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Preparing a Academic Dossier: A Guide for University Faculty, Study notes of Human Resource Management

Guidelines for university faculty on preparing their academic dossier for review. It covers various sections such as letters of evaluation, professional competence and activities, university service, self-evaluation letter, and provides summary points to consider. It also emphasizes the importance of keeping records and discussing teaching in the self-evaluation.

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Download Preparing a Academic Dossier: A Guide for University Faculty and more Study notes Human Resource Management in PDF only on Docsity! Research and/or Other Creative Activities (continued) Letters of Evaluation  (not for a fourth year review) Internal letters should be requested from knowledgeable sources, but with regard to the need to preserve a pool of faculty from which a review committee can be formed if necessary. Internal referees should only be selected if they can provide special information not available from other sources. The candidate should be given the opportunity to indicate potential referees who might have a prejudice. YOUR DOSSIER Professional Competence and Activities This is a category in which the actual activities vary markedly from discipline to discipline. It is often helpful to include a brief explanation of what constitutes pertinent activity in the given discipline (e.g., editorship, consulting), followed by a description of the candidate’s activities, their significance, and how the candidate’s level of activity compares to the norm. Your self statement will be very important YOUR DOSSIER •Self-statement 3-5 pages (but check with your department).. The self-statement is the only opportunity for you to say something about yourself in your own words. •Mentoring form (the candidate needs to meet with the mentor at least twice/year). Take the initiative on this – don’t depend on your department to “push” this!! •Peer evaluations (either forms or letters, if forms are not available). These should be solicited by the dept. Ask your chair; is s/he doesn’t do it, ask peer evaluators to send letters regarding your teaching to the chair, for your dossier. •Student evaluations (forms are really useful when comments are included; letters can also be solicited to bolster the file).Be aggressive about this as well – if the dept doesn’t do it, solicit letters to be sent by students, post docs, fellows. •Candidates can now ask ORUs/unit Directors to provide comments for the dossier if the candidate is engaged in interdisciplinary work that is in the area of the ORU. Don’t abuse this, but if there is truly interdisciplinary work in you research history, ask the dept chair (or responsible administrator) to solicit such comments for your dossier. The. dept is to contact the director/head of the unit, requesting a statement on the candidate’s participation in interdisciplinary research.. •Only items that actually occurred during the review period should be listed on the data summary pages. So, no pending grants, future presentations, activities when you were a postdoc, etc. These can be mentioned in the self-statement or CV. •The bibliography for the data summary pages should be categorized – peer-reviewed papers separate from books and abstracts and so on. SOME SUMMARY POINTS TO THINK ABOUT PRETTY STRAIGHT FORWARD; TYPICAL BIOGRAPHIC DATA AGAIN, JUST BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION THIS SHOULD INCLUDE FELLOWS,  GRAD STUDENTS, POST‐DOCS, VISITING SCIENTISTS, UNDER GRADS (IF YOU NEED SOME FILLER) Ph.D Candi‐ Dates. Include Residents, Medical Fellows, but   Identify  them as such BE SURE TO INDICATE THE NUMBER OF LECTURES YOU GIVE,  PBLs YOU MEET WITH, LABS YOU SUPERVISE.  IT IS IMPORTRANT THAT  YOU DISCUSS  YOUR TEACHING IN YOUR SELF EVALUATION, AND  THAT THE INFORMATION HERE AND IN THE SELF EVALUATION  AGREE. REMEMBER, YOU CAN PUT ANYTHING YOU THIS APPORPRIATE IN HERE. TUTORING STUDENTS FROM A CLASS IN AN INFORMAL  WAY, OFFICE HOURS, PhD, POST DOC, FELLOW ONE‐ON‐ONE MENTORING, SITTING ON Ph.D. ADVANCEMENT TO CANDIDACY EXAMS. START KEEPING THIS RECORD RIGHT AWAY!!   IT WON’T MEAN MUCH IN A FOURTH YEAR REVIEW, OR ASSIST‐ASSOC PROF;  RESEARCH IS THE IMPORTANT THING.  BUT IT CAN’T HURT… START KEEPING THIS RECORD RIGHT AWAY!!   IT WON’T MEAN MUCH IN A FOURTH YEAR REVIEW, OR ASSIST‐ASSOC PROF;  RESEARCH IS THE IMPORTANT THING.  FOR A GOOD JOURNAL, IT WILL INDICATE SOME DEGREE OF PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION. START KEEPING THIS RECORD RIGHT AWAY!!   IT WON’T MEAN MUCH IN A FOURTH YEAR REVIEW, OR ASSIST‐ASSOC PROF;  RESEARCH IS THE IMPORTANT THING.  BUT IT CAN’T HURT… REMEMBER, YOU CAN ADD ANYTHING YOU WANT.  JUST KEEP YOUR RECORDS.  