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Dynamic Programming and Backtracking Algorithms, Study notes of Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Two algorithms: the 0-1 knapsack using dynamic programming and the backtracking algorithm for the N-Queens problem. The former is based on a recursive formula and is used to solve the knapsack problem. The latter is a decision-based method used to find solutions for problems such as the N-Queens and the Graph Coloring problems. The document also includes an example of the Subset Sum problem and its solution using dynamic programming. The algorithms are presented in a concise and technical way, with little explanation or context.

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Available from 02/03/2024

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Download Dynamic Programming and Backtracking Algorithms and more Study notes Design and Analysis of Algorithms in PDF only on Docsity! 24) nN) 2023 ee Unit—@ 7 8: 0-1 knapsack using —_ dynamic Programing ——~ U v v Let cfs, w] denotes dhe value of He Solution for tteme a a i amd marxoimum weil Ww: Re js defined ca — cf, W] = © y th d=o or W=e = cLt,w] sik dso and Wi> W = max] Vi + c[ia,Ww-Wi], cfw-t, wh} 4 Ph d>o aud WisW © dn dhs W denoted the capacdy of Krabcady A\goxtthro — Synomic—o-I- knapsack: (v w,, w) fr Lb — oto WwW e[o,uje ° Be feb oe efiap=-* fe Leni ® W po wi cl then i VS +q in, d- wi] > efi | 1. dhen - ~~ » — ee, . efit] e— yb cle dew; ] » else efi) cfi-t,L] else fied] — ¢ft, n=4, Wes (Wi % Vs V4) = (3,4, s,6) (Wr Woy Wo, Ws) = {234 4,5) . PF golutiona cfi,w]: c[4,s] we pick Wa=S ewes w; < W cf4,s] = aon (6+ C[3,0], cps] 5 - maa 4 b+0 , 33 x F Ss Play's Well 4 WorShal) Algorithm fer - Bavtelh gh —* © This algorithm is used fo Solve al — boive Ghovle@ patho problem 07 directed prep G= (YE) : © This a}gowithm js based OP dhe dynami¢ Progen mm "4 approach ' © Let J, be — the ooeighct of a bhordeél for wi path fem vedo do 1 veto J al) iudermedi arte vertices are in ohe ge} q')2, no k5 ' Recursive fprrula — dj = Wa , if k=o | ain Sas 5 Jo + Mg] 9 P kot juder idiate vest - op where fb Is é: Construct he fiton ce prredlce ss 07" prada” _ Se Ppypypypp? mown do when kK=0 Fel, = NIL iB deg or y= 09 = J 8 LIF LEY aud wy < 20 for k>I nh, - ry 5 up te VD de )) “ =n, , ie a> dt 0% Note- O af rumber of — vertices ig on dhen we make nxn weuibo maticee + @® xf Je iar he we put=0 jo dhe diGent motrin * . ; (© whe — path does nok nice —beteween dd 4 we pot 4 g 9g «© -¢ ‘Iwgh opt MEL I wm ol. # wrt Na MTL 2 % 0 “ rs we, NIL wIL WA HR a 4 OM So + : NI oO oO 6 Oo NIL NIL MIL & verqicee =m =S so. we , po, a nl?) or, ) 7 EE EE Oe (kK) Me dy=d kd kg (kK). , ae ) K a = KJ Time combeisy sf bis a alert hin) a(n ; §: Batkbracking $: method » a method byl of dlecisiou uni] © Back bathing isa out —vortou@ ceqwenles fing dhe en oolubon + © Gauk-tvaskiog