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A comprehensive overview of the key icd-10 coding guidelines and conventions, including instructions for coding underlying diseases, causal conditions, mandatory and discretionary coding, the use of slanted brackets, italicized codes, first-listed conditions, coding for uncertain diagnoses, diabetes mellitus, thyroiditis, hiv/aids, pain codes, abnormal lab findings, pregnancy conditions, and burn coding. It covers a wide range of topics relevant to medical coding and diagnosis, making it a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, students, and researchers working with the icd-10 system. The detailed explanations and examples help users navigate the complexities of accurate icd-10 coding, ensuring compliance with coding standards and guidelines.
Typology: Exams
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"Code first underlying disease" - ANSWER-• Mandatory instruction!
Uncertain Diagnosis - ANSWER-* do not code uncertain DX. ➡️ Code the condition to the highest degree of certainty such as signs, symptoms, abnormal test results Diabetes mellitus codes - ANSWER- ➡️ Combination codes that include the diabetes mellitus type, body system affected & complications ➡️ Use as many codes (E08-E13) as needed to accurately identify associated conditions ➡️ Sequenced based on reason of encounter Type 1 Diabetes (juvenile diabetes) - ANSWER- ➡️ Most (but not all) Type 1's develop condition before puberty Type 2 Diabetes - ANSWER- ➡️ If type of diabetes mellitus is not documented in medical record default is Type 2 (E11) Diabetes mellitus and the use of insulin - ANSWER-If medical records do not indicate type of diabetes but does indicate pt uses insulin ➡️ CODE E11 (type 2) ➡️ CODE Z79-4 (long term/current insulin usage) DON'T CODE Z79-4 if insulin is temporary! Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy and gestational diabetes - ANSWER- ➡️ See Section I.C. 15 Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy ➡️ See Section I.C. 15 Gestational (pregnancy induced) diabetes Complications due to insulin pump malfunction - UNDERDOSE of Insulin - ANSWER- ➡️ 1st CODE T85.6 Insulin pump malfunction ➡️ 2nd CODE T38.3X6- underdosing ➡️ 3rd CODE E11.- Additional codes for type of diabetes and associated complications due to underdosing... Complications due to insulin pump malfunction - OVERDOSE of Insulin - ANSWER- ➡️ 1st CODE T85.6- Insulin pump malfunction ➡️ 2nd CODE T38.3X1- Poisoning by insulin and oral...accidental
➡️ 3rd CODE E11.- Additional codes for type of diabetes and associated Receiving Insulin does not always mean: - ANSWER-type 1 diabetic because type 2 can receive insulin too. Thyroiditis Acute and chronic - ANSWER- ➡️ same indention level ➡️ 1st CODE Acute, followed by Chronic when both conditions reported Partial thyroid lobectomy - ANSWER- ➡️ rarely done ➡️ CODE (60210 or 60212) ➡️ lesion must be located in upper or lower portion of only one lobe Total thyroid lobectomy - ANSWER- ➡️ least complex ➡️ (60220 or 60225) ➡️ with or without isthmusectomy Subtotal Thyroidectomy - ANSWER- ➡️ 60210, 60212, 60252, 60254 ➡️ excise all questionable tissue on side of gland as well as isthmus and majority of opposite lobe. Non aggressive thyroid neoplasms as well as goiters in neck or extend into chest (substernal goiters) Total Thyroidectomy - ANSWER- ➡️ 60240, 60252 Cyst formed on Thyroid - ANSWER- ➡️ aspiration or injection (60300) ➡️ aspiration and injection (60300) Code 1st underlying PHYSIOLOGICAL condition - ANSWER-Underlying condition (etiology) is listed first followed by the dementia code. signs and symptoms - ANSWER- should not be coded separately
