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Human Resources Management Practice Questions and Marking Scheme, Exams of Human Resource Management

A comprehensive overview of various human resources management practices and concepts, including job analysis, compensation, salary and wages, benefits, incentive systems, promotion, transfer, termination, workforce, downsizing, outsourcing, organizational culture, work environment, labor unions, diversity, glass ceiling, cafeteria plan, collective bargaining, technology, and flexplace. The document also covers important employment laws such as the civil rights act of 1964, the age discrimination and employment act of 1967, and the americans with disabilities act. Additionally, it discusses different types of compensation structures, including time wage, incentive pay, and straight salary with benefits. This document could be useful for students studying human resources management, industrial relations, or organizational behavior, as it covers a wide range of topics relevant to these fields.

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Available from 08/13/2024

eloy-hermann 🇺🇸



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Job analysis - Correct Answer is a specific study of a job to identify in detail the job duties and skill requirements Compensation - Correct Answer is the amount of money paid to an employee for work performed Salary and wages - Correct Answer direct payment of money to an employee for work completed Benefits - Correct Answer Compensation in forms other than direct payment Incentive systems - Correct Answer the amount of compensation to the quality or quantity of an employee's performance Promotion - Correct Answer any form of communication used to inform, persuade, or remind; the advancement of an employee to a position with greater responsibility Transfer - Correct Answer the assignment of an employee to another job in the company with similar level of responsibility Termination - Correct Answer The end of an employment relationship between a company and an employee Workforce - Correct Answer all of the people 16 years or older who are employed or who are looking for a job Downsizing - Correct Answer A planned reduction in the number of employees needed in a firm in order to reduce costs and make the business more efficient Outsourcing - Correct Answer Removing work from one company and sending it to another company that can complete it at a lower cost

Organizational culture - Correct Answer Is the environment which people work, made up of the atmosphere, behaviors, beliefs, and relationships Work environment - Correct Answer is the location, physical conditions, and physiological atmosphere in which employees work Labor union - Correct Answer An organized group of employees of employees who. Negotiate with employers about issues, such as wages & working conditions Diversity - Correct Answer The comprehensive inclusion of people with differences in personal characteristics and attributes. Glass ceiling - Correct Answer an artificial limit placed on minority groups moving into positions of authority and decision-making Cafeteria Plan - Correct Answer allocates a certain amount of money to each employee that can be spent on benefits Collective bargaining - Correct Answer Process by which a union representing a group of workers negotiates with management for a contract Technology - Correct Answer involves the use of automation to increase productivity Flexplace - Correct Answer Telecommunicating is a popular form of (?) Blue collar worker - Correct Answer Someone who performs manual labor, often in a manufacturing job, and who earns an hourly wage. White collar worker - Correct Answer perform tasks that require less physical labor/skilled workers—mental thinking What are the 6 steps organizations can use to develop diversity? - Correct Answer (1) develop a written commitment to diversity (2) Have the full support of top executives (3) Review evidence of diversity in the company (4) Update policies and procedures (5) Provide continuing diversity education (6) Recognize and celebrate diversity Why is it important to have positive work-life relationships? - Correct Answer It is important to have a positive work-life relationship because it will help motivate you to complete your work at a faster rate or get it done on time. You'll also be able to manage your personal life with a little bit more ease.

Explain the 3 benefits associated with building a diverse workforce. - Correct Answer Organizational Benefit- broader resource pool Individual Benefit - employees feel respected and supported Societal-- reduces discrimination What are the 4 influences on changing job requirements? - Correct Answer (1) consumer preference - casting votes with influences, job market (2) Business cycles - high demand = more jobs, low demand = less jobs (3) New technologies - constantly changing (4) Business competition- cost of running a business affects jobs and workers (downsizing, outsourcing The civil rights act of 1964 - Correct Answer prohibits job discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender and national origin The age discrimination and employment act of 1967? - Correct Answer prohibits individuals 40yrs of age and older to be discriminated based on age. The American disabilities act - Correct Answer prohibits discrimination based on disability Employee receives a share of company profits - Correct Answer incentive pay An employee is paid $7.50 per hour - Correct Answer Time wage A sale associate earns 10% of his total sales - Correct Answer incentive pay A clerk receives $500 per week plus paid vacation - Correct Answer straight salary and benefits Employee can earn $0.30 for each widget produced - Correct Answer incentive pay