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Legal dialogue / interpreting methods, Study notes of English Language

Interpreting methods in legal dialogue

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Download Legal dialogue / interpreting methods and more Study notes English Language in PDF only on Docsity! Dialogue 1. Applying for a residence permit SITUATION: an American student is applying for a residence permit at the local police station and the immigration officer is giving him information on how to proceed. IT = Italian speaker (immigration officer) E = English speaker (applicant) Level of difficulty: easy-to-medium. Only a few legal terms are used, while several differences emerge between the host country and the country of origin of the migrant, especially migration laws and social security systems. Explanations will probably be necessary. ]Terms supplied: residence permit (permesso di soggiorno), welfare cheque (Assegno Sociale) IT: Si? Come posso aiutarla? Yes, how may I help You? E: I would like to have some information regarding the renewal of my residence permit/ stay permit. IT: Può essere più preciso? Can You please be more specific, Sir? [1] E: I’ve been here for one year and my permit expires next month. I would like to change my student permit into a work permit. IT: Che tipo di lavoro ha trovato? Sa che per cambiare il suo attuale permesso in un permesso di lavoro deve avere un lavoro a pieno tempo con un datore di lavoro che paga tutte le tasse dovute dalla legge italiana? What type of job have You found? Do You know that in order to change Your existing permit into a work permit You must have a full- time job with an employer who will pay all the taxes required by Italian law?[2] E: Yes I do. My boss has filled it out and sent in all the necessary paperwork regarding my employment with his firm. IT: Ok, quello che lei deve fare é riempire questi documenti in tre copie e poi tornare con un marca di bollo di 14,72 euro, quattro foto recenti, una dichiarazione di solvibilità, la conferma del suo padrone di casa che ha un posto in cui vivere e l’assicurazione sanitaria che la copre in caso di incidente. Le ho allegato un modulo che elenca tutti i documenti richiesti. Ok, what You need to do is complete these documents in triplicate and then come back with a tax stamp for the value of 14.72 euros [3], four recent photographs, proof of financial solvency, an acknowledgement from Your landlord that You have a place to live, and health insurance that covers You in the event of an accident. I have attached a form that states all the requirements. E: I’m sorry, what do You mean by proof of financial solvency? [4] IT: Intendo una dichiarazione ufficiale dalla banca che dichiara che lei ha abbastanza fondi per coprirle per tutto il periodo che rimane. I mean an official bank statement saying that You have enough funds to cover You for the duration of Your stay. E: Will You give me all the necessary forms? IT: Posso solo darle quello per il rinnovo e i moduli per il suo padrone di casa. Gli altri deve procurarsi dalle autorità in questione. I can only provide You with the renewal form and the one that Your landlord has to fill in. The rest You will need to get from the relevant authorities. E: Ok, thank You. IT: E deve portare il suo codice fiscale. Ne ha uno? And You will need to bring Your national insurance number.[5] Do You have one? E: No, why? Do I need one? IT: Si, per poter lavorare deve avere un codice fiscale. Yes, You must have a national insurance number to be able to work. E: Where do I get one of those? IT: Deve andare all’Ufficio delle Entrate, sa, un ufficio che rilascia il codice fiscale e si occupa di redditi e imposta. Lo può trovare nell’elenco telefonico. You must go to the Public Revenue Office, You know, the office that issues tax codes and regulates incomes and taxes. You can find Your local office in the phone book. E: Ok, I think I have all the information I need to get started. Thank You. IT: Prego. Buona fortuna. You’re welcome and good luck. [6] IT2: Dunque, torniamo a quello che è successo. Allora, la signorina non si sentiva bene. E voi la lasciate lì, sul ciglio della strada, di notte, in una strada dove passano poche auto, o non passa proprio nessuno? Vuol dire abbandonarla al suo destino, in pratica vuol dire condannarla a morte. Well, let’s go back to what happened. Let me get this right, the young lady didn’t feel well. It was very early in the morning and You left her there, on the side of a road where there is no traffic, or almost no traffic