➡️ Codes for signs and symptoms may be reported in addition to a related definitive diagnosis when the sign or symptom is not routinely associated with that diagnosis ➡️ Symptoms are not coded when the underlying disease is established First-listed condition - ANSWER- First-listed condition-Outpatient surgery - ANSWER-code the reason for the surgery even if the surgery is not performed Chronic diseaes - ANSWER-treated on an ongoing basis may be coded and reported as many times as the patient receives treatment If there is no combination code for an infection due to MRSA/MSSA-Dx- seuqencing - ANSWER-Principal- Infection Secondary-Organism Status asthmaticus - ANSWER-Acute asthmatic attack in which the degree of bronchial obstruction that is not relieved by usual treatments Asthma severity terms - ANSWER-intermittent, mild, moderate, or severe persistent Provider documents use, abuse, and dependence of the same substance, how many codes should be assigned? - ANSWER-Only one code should be assigned to identify the pattern of use based on hierarchy Which pattern would be assigned? Use and abuse are documented, - ANSWER-assign only the abuse code Abuse and dependence are documented, - ANSWER-assign only the dependence Use, Abuse, and dependence are documented - ANSWER-assign only dependence Use and dependence are documented - ANSWER-assign only dependence
How do we report a history of drug or alcohol dependence? - ANSWER-Is coded as in remission, but the diagnosis of history or in remission requires the provider's clinical judgment and must be specifically documented in the patient's record. Sequelae of infectious and parasitic diseases - ANSWER- ➡️ Code first the condition resulting from the infectious or parasitic disease ➡️ Next code the sequela (condition that remains or develops later after the acute phase of the illness of infection is over.) B20 - Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - ANSWER- ➡️ once in category always will be ➡️ Code only confirmed cases of AIDS/HIV illness ➡️ Once a patient has been diagnosed with an HIV-related condition or disease, that patient should always be assigned B20 on every subsequent healthcare encounter ➡️ Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status -Patients with HIV related illness also include acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), Aids related complex (ARC), and HIV infection symptomatic Z11.4 - ANSWER-If pt is being seen for HIV status determination R75 - ANSWER- ➡️ Inconclusive laboratory evidence of HIV. Code is used for patients incuding infants with non-conclusive HIV test finding ➡️ "Patients previously diagnosed with any HIV illness should never be assigned to Z21 or R75" Z71.7 - ANSWER-• Seen for testing
Sequencing for AIDS/HIV illness - ANSWER- ➡️ If a patient is admitted for an AIDS/HIV-related condition, the principal diagnosis is B20, followed by additional code(s) for all HIV-related conditions If a patient with AIDS is admitted for a non-HIV related condition, - ANSWER- ➡️ Code for the non-HIV related condition first, ➡️ followed by B20 to identify the AIDS (comorbid condition) Pregnancy and AIDS - ANSWER-Pregnancy/childbirth coding takes priority over all other code assignments ➡️ First Code Childbirth & the Puerperium ➡️ Second Code for Aids Admitted for HIV related illness ➡️ Asymptomatic - o98.7, Z ➡️ Symptomatic - o98.7, B HIV and AIDS (Z21 or R75) Coding in CA - ANSWER-It is illegal to assign codes that identify a patient with the following diagnoses without the written permission of the patient:
Coding unrelated conditions with HIV - ANSWER-"Conditions are HIV related only if so documented by the provider."
Only use a code from Abnormal Findings when the physician has - ANSWER- documented the clinical significance of the abnormal finding in the medical record Death, NOS R99, Ill-defined and unknown cause of mortality - ANSWER-1. Only used to for patient who has expired, brought to a health care facility, and pronounced dead on arrival. No underlying cause is identified for the death
0 - 14 weeks
RULE OF NINES: Extent of body area burned - ANSWER-Head fr - 41/2% bk - 41/2% Chest f - 9% bk - 9% Abdomen f - 9% bk - 9% arms Lft f - 41/2% Lft bk - 41/2% arms Rt f - 41/2% Rt bk - 41/2% legs Lft f - 9% Lft bk - 9% legs Rt f - 9% Rt bk - 9% genitals 1%