Download Java and Java script difference and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Programming Languages in PDF only on Docsity! Difference between Java and JavaScript Java : What is java? Java, basically, is a programming language and computing platform, which was first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. A lot of Web and Mobile applications will not work properly unless you have installed Java. Almost Hundreds of applications are created everyday using Java. Java is secure, reliable, and fast. From Game consoles to Scientific supercomputers, laptops to data centers, cell phones to the internet, Java is everywhere. Is Java free to Download and Use? Yes, Java is free to download. To get a latest version of Java, visit; For building an embedded or consumer device, you would like to include Java. For more information on including Java in your Device visit: Why to upgrade to the latest verion of Java? Latest version of any app contains new features. The latest Java version include important enhancements to improve performance, security and stability of Java applications that run on your machine. Also updating the app is totally free. Updating the application will insure you that your Java application will continue to run safely and efficiently. What is Java-Plugin software? The Java-Plugin software is a component of Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The Java- plugin is not a standalone program and can’t be installed separately. What is Java used for? Java has been used in various fields. Some of them are listed under: Android: Applications are either written in Java or use Java API. Retail: Billing software's that are used in store/restaurant are completely written in Java. Banking: To deal with transaction management. Information Technology: Java is designed to solve implementation dependencies. Financial Services: It’s used in server-side applications. Stock Market: To write Algorithms as to which company they should invest in. Big Data: Hadoop MapReduce framework is written using Java. Scientific and Research Community: To deal with huge amount of data. Java is mainly used in: Web Development Framework Continuous Testing Android Big data Java is: Concurrent where you can execute many statements instead of single one. Independent programming language that follows the logic of “write once, Run anywhere”. Class-based and an object-oriented programming language. Features of Java: Following are some of the commonly known features of Java: Simple: Through eliminating all the complications such as thresholds, operator overloading as you see in C++ or any other programming language, Java has made life easier. Portable: Java is an independent platform, so any software written on a particular platform can easily be transferred to another. Object-Oriented: It is known as an "Object" that has some state, actions and all the operations with these objects. Security: Upon compilation, all code is translated into bytecodes that can't be interpreted by a person. And java does not use a particular pushbutton and run the sandbox programs to avoid untrusted operation from sources. This allows virus-free systems / applications to be built without disturbance. Dynamic: It can be adjusted to a changing environment that promotes dynamic memory allocation by reducing memory loss and increasing application performance. Distributed: Java offers a feature to help distribute applications. The software will invocate a method from a different program over a network and obtain the output using Remote Method Invocation (RMI). By calling the methods on any computer on the Internet, you can access files. Robust: Java has a strong memory system. This helps to remove errors when the code is reviewed before compiling and running. High Performance: By using bytecode that can be easily translated into native machine code, Java achieves high performance. Java allows high performance by using JIT (Just-In-Time) compilers. Interpreted: The bytecodes that are interpreted from a Java run-time environment are compiled into Java. Multithreaded: Java supports multiple execution threads, including a collection of basic synchronization processes (also known as lightweight processes). It makes it much easier to program for threads. Types of Java Applications: The following are the types of java applications: 1- Standalone Application: The window-based applications or desktop applications are known as Standalone Applications. These are traditional software that are required to install on every machine. Media Players, Antivirus, etc, are the examples of Standalone Applications. AWT and Swing are used in Java for creating Standalone Applications. Applications of JavaScript: It is used for creating interactive websites. It is mainly used for: Displaying drop-down menus Displaying date and time Client-side validation Displaying pop-up windows and dialog boxes ( like an alert dialog box, confirm dialog box and prompt dialog box.) Displaying clocks, etc. What JavaScript can do? It can do following operations: JavaScript can change HTML Content. JavaScript can change HTML Attribute Values. JavaScript can change HTML Styles (CSS). JavaScript can Hide HTML Elements. JavaScript can Show HTML Elements. Example: The following example shows an alert dialog box of JavaScript that is contained inside the head tag. Here, we are creating a function msg(). To create this function in JavaScript, We need to write function with function_name as given. To call function, we need to work on event. Here we are using the onclick event to call msg() function. 20. <html> 21. <head> 22. <script type="text/javascript"> 23. function msg(){ 24. alert("Hello Javatpoint"); 25. } 26. </script> 27. </head> 28. <body> 29. <p>Welcome to JavaScript</p> 30. <form> 31. <input type="button" value="click" onclick="msg()"/> 32. </form> 33. </body> 34. </html> Difference between Java and JavaScript: Following is the difference between Java and JavaScript: 1- Java was a well-designed language, while, JavaScript was designed in only 10 days. 2- Java is extremely versatile and used practically everywhere; JavaScript is primarily used for front-end web development with some traction server-side (Node), mobile-side (React Native), and desktop-side (Electron). 3- Java is heavily object-oriented; JavaScript is mostly procedural with some support for object-oriented and functional programming. 4- JavaScript has better support for lambdas. 5- Java uses class-based inheritance; JavaScript uses prototypal inheritance. JavaScript ‘OOP’ is prototype-based. 6- Java has block-level scoping; JavaScript has function-level scoping. 7- Java is statically and strongly typed; JavaScript is dynamically and weakly typed. 8- Java execution is many times faster then the JavaScript execution. 9- Java has mandatory statement terminators; in JavaScript, they are optional which can lead to comical situations. 10- Java executes bytecode in a language virtual machine; JavaScript is essentially interpreted in the so-called JavaScript engine. 11- Java is backed by Oracle Corporation; JavaScript has no corporate sponsorship. 12- There are far more job opportunities for Java then for JavaScript. According to in the US at the time of writing, Java has 66,633 job postings, whereas JavaScript has 37,110. Java is better for your career. Similarities in Java and JavaScript: They both have largely C-like syntax. They have the first four characters of their names in common.