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Convoy Operations and Movement Planning, Exams of Advanced Education

A comprehensive overview of the briefing process and key considerations for convoy operations and movement planning in a military context. It covers topics such as convoy planning, vehicle formations, reporting procedures, maintenance and logistics, and the overall force projection process. The document delves into the various steps, tools, and best practices involved in effectively executing convoy movements and ensuring the successful deployment and redeployment of military units and equipment. It serves as a valuable resource for military personnel responsible for transportation, logistics, and unit movement operations.

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Download Convoy Operations and Movement Planning and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! ADA BOLC 02-22 MODULE B EXA Types of Military Briefings - ANSWER-Information, Decision, Mission, Staff Information Brief - ANSWER-Brief conveying information, starts with bottom line up front Decision Brief - ANSWER-Intended to present a problem and possible COAs to decision makers, uses the MDMP Mission Brief - ANSWER-non-OPORD brief during during a mission Staff Brief - ANSWER-Intended to inform a commander and staff to the current situations (Command updates briefs, staff meetings) Steps of the Briefing Process - ANSWER-PPEA: Plan, Prepare, Execute, Assess Load plan - ANSWER-Plan for everything being transported in a convoy and how it is being loaded What is the optimal size of a convoy - ANSWER-30 vehicles What is the optimal speed of convoys - ANSWER-20-55mph what is the optimal vehicle intervals in convoys - ANSWER-75-100m What vehicle should be the pace setter in a convoy - ANSWER-the Heaviest Convoy Clearance Forms - ANSWER-DD 1265, DD 1266 Box Formation - ANSWER-gun trucks positioned on each side of the convoy, arranged in a rough circle 5-25-200 Scan - ANSWER-Scanning procedure for convoy operations SALUTE REPORT - ANSWER-Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment (L)ACE Report - ANSWER-(liduid), Ammo, Casualties, Equipment Stagger Formation - ANSWER-Vehicles spread along the sides of the road at the stop, staggering, Herringbone Formation - ANSWER-Vehicles Veer off the road at 45 degrees in staggered formation 3 Phases of TC3 - ANSWER-Care under fire, Tactical field care, Tactical evacuation care What is the only tool used in care under fire - ANSWER-Hasty Tournaquet Force Projection Process - ANSWER-Planning, Predeployment activities, Movement, RSOI, Employment, Sustainment, Redeployment UMO - ANSWER-Unit Movement Officer Actions upon arrival - ANSWER-RSOI: Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, Integration Fort to port movement - ANSWER-Logistics picks up a units gear at thier home instalation Port to Port Movement - ANSWER-Unit must deliver their own equipment to the port Movement Key Personnel - ANSWER-Company UMO, BN UMO, BDE Mobility Officer, Division/ Installation Transpo offices BBPCT - ANSWER-Blocking, Bracing, Packing, Crating, and Tie-down What determines how something should be packed? - ANSWER-BBPCT Who is responsible for preparing equipment and low level paperwork for movement? - ANSWER-Company UMO Who does Airload planning and /creates movement orders and SOPs - ANSWER-BN UMO Mode - ANSWER-method of transpo Node - ANSWER-location along the mobility system Marshall area - ANSWER-Where equipment is prepared for forward movement Staging Area - ANSWER-where units initially bring equipment to be prepared Alert Holding Area - ANSWER-where personnel wait for movement APOE, APOD, SPOE, SPOD - ANSWER-Air/Sea Port of Embarkation/ Debarkation What is a Line Haul - ANSWER-A Convoy Operation PLL - ANSWER-Prescribed Load List Field Maintenance vs Sustainment Maintenance - ANSWER-Field- Done by you, Sustainment- done by maintenance services Services - ANSWER-Routine maintenance tasks required on a time table Outspot Report - ANSWER-Missile system specific maintenance report ESR - ANSWER-Conventional systems maintenance report Types of Property - ANSWER-Real, Personal 3 Classifications of property - ANSWER-Nonexpendable, Expendable, Durable Property Accountability Reg - ANSWER-AR 735-5 PBO - ANSWER-Property book officer, has list of all property assigned GCSS ARMY - ANSWER-Property management system Different types of Responsibility - ANSWER-Command responsibility: Commander Direct Responsibility: Person signed for it Supervisory Responsibility: Superviser Custodial Responsibility: storage person Personal responsibility: person using it Pre-Change of command inventory - ANSWER-Inventory done by incoming and outgoing commander, reporting to PBO, BN and BDE commanders How long do commanders have to do a pre-change of command inventory? - ANSWER-30 days, two 15 day extentions CSDP - ANSWER-Command Supply Discipline program Elements of CSDP - ANSWER-Leadership, Command Emphasis, Training, Administrative measures, Disciplinary Measures. (LCTAD) How often are SI inventoried? - ANSWER-monthly how much of the property book is inventoried monthly, yearly? - ANSWER-10%, 100% Pamphlet showing current supply catalogs, lists, and TCs - ANSWER-DA PAM 25-30 FLIPL - ANSWER-Financial Liability Investigation of property loss. determines liability for damage, takes 75 days Army Inspection Policy - ANSWER-AR 1-201 Organizational inspection Program - ANSWER-program of responsibilities and instructions for property inspections Accountable officer and types - ANSWER-Person on orders to maintain a set of accounting records. Types are Transportation officer, stock record officer, property book officer (PBO) Troop Leading Procedures - ANSWER-1. Receive the Mission 2. Issue a Warning Order 3. Make a Tentative Plan 4. Initiate Movement 5. Conduct Reconnaissance 6. Complete the Plan 7. Issue the Order 8. Supervise and Refine TLP Time ratios - ANSWER-Leader uses 1/3 of time to plan, subordinates get 2/3 of time METT-TC - ANSWER-Mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops available, time available, and civil considerations WOAKOC - ANSWER-Weather, Obstacles, Avenues of Approach, Key terrain, Observation/fields of fire, Cover/Concealment GIPOATRN (IMPORTANT MEMORIZE!) - ANSWER-Guyton Is Pissed Off And Tired Right Now three types of recon - ANSWER-Map Recon, Air Recon, Ground Recon (best) What level are TLPs conducted at - ANSWER-Company or lower What level is MDMP conducted at? - ANSWER-Battalion and higher Strategic Environment - ANSWER-the global environment in which the US President employs all the elements of national power Operational Environment - ANSWER-Regional environment where shit goes down Operational Variables - ANSWER-PMESII-PT Political Millitary Economic Social Informational Infrastructure Physical Environment Time 5 Domains of Warfare - ANSWER-Air, land, maritime, space, cyberspace Cultural and language variables - ANSWER-VBBN. Values, Beliefs, Behaviors, Norms State actors vs. non-state actors - ANSWER-individuals affiliated or not affiliated with a state What defines a combatant? - ANSWER-Intent Types of Combatant - ANSWER-Lawful, Unlawful Hybrid Threat - ANSWER-a combination of regular and Irregular Forces 2+3 threat - ANSWER-Russia, China, north Korea, Iran Training Aids - ANSWER-ATMS: Army Training Management System made up of ATN: Army Training Network CATS: Combined arms training strategies DTMS: Digital Training Management System Mission Essential Task List (METL) - ANSWER-list of tasks required to be trained to a specific standard for a unit ADP 7-0 - ANSWER-Training FM 7-0 - ANSWER-Train to Win in a Complex World Battle Task - ANSWER-Collective Task in which a platoon or lower echelon trains that supports a Company MET 8 Step Training Model - ANSWER-Plan the Event,