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Introduction-Software Engineering-Lecture Slides, Slides of Software Engineering

Software engineering is about the development and application of processes and tools for managing the complexities inherent in creating high quality software systems. It introduces the fundamental software engineering concepts and terminology. This lecture includes: Introduction, Software, Engineering, Learning, Outcome, Requirements, Analysis, Architecture, Design, Implementation

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How to get in touch?

2  Email: [email protected]  Office 9085 2150 & 2151  Room No. : 105 , A Block  LMS for course material Software Engineering - 2011

Course Details

4  Books^  Somerville, Ian. Software Engineering, 8th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2006  R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach , 6th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY, 2005  Policies^  Attendance policy  Mobile phone usage  Assignment submission  Quizzes  Fines  Plagiarism policy  Important Rule – Don’t Cheat! (There will not be a 2 nd warning) Software Engineering - 2011

Class Objectives

5  Students will be able to evaluate software engineeringtechniques and approaches.  "It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin barefoot irreverence totheir studies. They are here not to worship what is known, but to question it."

- Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man  Students will be able to exercise professional judgment inselecting an approach for a particular project based on anunderstanding of:^  How the present state of software practice came about  What was tried in the past  What worked and what did not work  Why Software Engineering - 2011

Course Outline

 Evolving Role of Software  Software Process Models  Software Configuration management  Requirements Analysis  Use-Case Fundamentals  UML Notations  Actor-Goal Lists  Class Diagrams  Sequence Diagrams  Architecture  Architectural Patterns  Decision Tables  User Interface Design  Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering Software Engineering IThis Semester Software Engineering IINext Semester


Analysis andArchitecture

Design and



8 “Its not just oil – its liquid engineering

Caltex Advertisement Why did theyuse the term“ liquid engineering ” ??? Software Engineering - 2011

What is Software Engineering?

10  An Exercise: List all the ways in which^  Building a tinker-toy car for fun is different from designing a newautomobile  Building a tree-house is different from the architecture of a high-rise office building  So, how might software “engineering” be different fromwriting a 50-line Java applet? Software Engineering - 2011


Developing software

 Product^  CS201 (Operating Systems)  CS425 (Distributed Computing)  ...  Process^  ISE103 (Computer Programming)  CS340/350 (Software Engineering I/II)  CS860 (Object Oriented Analysis & Design)  People


Microsoft Powerpoint 

Size: large  Interactiveness: high  Requirements: frequent new features  Reliability: moderate  Security: low (at least used to be)  Portability: high  Cost: high


Space shuttle software 

Size: moderate to large  Interactiveness: low  Requirements: stable  Reliability: very high  Security: low  Portability: low  Cost: high


Your example 

Size:  Interactiveness:  Requirements:  Reliability:  Security:  Portability:  Cost:

Why learn Software Engineering? 17  It is a means to an end, not an end in itself! “You lift weights so that you can knock over a defensive lineman, or carry your groceries orlift your grandchildren without being sore the next day. You do math exercises so that you canimprove your ability to think logically, so that you can be a better lawyer, doctor, architect,prison warden or parent. MATH IS MENTAL WEIGHT TRAINING. It is a means to an end, (formost people), not an end in itself.” “Made to Stick” Chip Heath and Dan Heath  Similarly you are not necessarily learning software engineering to engineersoftwares. By the end of this course, you will be trained on how to carry outa project successfully, how to communicate with the stakeholders & how totransform this communication into powerful models which will lead to awinning product. Moreover you will also learn how to test these models &how to evaluate risks at every stage of the development process. Software Engineering - 2011

Software Engineering 19  What is Software?^  The programs, routines, and symbolic languages that control thefunctioning of the hardware and direct its operation.A set of instructions that cause a computer to perform one or moretasks. The set of instructions is often called a program or, if the setis particularly large and complex, a system.Programs are written in programming languages, especiallydesigned to facilitate the creation of softwarePackaged software such as word processors, spreadsheets, graphicsand drawing tools, email systems, and games are widely availableand used Software Engineering - 2011

Software costs 

Software costs often dominate computer systemcosts. The costs of software on a PC are oftengreater than the hardware cost.  Software costs more to maintain than it does todevelop. For systems with a long life, maintenancecosts may be several times development costs.  Software engineering is concerned with cost-effective software development.