiff University MODULE EVALUATION POLICY 1 1. Introduction This policy sets out Cardiff University’s approach to student evaluation of modules (and equivalent units for non-modular programmes) and the principles that underpin it. It sets out a framework for module evaluation that defines the minimum requirements with which all Schools must comply and identifies when variation in practice may be appropriate to accommodate relevant differences in academic provision between Schools. The policy covers all taught programmes, including clinical non-modular programmes for which appropriate blocks of teaching and learning should be identified1. 2. Key principles Cardiff University’s module evaluation framework is based on the following key principles: i. Module evaluation is a core element of the suite of practices and processes through which Cardiff University can be assured of the excellence of its academic provision. ii. The primary purposes of module evaluation are to: - Assist Schools in reviewing and enhancing their taught programmes through direct engagement with the views of current students; - Support staff in the continual improvement of their teaching practice; - Enable the University to review and enhance the student experience of learning and teaching, share evidence of good practice and identify areas for improvement. iii. Staff and students engage in module evaluation in a spirit of partnership and use the results constructively to support the continuous enhancement of academic programmes. iv. Schools work in partnership with students to ensure they have a clear understanding of the module evaluation process and its place within the University’s quality system and share with students the School’s response to their feedback. v. Student module evaluation data are held securely and are not reported in a way that could identify individual respondents. vi. Students complete module evaluations with consideration and respect and the module evaluation process is conducted in line with the University’s Dignity at Work and Study policy. 3. Cardiff University’s approach to module evaluation The UK Quality Code for Higher Education requires that “(t)he provider actively engages students, individually and collectively, in the quality of their educational experience”. Cardiff University regards module evaluation by students as a key element of its fulfilment of this expectation. The University’s module evaluation framework sets out the common requirements of all Schools. Schools are also encouraged to provide students with suitable opportunities to give informal in-module feedback. 1 During 2018/19, the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences will undertake a focused piece of work to consider how best to gather student feedback on learning and teaching for non-modular clinical programmes and will bring forward a proposal to ASQC for a shared approach across the two programmes that is consistent with the key principles and requirements of this policy. 2 i. All Schools must undertake module evaluation for all modules or equivalent units for non- modular programmes. All undergraduate and postgraduate taught modules must be evaluated at least once per cohort. The minimum requirement is for one student module evaluation opportunity towards the end of the module. Schools should identify appropriate additional evaluation and student feedback opportunities during the module. The primary method for conducting module evaluation for ALL Schools is the University’s Online Module Evaluation Survey tool2. The tool provides an easy to use interface for students, as well as a range of analysis and reporting options. Guidance and training on the effective use of the tool, including on how to maximize response rates, is available via the Centre for Education Support and Innovation. ii. All module evaluation questionnaires must use the agreed institutional core question set, to which may be added a limited number of further questions. In order to ensure comparability of data both over time and between modules, programmes and Schools, AQSC has agreed a core question set to be used across all academic Schools and Programmes (Appendix 1). The core question set will be reviewed periodically by ASQC to ensure ongoing fitness for purpose. From 2019/20, Schools will be permitted, if they wish, to insert up to three additional questions per module. The Centre for Education Support and Innovation can assist Schools in identifying and framing suitable additional questions. iii. Reporting will not identify individual students. Students must feel safe in the knowledge that they can express opinion without being identified. Schools should also exercise discretion when sharing free text comments made about individual members of staff in any forum other than within the module team or on a one-to-one basis with the member(s) of staff concerned. Redaction of free-text (qualitative) comments can be undertaken within the Online Module Evaluation Survey tool, if appropriate. The Online Module Evaluation Survey tool provides a mechanism through which inappropriate remarks made by students can be flagged and the respondent sent some general advice regarding more appropriate behaviour. This functionality can also be used in situations where respondents make a comment that raises concerns for their wellbeing or