at all. That is like abandoning her, practically sentencing her to death. E1: No, no; we didn’t want to hurt her, we were just confused. What do You mean? We’re not killers. We didn’t know her, we had nothing against her. We had just arrived in Italy, we didn’t know anybody, we just wanted to enjoy ourselves a bit, it was Saturday evening … Then she didn’t feel well, we didn’t know what to do, we were so worried the police might think we were in business with her … [9] IT2: Ascoltate. Adesso sappiamo che cosa è successo, e l’indagine accerterà i fatti. Resterete in stato di detenzione al Carcere di Villa Fastiggi fino a che la Corte non avrà preso una decisione. L’avvocato d’ufficio, il Dr Morelli, vi seguirà. Parlate con lui per decidere la vostra difesa. La seduta è tolta. Listen. Now we know what happened and the facts will be ascertained through further investigations. You will be held in custody at the Villa Fastiggi prison until the court has made its decision. Dr Morelli, Your counsel, will assist You. Talk to him now to discuss Your defence. The hearing is adjourned. Dialogue 3. A charge of assault and bodily harm SITUATION: An American citizen is arrested on the indictment of assault and bodily harm – a summary trial. IT = Italian (magistrate) E = English (defendant) Level of difficulty: very difficult. This dialogue contains complex legal terminology as well as naturally occurring errors in the speaker’s re-telling of the events, portraying a realistic mix of legal terminology and spontaneous speech marked by fear and confusion. Terms supplied: bodily harm (lesione personale), injured party (parte lesa), summary trial (processo per direttissima). There is often no clear equivalence in the two legal systems, and words may have to be explained in the target language. Many more terms could be provided here, but this should be adapted to the level of the students’ abilities and the trainer’s pedagogical aims. IT: Procediamo a convalida dell’arresto. Chiedo le generalità dell’imputato con ammonizione che in caso di rifiuto di fornirle, o fornirle false, Lei sarà punito ai sensi degli artt. 495 e 496 c.p. con la reclusione anche fino a tre anni. E’ chiaro? The defendant is under arrest. You must provide your personal details and you are warned that if you refuse to give them, or supply false details, you will be convicted, according to art. 495 and 496 of the Criminal Code, to up to three years in prison. Is that clear? E: Yes. IT: Ci dia le sue generalità: nome, cognome, luogo e data di nascita. Please state Your personal details: name, surname, place and date of birth. E: David Newman, I was born in Seattle, USA, on January 16th, 1981. IT: Ci mostri un documento d’identità. Show us Your identity card, or passport. E: I have my driving licence. I came to Italy a week ago, I’m just staying for a couple of weeks as a tourist. IT: Adesso ci deve fornire i seguenti dati: residenza anagrafica – stato civile – professione – precedenti condanne o carichi pendenti. Now please give us the following information: Your permanent address, if You are married, Your profession and if You have a criminal record. E: I don’t have an address here in Italy, I’m just here as a tourist. I’m travelling in a camper, I live with my girlfriend, I’m a freelance journalist, I have no criminal record. IT: Signor Newman, a questo punto la invito ai sensi dell’art. 161 comma 1 c.p.p. ad eleggere domicilio per le notificazioni del presente procedimento penale. In mancanza, le notificazioni verranno eseguite mediante consegna di copia dell’atto al Suo difensore d’ufficio Avv. Penna del Foro di Forlì. Mr Newman, I invite You, pursuant to art. 161 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, to choose a domicile so that You can be notified regarding these criminal proceedings. Should this not be forthcoming, You will be notified by delivery of the deed to Your court- appointed counsel, Mr Penna, registered lawyer in Forlì E: I’m staying with a friend now, Sara Rossi, in Via Regnoli, 25, Forlì. IT: La informo del motivo per cui è stato arrestato: ipotesi di reato di ‘Minaccia Aggravata (art 612 c.p.) e Lesione personale (art. 582 c.p.) e per tutti quei reati che verranno ravvisati nei fatti esposti’. E’ chiaro? The reason You have been arrested is: ‘Aggravated threat (art. 621 of the Criminal Code) and bodily harm (art. 582 of the Criminal Code) and for all the crimes that will be ascertained in the facts described’. Is this clear to You? E: Yes. IT: Procediamo all’interrogatorio dell’arrestato ai sensi dell’art. 391 comma 3 c.p.p. La