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Refine Tree? wWhakare diPf typy of Freed erplen 4 Simples+ types of Connected Arephm "Definatien fee, Le | —--A bree! 16 q Simple Connected grap — oe [ewitbout any Circuit . | i f-e. dyee Is a Connected acyelic areph.- 3 I-A Colection OF Set op an Goydlic arap 3 [ {S called a forest se i | A g——« i—™s yt a | Ab trae graph ate tree _ Q AL A veetex of deqree | IN & tree IS called _ | alleaf cra termine! pede .- - i) | fA veetex Or a Adeqree greatee, fhatr one i 15 caled Q branch nede Or inteenal node_ | / Cc | 5 f a a 1 a eS) ~ — ~ f | “Nos —_j | Se £ | ¢-d, @ — ate lea or eam | nel Nostey i LA Geb, & ate brante pede ‘ | Scanned by CamScanner The G bea paced : { 7 the eccentaicity & cfinedl os fod thtae } the ecc ents 5 |b Ea or €CvD a vere jo 7+ ® | distance rom Vv | wm VIR C | with minima ND | A veetex In a graph © aS I| 1 | jE 1s denoted by r C&D €(g)23, € Cb)= ec) =3 [| i E03 23 1 €C4)= 41 et) =3 —}—_—— 7 Salat eccenfrcity (5 2 Rr veered +b A _ re —— Scanned by CamScanner | _& Heic —¥ |) Levet and Hegh! of a Free : mM o * | 1 Pefine Level & Height of A free A Vveeler vy ina foolea free iS Sara te be UU level nif Pheee% a path of length, —t / from the root fo the VEELEK [|p othe highk of free ig Fhe maxinuns of The fevers of cfs yeenees | a —— ——~ —troot, Jewel 6 Scanned by CamScanner define sabre 9 > Subtrees ea. 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