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Information Assurance Homework 7: Threat Modeling and Common Criteria Evaluation, Assignments of Computer Science

A series of homework questions related to information assurance. The first question involves analyzing the trustworthiness of a vendor's assurance evidence for their system. The second question requires creating threat trees and examining a data flow diagram to identify potential threats and mitigations for an access control library. The third question involves analyzing common criteria evaluations for specific products.

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Download Information Assurance Homework 7: Threat Modeling and Common Criteria Evaluation and more Assignments Computer Science in PDF only on Docsity! Information Assurance: Homework 7 Due November 15, 2005. 1. A vendor is trying to convince you of the trustworthiness of his system. He gives you a series of assurance evidence. For each piece of evidence, identify a concern (if any) you would have with that evidence. a. First he tells you that product has been deployed in an Internet environment for 6 months and no breakins have been detected. b. Then he tells you that they hired a penetration testing team and fixed all the problems that team found. c. Then he tells you that they have passed Common Criteria evaluation for the LSPP profile at EAL 1. d. Then he tells you that they have passed Common Criteria evaluation for the LSPP profile at EAL 6. 2. This question involves using Threat Modeling techniques to help design the security of an access control library called “A. Datum Access Control API”. A data flow diagram (DFD) showing some of the interactions of key library components is shown on the next page. Here are the two potential threat profiles for the API. ID = 10 Name=Replace the list that maps users to constant ID’s, with a new list file. By replacing the user list file, you could map an unprivileged user name to a privileged user ID. STRIDE classification=Tampering, Spoofing Mitigated=? Entry points=User list file Assets=Ability to change the evaluation of the access control policy. ID=11 Name=Use non-standard path to trick API into granting access to user who should not have access. For example, using “..” to confuse the path parsing. STRIDE classification=Information disclosure. Mitigated=? Entry points=1.1.1 ACCheck.CheckAccess() Assets=Data protected by the access control policy. a. Write a threat tree for each threat profile b. Examine the DFD. Are the threats adequately mitigated now? If so now? If not, what could you change to mitigate? a5 ACADatumOsfile PathResolver. Resolve() Username, resource path, requested access 1414 Apnlication L————7accheck. eee lusing the API CheckAccess() Normalized Enter path Granted/Denied/ 11.2 Normalized Other result Find/act : “ 116 for reouested ath, AGResources. resource Get() ACResourc Instance/Null Granted/Denied/ Other result Lida ACAel. CheckGroup Access() ACAc! Instance Fropert Property Access ACGroup Instance arent ACResource. GetAcl) Group membership request 1.1.10 ACUser. GerGroup Membership() Granted/ Denied/ Other result ACGroup. Instance/, Null ACUser ‘ACUser Instance/ Instance Null 11.9 ACAI. CheckUser Access(} 14.8 ACUsers.Get() Group name Group List ACGroup Instance ACResource Instance Resource tree ACUser » Instance User List