otherwise alerts the School to an issue that requires further action. Specific user rights are required to undertake this task that do not include the ability to identify individual respondents. Schools will need to allocate a specific member(s) of staff to the role. 2 Schools must have in place contingency arrangements so that any exceptional circumstances (e.g. IT failure) do not compromise the consistent approach to module evaluation. Where it becomes necessary to implement contingency arrangements, Schools must first secure the approval of the relevant College Dean for Education and Students. Schools must also upload the data to the Online Module Evaluation Survey tool, to facilitate analysis and feedback to students in a consistent manner, and so that results can be used to support College and/or institution-wide trend analysis, where appropriate. 5 equality and diversity, tariff, progression data) to inform institutional thinking regarding the student experience of learning and teaching. Appropriate reports will be shared routinely with relevant professional services to aid continuous improvement of services. Aggregated data will also be analysed periodically for equality and diversity purposes, in order to identify any specific issues regarding the experience of students or staff with protected characteristics. ix. Module evaluation data are held securely on the University network and are managed accordance with the University’s Information Security Framework. Details of the University’s Information Security Framework can be accessed at 6 Appendix 1 – Core question set Module evaluation question set, 2018/19 Standard template question set Teaching and learning 1. The module has been interesting and intellectually stimulating 2. The module has provided me with opportunities to explore ideas, practices or concepts in depth 3. Staff have been good at explaining things Assessment and feedback 4. The criteria used in marking have been made clear in advance 5. Marking and assessment has been fair 6. I have received helpful comments on my work 7. Feedback on my work has been timely Organisation and management 8. The module has been well organised and is running smoothly 9. Any changes in the module or teaching have been communicated effectively Learning resources 10. The library resources for the module (e.g. books, articles, journals, online services and learning spaces) have supported my learning well 11. I have been able to access module-specific resources (e.g. equipment, facilities, resources on learning central, software, collections) when I needed to Learning community 12. I have felt part of a community of staff and students whilst undertaking this module Student voice 13. I have opportunities to provide feedback on the module 14. Staff on this module have welcomed and responded to student feedback Overall satisfaction 15. Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the module Optional questions (from 2019/20) 16. [Optional locally-defined question 1] 17. [Optional locally-defined question 2] 18. [Optional locally-defined question 3] Please comment on any aspects of the module you would like to highlight: 19. What do you consider the best thing about the module? [Free text] 20. What would you like to see changed? [Free text] Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your feedback is highly valuable to us and is used to improve both the teaching of this module and your degree as a whole. 7 Set cwestiynau gwerthuso modiwlau, 2018/19 Templed safonol set cwestiynau Dysgu ac addysgu 1. Mae'r modiwl wedi bod yn ddiddorol ac wedi fy ysgogi'n ddeallusol 2. Mae'r modiwl wedi rhoi cyfleoedd i mi archwilio syniadau, arferion neu gysyniadau yn fanwl 3. Mae staff wedi bod yn dda am esbonio pethau Asesiad ac adborth 4. Mae’r meini prawf a ddefnyddir wrth farcio wedi bod yn glir ymlaen llaw 5. Mae’r marcio a’r asesu wedi bod yn deg 6. Rydw i wedi cael sylwadau defnyddiol am fy ngwaith 7. Mae'r adborth am fy ngwaith wedi bod yn amserol Trefnu a Rheoli 8. Mae'r modiwl wedi'i drefnu'n dda, ac yn rhedeg yn hwylus. 9. Mae unrhyw newidiadau o ran y modiwl neu'r addysgu wedi cael eu cyfathrebu'n effeithiol Adnoddau dysgu 10. Mae adnoddau'r llyfrgell ar gyfer y modiwl (e.e. llyfrau, erthyglau, chylchgronau, gwasanaethau ar-lein a mannau dysgu) wedi cefnogi fy nysgu'n dda 11. Rwyf wedi gallu cael mynediad at adnoddau penodol i’r modiwl (e.e. offer, cyfleusterau, adnoddau ar Dysgu Canolog, meddalwedd, casgliadau) pan oedd angen hynny arnaf Cymuned ddysgu 12. Rydw i wedi teimlo'n rhan o gymuned o staff a myfyrwyr wrth wneud y modiwl hwn Llais y myfyrwyr 13. Mae gen i gyfleoedd i roi adborth ar y modiwl 14. Mae staff ar y modiwl hwn wedi croesawu ac ymateb i adborth gan fyfyrwyr Boddhad cyffredinol 15. Ar y cyfan, rwy'n fodlon ar ansawdd y modiwl Cwestiynau dewisol (o 2019/20) 16. [Optional locally-defined question 1] 17. [Optional locally-defined question 2] 18. [Optional locally-defined question 3] Rhowch sylwadau am unrhyw agweddau ar y modiwl yr hoffech dynnu sylw atynt: 19. Beth ydych chi'n ystyried yw’r peth gorau am y modiwl? [Free text] 20. Beth hoffech chi ei weld yn cael ei newid? [Free text] Diolch am roi o'ch amser i gwblhau'r gwerthusiad hwn. Mae eich adborth yn werthfawr iawn i ni, ac rydym yn ei ddefnyddio i wella addysgu ar y modiwl hwn a'ch gradd yn gyffredinol.