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Object-Oriented Programming: Understanding Classes and Member Access, Slides of Object Oriented Programming

An overview of object-oriented programming (oop) concepts, focusing on classes and member access. It explains how classes are used to define new types, and the benefits of abstraction. The document also covers the syntax for defining a new user-defined type, accessing members, and the use of access specifiers in c++.

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Uploaded on 08/08/2012

anchita 🇮🇳



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Download Object-Oriented Programming: Understanding Classes and Member Access and more Slides Object Oriented Programming in PDF only on Docsity! Object oriented programming (OOP) Lecture No. 7 Class ►Class is a tool to realize objects ►Class is a tool for defining a new type Type in C++ ►Mechanism for user defined types are  Structures  Classes ►Built-in types are like int, float and double ►User defined type can be  Student in student management system  Circle in a drawing software Abstraction ►Only include details in the system that are required for making a functional system ►Student  Name  Address  Sibling  Father Business Relevant to our problem Not relevant to our problem Defining a New User Defined Type class ClassName { … DataType MemberVariable; ReturnType MemberFunction(); … }; Syntax Syntax Example Student aStudent; aStudent.rollNo = 514; aStudent.rollNo = -514; //Error Object and Class ►Object is an instantiation of a user defined type or a class Declaring class variables ►Variables of classes (objects) are declared just like variables of structures and built-in data types TypeName VaraibaleName; int var; Student aStudent; Access specifiers Access specifiers ►There are three access specifiers  ‘public’ is used to tell that member can be accessed whenever you have access to the object  ‘private’ is used to tell that member can only be accessed from a member function  ‘protected’ to be discussed when we cover inheritance Example class Student{ private: char * name; int rollNo; public: void setName(char *); void setRollNo(int); ... }; Cannot be accessed outside class Can be accessed outside class Example class Student { char * name; int RollNo; }; class Student { private: char * name; int RollNo; }; Example class Student { char * name; int RollNo; void SetName(char *); }; Student aStudent; aStudent.SetName(Ali); Error Example class Student { char * name; int RollNo; public: void setName(char *); }; Student aStudent; aStudent.SetName(“Ali”);