GIVING  INVITED SEMINARS AND INVITED  LECTURES AT MAJOR SOCIETY MEETINGS IS A STRONG INDICATOR OF PROFESSIONAL  ACCOMPLISHMENT AND RECOGNITION. I  ADVISE MY MENTEES TO HAVE THEIR FRIENDS AT OTHER   INSTITUTIONS TO INVITE THEM – SO THEY CAN MEET INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE AND LET  OTHERS KNOW ABOUT THEIR WORK. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR DATA SUMMARY REVIEW #:__ NAME; CANDIDATES'S CERTIFICATION AND INVENTORY OF ADDED MATERIALS PRIOR TO DETERMINATION OF DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION I CERTIFY THAT FOR REVIEW #_. Under Section 220-80-c of the Academic Personnel Manual: 1) | was informed of the impending review for this personnel action and of the review process (through access to APM Sections 210-1 and 220). Il) Lwas provided the opportunity to ask questions, supply information and evidence, make any desired additions, and, if relevant in this personnel action, suggest names for so! tion of letters of evaluation, and to provide, in writing, names of persons (within and outside UCLA), who in my view, may not provide objective evaluations. (If such information provided, list names below.) III) With respect to your interdisciplinary work, as provided for in The UCLA CALL, III. Professorial Series IV.C.9, and Appendix 37, you have the right to: oe en" NOTE THIS OPPORTUNITY. DON’T ABUSE (1) describe, in your self-statement, your interdisciplinary work in detail; (2) identify persons, both extramural and intramural, qualified to evaluate it; and (3) designate, below, UC interdisciplinary entities (e.g. organized research units, research centers, interdisciplinary degree programs, interdepartmental programs, centers for interdisciplinary instruction, etc., as well as the other department in a joint or split appointment) with which you have been affiliated and whose input you expect your Chair (or Director) to solicit in this personnel action: (insert name of Department, interdisciplinary entity, ete.). Under Section 220-80-d of the Academic Personnel Manual: 1) Linspected the data set forth on pages 3-7 and the bibliography. My initials following the entries on those pages indicate my concurrence in the completeness and accuracy of the data. (Any items corrected by me or added at my request are inventoried below) Il) Thad the opportunity to receive redacted copies of the confidential documents in this file. IN) [had the opportunity to provide a written statement for inclusion in this file in response to or commenting upon material in the file. (If such a statement was provided, it is listed below) NOTE THIS OPPORTUNITY. YOU CAN LOOK AT THE FILE BEFORE DEPT REVIEW. YOU CAN ADD COMMENTS AND MATERIAL. DON’T ABUSE Name Date Items I have corrected and items and statements I have added YOU  SHOULD BE INFORMED OF THE DEPARTMENTAL  RECOMMENDATION AND THE SUBSTANCE  OF THE COMMENTS. YOU  SHOULD ALSO BE INFORMED OF THE DEPARTMENTAL  VOTE. YOU CAN REQUEST  A COPY OF THE DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION. YOU CAN ADD A REBUTTAL , OR ANY SORT OF COMMENT  YOU WISH, AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD OF THE DEPARTMENTAL   RECOMMENDATION.  THESE COMMENTS WILL BECOME A PART  OF THE DOSSIER, TO GO TO THE DEAN, THE AD HOC ACADEMIC   SENATE COMMITTEE, AND THE VICE‐CHANCELLOR REVIEW OF  THIS EVALUATION. YOUR SELF‐STATEMENT RESEARCH  (only published stuff) At this stage, this is the most important part of your file.  You are not talking to a group of peers, in the sense of a  submitted manuscript; you are talking to a committee  that has some experts and some non‐experts. Describe your overall area of interest, expertise and  publications in an introductory paragraph. Pick (depending on how many publications you have on  the dossier) several examples and describe  for each(1)  the question you were asking (2) its place in “the big  picture”. Tell, without being too technical, the results you  obtained. Tell the reader why the results are important – how they changed the perception in a field, for example. If you have independent, peer‐reviewed grant support,  make a point of describing this in your self‐statement. If  you had a great priority score (10th percentile or lower)  let the reviewers know it!! In any collaborative study, point our your role – and try to  indicate why it is critical to the result.  Ask your  colleagues, on collaborative studies, to send a  letter/note to be included in the dossier that indicates  your indispensable  contribution. YOUR SELF‐STATEMENT SERVICE This will not be a very important part of the review; if  your chair/division chief has done a good job, s/he will  have protected you from sitting on too many committees. However, if you have been on any search committees,  participated in any department committees, etc, do put  them into the self‐statement.  Community service counts  some here, but institutional service (to UCLA) or service  to the scientific community – organizing a meeting, sitting  on a grant review panel, etc. should go into your  statement. GOOD  LUCK IN  THE  FUTURE!!