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Handwritten notes on CLASS 12 PHYSICS chapter "Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance"., Study notes of Physics

These notes are made on the bases of latest NCERT syllabus after deep research. So, you can consider these notes for your CBSE board exams as well as JEE and NEET exams. Topics Covered in the notes are: Electric potential, potential difference, electric potential due to a point charge, a dipole and system of charges; equipotential surfaces, electrical potential energy of a system of two-point charges and of electric dipole in an electrostatic field. Conductors and insulators, free charges and bound charges inside a conductor. Dielectrics and electric polarization, capacitors and capacitance, combination of capacitors in series and in parallel, capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium between the plates, energy stored in a capacitor (no derivation, formulae only).

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Available from 03/29/2024

mokshada-vyas 🇮🇳

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Download Handwritten notes on CLASS 12 PHYSICS chapter "Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance". and more Study notes Physics in PDF only on Docsity! le yn _ ObrenHoa ne any point in On CGypnun a Eheireon PIT Yo + — fat Ba iy a should be tamslan! ( speed-consinal ) __§_{ } is vert dn Ww SS A ‘ WO fB __ NOTE !- Elechic potential 1s srolox quantify bt ' dk ST unil is Volk (v) — 1 Volk(V) = 4 foule coulomh""Ce) } —__ | = L ° — wrt Page Ne ——— — (Oe eS on ace ——___ On the axis of dipole Covial pasion — ——. Fea TB ret cS ie | Vp = A Va + Va _ — = | ~9 + p49 Unee frtt) Yee (¥-0) Ve= 4 fp - 1 UST £e L(x- I) br +4) | Vays =) + A te , F bbw lob da} PTT | Vequibminl = | y 0 = _ 0 | 4 | , Ute 2 re a age Mo Dinity ——-—-—____--—__-- ed ci ' aL 5 r a _ 7 a _ a - a ‘ | Z|: DTPA ee Tp = 4 + Z ‘ . _ > | 4 an im dy = u Azk , Nowa dy = - (xi + Fut + cok). (dxf + duf -dzk ) dv _= = — uly = Az. —_— ———| due fo an JES aay) 4 Olei ca alalé ony | hs nolan NE Dulsicle Nnex 17K + Vp - Veo_= - LKQ dy Cos co yl . ¥ + —_ — L_dx t > + OO y2 ry —= _ - =ka [1 \p y/o = ~ z + | Vp —k ts _ ; _ Vp = _kA _® jets Pye le RE ee aren 4 Lyte = 7 elec soaber fag 1h - ~~ Cose_p: - Als urfoco dy RB) ee a ae i a~ 9 Pee ipa @ hh . eee r. a GV — = IG Page lin. ----—- — | Dele —. - --— ———-__ nhith yansm : Pll Prrs © O | | O t nx Te rca | hy itsell only f i Ey - mica 1 Auasibe ~~ ___| dt is of hina types! - — i Fans UO 4a34 F ant diel i paral Vater A ! 1 toide He dielechde _E iven Fm & G Fa tse of Cina Ea u [oat pieldl hen. , Niel Es piven fy — e + |e |e [fe «| ST unit of copaainnce = Fina LE) mc Ly * Cis inclependent of Qs Vs i depends mn . — 3 . |_geamebica) configuralingn ol system_af fino _ ' F — [epee a ail bi Ano an nOape (IO /Pil 04 Oe nhio rs “1 | rss ford Oye in ih. Cri Cts: + hea te Col hs in O HNO Diwalele: 18 colled jig rENO EA 4 aes ffl 4 ; 7 Ce nT ten “Foy aly tf ts obout 3x 10% Vm" _ > oe —_——_— Note !- Jur = JO'F | LnF— = lOIE . | |. pF = lo? FO . ——— f SS a i ~~ | ———_— 1A 4 ee ae _ ~ enn MM, ADO 09 relechytc. 138 diel PAY Saks HE T ra = KEa¥ TR tok = Em. | | Cums Ke Es _—1 Cm = K __ | C _ f _ b - a — — r | Here bielerlnt consion) is Olslined os the xok'n of ! pi ! oT pete spice « : | OE of anrth = ENF aka a C= UITfoR | _ 3 C= | iy @y yi” = Wir. —_— —— 9 x.1n 3 | _. hs Le “Chem Conter o | Final ole; 1 Hela in o the clielech +Orae HCG! se + C2 RLU TEENL EU 7 The {otal ehaype is ven Os “Oe At he = Q2 | OV + CoV +03 CW =P (Or +lr tla) _ a ee ee ee: | AIOTE i - In_pozalle! combination cffechive ___|l rapacivance . INLHPOLEL , | . — a t ) 7 | WYNU= 4 4 dq VLNPTHY DIP p . e = ena q aw oe +++/f6 + Cc z o a / ) |