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ADA BOLC 02-22 MODULE B EXA Types of Military Briefings - ANSWER-Information, Decision, Mission, Staff Information Brief - ANSWER-Brief conveying information, starts with bottom line up front Decision Brief - ANSWER-Intended to present a problem and possible COAs to decision makers, uses the MDMP Mission Brief - ANSWER-non-OPORD brief during during a mission Staff Brief - ANSWER-Intended to inform a commander and staff to the current situations (Command updates briefs, staff meetings) Steps of the Briefing Process - ANSWER-PPEA: Plan, Prepare, Execute, Assess Load plan - ANSWER-Plan for everything being transported in a convoy and how it is being loaded What is the optimal size of a convoy - ANSWER-30 vehicles What is the optimal speed of convoys - ANSWER-20-55mph what is the optimal vehicle intervals in convoys - ANSWER-75-100m What vehicle should be the pace setter in a convoy - ANSWER-the Heaviest Convoy Clearance Forms - ANSWER-DD 1265, DD 1266 Box Formation - ANSWER-gun trucks positioned on each side of the convoy, arranged in a rough circle 5-25-200 Scan - ANSWER-Scanning procedure for convoy operations SALUTE REPORT - ANSWER-Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment (L)ACE Report - ANSWER-(liduid), Ammo, Casualties, Equipment Stagger Formation - ANSWER-Vehicles spread along the sides of the road at the stop, staggering, Herringbone Formation - ANSWER-Vehicles Veer off the road at 45 degrees in staggered formation 3 Phases of TC3 - ANSWER-Care under fire, Tactical field care, Tactical evacuation care What is the only tool used in care under fire - ANSWER-Hasty Tournaquet Force Projection Process - ANSWER-Planning, Predeployment activities, Movement, RSOI, Employment, Sustainment, Redeployment UMO - ANSWER-Unit Movement Officer Actions upon arrival - ANSWER-RSOI: Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, Integration Fort to port movement - ANSWER-Logistics picks up a units gear at thier home instalation Port to Port Movement - ANSWER-Unit must deliver their own equipment to the port Movement Key Personnel - ANSWER-Company UMO, BN UMO, BDE Mobility Officer, Division/ Installation Transpo offices BBPCT - ANSWER-Blocking, Bracing, Packing, Crating, and Tie-down What determines how something should be packed? - ANSWER-BBPCT Who is responsible for preparing equipment and low level paperwork for movement? - ANSWER-Company UMO Who does Airload planning and /creates movement orders and SOPs - ANSWER-BN UMO Mode - ANSWER-method of transpo Node - ANSWER-location along the mobility system Marshall area - ANSWER-Where equipment is prepared for forward movement Staging Area - ANSWER-where units initially bring equipment to be prepared Alert Holding Area - ANSWER-where personnel wait for movement APOE, APOD, SPOE, SPOD - ANSWER-Air/Sea Port of Embarkation/ Debarkation What is a Line Haul - ANSWER-A Convoy Operation PLL - ANSWER-Prescribed Load List Field Maintenance vs Sustainment Maintenance - ANSWER-Field- Done by you, Sustainment- done by maintenance services Services - ANSWER-Routine maintenance tasks required on a time table Outspot Report - ANSWER-Missile system specific maintenance report ESR - ANSWER-Conventional systems maintenance report Types of Property - ANSWER-Real, Personal 3 Classifications of property - ANSWER-Nonexpendable, Expendable, Durable Property Accountability Reg - ANSWER-AR 735-5 PBO - ANSWER-Property book officer, has list of all property assigned GCSS ARMY - ANSWER-Property management system Different types of Responsibility - ANSWER-Command responsibility: Commander Direct Responsibility: Person signed for it Supervisory Responsibility: Superviser Custodial Responsibility: storage person Personal responsibility: person using it Pre-Change of command inventory - ANSWER-Inventory done by incoming and outgoing commander, reporting to PBO, BN and BDE commanders How long do commanders have to do a pre-change of command inventory? - ANSWER-30 days, two 15 day extentions CSDP - ANSWER-Command Supply Discipline program Elements of CSDP - ANSWER-Leadership, Command Emphasis, Training, Administrative measures, Disciplinary Measures. (LCTAD) How often are SI inventoried? - ANSWER-monthly how much of the property book is inventoried monthly, yearly? - ANSWER-10%, 100% Pamphlet showing current supply catalogs, lists, and TCs - ANSWER-DA PAM 25-30 FLIPL - ANSWER-Financial Liability Investigation of property loss. determines liability for damage, takes 75 days Army Inspection Policy - ANSWER-AR 1-201 Organizational inspection Program - ANSWER-program of responsibilities and instructions for property inspections Accountable officer and types - ANSWER-Person on orders to maintain a set of accounting records. Types are Transportation officer, stock record officer, property book officer (PBO) Troop Leading Procedures - ANSWER-1. Receive the Mission 2. Issue a Warning Order 3. Make a Tentative Plan 4. Initiate Movement 5. Conduct Reconnaissance 6. Complete the Plan 7. Issue the Order 8. Supervise and Refine TLP Time ratios - ANSWER-Leader uses 1/3 of time to plan, subordinates get 2/3 of time METT-TC - ANSWER-Mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops available, time available, and civil considerations WOAKOC - ANSWER-Weather, Obstacles, Avenues of Approach, Key terrain, Observation/fields of fire, Cover/Concealment GIPOATRN (IMPORTANT MEMORIZE!) - ANSWER-Guyton Is Pissed Off And Tired Right Now three types of recon - ANSWER-Map Recon, Air Recon, Ground Recon (best) What level are TLPs conducted at - ANSWER-Company or lower What level is MDMP conducted at? - ANSWER-Battalion and higher Strategic Environment - ANSWER-the global environment in which the US President employs all the elements of national power Operational Environment - ANSWER-Regional environment where shit goes down Operational Variables - ANSWER-PMESII-PT Political Millitary Economic Social Informational Infrastructure Physical Environment Time 5 Domains of Warfare - ANSWER-Air, land, maritime, space, cyberspace Cultural and language variables - ANSWER-VBBN. Values, Beliefs, Behaviors, Norms State actors vs. non-state actors - ANSWER-individuals affiliated or not affiliated with a state What defines a combatant? - ANSWER-Intent Types of Combatant - ANSWER-Lawful, Unlawful Hybrid Threat - ANSWER-a combination of regular and Irregular Forces 2+3 threat - ANSWER-Russia, China, north Korea, Iran Training Aids - ANSWER-ATMS: Army Training Management System made up of ATN: Army Training Network CATS: Combined arms training strategies DTMS: Digital Training Management System Mission Essential Task List (METL) - ANSWER-list of tasks required to be trained to a specific standard for a unit ADP 7-0 - ANSWER-Training FM 7-0 - ANSWER-Train to Win in a Complex World Battle Task - ANSWER-Collective Task in which a platoon or lower echelon trains that supports a Company MET 8 Step Training Model - ANSWER-Plan the Event,