tig dbot ® Answee 4 eT ; ate aver thoge — Eolution for which © n f\ ' e thr ba th frm veo} lo leat voli const rail of thot by x0 hb] tm + > N= Cucer Problem hy have Quren The objective «of EMO problem, Fs to bce all dhe N queers on hit Chteaboord in euth way no. wo. queens fie OP m Ur ‘ Same sow, column Or cliagonal : ty- 4 dt 3 Spee JP ger £2,013 5 s'd queen can nok ke placed Goluptou backs trusk - Pah we EE, EE EOE __—_ —_ @ > Subbree two queens Ont placed at positroue they ( fu, iJ aud (k, vy ave Ow dhe Sau e diagpna)- only if (ia | Or Wy s kad J-j = k-t ; Ie j a or J-k = { jf) Therefore, two gueene lie on he game diagonal N-Cueea (is, ») 4) for jet ton do if Place (x,t) = Tree 6) 6 then kK] , 6 fe then for j= i ae, clo pat *(D §) ele N- Oueen (+ ly n) xithm co Alge Sur £ Sub (s, Ir, x) @ AH! @ i#F(s+ wh)=") ® for gad tok ® pint 23] © ele if [s+ wk] +wlkti] <™) SurqgOt Sub (S+ wlk], kt1, ®- w[k]) and (st wlhs+]<™) ) © @ iF((str- wikl 2”) © x[k] — © sumofSub (5 kt, 7 -wLKd) The jnitial r urn J) po ca} fs 8 oF Sub (0, |, 2m) where my assume that all dhe wejete ae in increas order sur of afd the Clements added y= The total k= That element which fs e be s = initia set Ore} Ourtion— Let WH £5, (0, 12,18, By 10] and We 380- nd al possible eubselg of Ww thot Sum WW Oo és using Qu OF &vb - (Drow de portion of Oe Gale Spall free Aah 8 generated {5/10/1SS 4S, 12133, {12,19f ph (S k, wo (o, 9 Tote) NeatVa lue (kK) { crepea + { fk} = (xI 11) med (mV) if (ak) = 9 hen ¥elurn if (GifxCK-1], * fp) thee for ge! +o k-] do if (xLa= xpi) lsseak; fo (aek) de // 1B bee, Her is hi@tinct P((ken) ov (Lk=n) oe dhen dhe . vevter oafefed, BI) +e) fren vel ; J Jontil (false): © : ' let Gr be a aap and m_ é a given fl basqj - ive integer. We wort to discover whether dhe podee of (4 can be clored jn dvgbe. 2 way that no two adyacent nodes have the come -telor ge onta mlm, Ore dsed- Tyg 16 Formed dhe m= colorabilty decision problem - ashy |@ The om pein optimization problem for the smele iucke gee pm for coleved - This integer Is geoph Gi Can be veford oes the Oromatic pumitt of He geth Gy bx Ra oF m(oloving (k) { cwhide (4) { Newt Value (k) ip (xk =¢) OW SNSSLSVES UUVUUUUUUUU UU Ur ooo xeturn Frey) print Xi): nj else raColoring (k+4) s J > Newt Velee (x) piled) afk] («f+ 4) mod (™+4) if (x[k] = 0) atlua for[ga i en) | if (olk.d] #° aud (xi =») break if (J= o¥4) ety Ba oo ¢ 3 12 a 3 3 o 6 (e 9] 9 S 8 oo 6 10 “8 9 8 S00 yn}? is) 14 9 ¢@ co g Sdution— for —weduced — ta med? that vow aud at teat Ta) eavk cond aire at dee one column +> ia, ae Os 4 eo 9 Ss O oo 8 ! &b o 3 w~) 6 0 2 A g p 6 ! 0. & ¥ co + oOo. 9 O Result 0.0 3 I ! ts Oth Ooh qQ 6 0 a2 A S) fo 6 ! o ° a wd of: veduted rabid “Leo - B4 345+ 3404S = 2F = ae & + 4 a 4 zy ny Ss QO. <a ad Boog 4 + 5 a8 sod Ba 2 ; 2-29 4 i = ¢ SB ggg 8B egg £ 88 w 2 fo 8 Tota) oO 5S eS Ove "© aRRARRRARARARARRAAADRALLS Ss + “_ o ab a ( g € (e