avverto che, se intende rispondere alle domande che le verranno fatte le sue dichiarazioni potranno essere sempre utilizzate nei suoi confronti. // Lei ha la facoltà di non rispondere ad alcuna domanda, ma il procedimento seguirà comunque il suo corso… se renderà dichiarazioni su fatti che riguardino la penale responsabilità di terze persone assumerà, riguardo a tali fatti, l’ufficio di testimone. Intende rispondere? Now the arrested person will be questioned pursuant to art. 391 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code. I warn You that if You intend to answer the questions that You will be asked, what You say can always be used against You. // You are entitled not to answer the questions, but the proceedings will continue regardless … if You make any statement involving the criminal liability of third parties You will, with regard to said facts, act as witness. Do You intend to answer my questions? E: Yes, I do. IT: Racconti le circostanze che hanno portato alla colluttazione e al ferimento della parte lesa (Francesco Rossi). Tell us about the events leading to the fight and the wounding of the injured party (Francesco Rossi). E: I’m innocent. Last night, yesterday, I went down to the pub and I was hanging out with some friends. We had something to drink together and then we decided to go to the beach. We split up into two groups, we took a car each, and I joined one group in one of the two cars. IT: Come si chiama il pub, come si chiama la persona che guidava l’auto e che tipo di auto? What was the name of the pub, and what was the name of the person driving the car and which type of car was it? E: The pub was called The Shamrock, I think, something like that. The driver’s name was Dario, I have no idea what his second name was. The car looked a lot like a Golf to me. Yeah, a Golf. IT: E poi cosa è successo? And then what happened? E: On the motorway the two drivers began racing, the other car was challenging us and once we were out, soon after the Rimini toll station, the other car cut us off and almost caused an accident. The driver of the car I was in started beeping the horn. // He was really angry – we’d almost tipped over! Then he overtook the other car and blocked it. Both drivers came out of the cars and started yelling at each other. I couldn’t understand what they were saying, but I told Dario – he speaks English – not to worry, it’s not a big deal, don’t get out of the car, let him go. I was getting kind of frightened. But he went up to the other guy and they started shoving each other. So I tried to break up the fight. IT: Spieghi la dinamica più dettagliatamente. Explain to us what happened in more detail. Dialogue 1. Interpreting for a burglary case SITUATION: An Italian woman is arrested by the police in England and accused of burglary. The interpreter is present at the first meeting between the woman and her English lawyer. IT = Italian speaker (the defendant) E = English speaker (English lawyer) Level of difficulty: difficult Very specific legal terminology is used and the students should have a general knowledge of both legal systems, as several differences emerge. Terms supplied: burglary (violazione di domicilio con furto); court- appointed counsel (avvocato d’ufficio); to plead guilty (dichiararsi colpevole); breaking and entering (furto con scasso), premeditated (premeditato). E: According to the charge sheet here, You entered the premises of Brown’s, 63 Brompton Road, London, on July 1, 2010, and took away a handbag containing a purse with £368 in cash, three credit cards, a chequebook, a Switch card, and a mobile phone. Did the police caution You when they arrested you? IT: Che cosa significa, sta parlando dei miei diritti? Mi hanno detto che avevo il diritto di restare in silenzio. What do You mean, are You talking about my rights? I was told I was entitled to remain silent. E: Before asking you any questions, the police must say to you ‘You are not obliged to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned, something which you later rely on in Court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.’ IT: Sì, me l’hanno detto e mi hanno detto che avevo diritto ad un avvocato d’ufficio e hanno chiamato lei. Non mi hanno ancora interrogato. Yes, they told me about that, they told me that I was entitled to a court-appointed lawyer and they called you. I’ve not been questioned yet. E: When the police interview you, before you answer I’ll advise you whether you should be answering or whether you should remain silent. IT: Capito. Allora adesso cosa succederà? Mi interrogheranno? E poi, mi porteranno in prigione? Sono così preoccupata … Ok. What’s going to happen now? Will I be questioned? And will they put me in prison? I’m getting a bit worried… E: Probably not. We can apply for bail, so that you can be released. Since it’s not a serious offence, there shouldn’t be any problems. IT: Che significa, rilasciare su cauzione? Mi rimettono in libertà? E quando ci sarà il processo? Devo restare molto a lungo qui in Inghilterra? Vorrei tornare a casa in Italia prima possibile. What do You mean, by applying for bail? Will I be released? And when will the trial start? Do I have to stay here in the UK for long? I’d like to go back home to Italy, as soon as possible. E: To release someone on bail means you’re allowed to be at liberty, rather than being held in custody, while awaiting the next stage in the criminal process, i.e. when you have to appear before the Magistrate’s Court, which is where your case will be heard. // That will probably be in about three days’ time. The police will inform us after they interview you and hopefully they will have granted you bail. IT: In Italia i processi durano anche anni, qui come funziona? Non voglio restare qui bloccata per tanto tempo, voglio tornare a casa mia dopo l’estate. In Italy trials can take years, what happens here? I don’t want to be forced to be stuck here for long; I’d like to go back home at the end of summer. E: Since it’s not a serious offence, unless you choose to be tried by a jury at the Crown Court [7], which I don’t advise as you were caught in the act so you’d just get a tougher sentence for wasting the Court’s time, the case will be dealt with in the Magistrates’ Court. Then since, as I said, you were caught red-handed, it’s in your best interests to plead guilty. IT: E se mi dichiaro colpevole che genere di pena mi posso aspettare? Dovrò andare in carcere? And if I plead guilty, what kind of sentence can I expect? Will I be imprisoned? E: That depends. Did you break windows or force windows or a lock to get into the house? IT: No, stavo distribuendo della pubblicità, è un lavoretto part-time che ho trovato, sono una studentessa e sono molto a corto di soldi. // Ho visto che la finestra era aperta, c’era una borsa sul tavolo. Non c’era nessuno e sono entrata facilmente. Ma non ci sono andata con l’intenzione di rubare. La tentazione è stata troppo forte. No, I was distributing advertisements – it’s a part-time job I have – I’m a student and I’m always broke. // I saw the window was open, and there was a bag on the table. There was no one inside and it was easy to enter the house. But I didn’t go there intending to steal anything. It was just that in the end the temptation was just overwhelming. E: Good, in that case there’s no breaking and entering, and it wasn’t premeditated, which would have made the offence much more serious. Probably in this case the magistrates will not impose a custodial sentence, a fine will be sufficient. IT: Mi rimanderanno a casa in Italia? Ero venuta per imparare la lingua e non vorrei andarmene via ancora per un pò. // Ma la multa che dovrò pagare quanto sarà? Come le ho detto, non ho molti soldi. Will I be sent back home, to Italy? I came here to study English and I’d like to stay a little longer. // How much will the fine be? Like I said, I don’t have much money. [The lawyer raises his hands in despair and takes his leave....] Dialogue 5. Interpreting for a breaking and entering case SITUATION: Mr Decker testifies in a breaking and entering case. The interpreter is asked to assist the witness and the defence lawyer. Introductory note: This is the last legal dialogue and students should already be familiar with basic legal terminology. Therefore, only two terms are supplied. IT = Italian speaker (defence lawyer) E = English speaker (Mr Decker, witness) Level of difficulty: medium. Specific legal terminology is used, and the description of events is long and rich in details, including the physical description of the burglar. Terms supplied: breaking and entering (furto con scasso), burglar (ladro), expert witness (perito), eye-witness (testimone ocular), re-enactment (simulazione, ricostruzione). IT: E’ esatto dire che Lei ha conosciuto il mio assistito, il signor Martini il 2 luglio 2009, quando è arrivato alla villetta che avevo preso in affitto per le vacanze estive con sua moglie, tale Peggy Sue Decker? Is it correct to say that You met the defendant, Mr Martini, on July 2nd, 2009, when You arrived at the villa You had rented for the summer vacation with Your wife, Mrs Peggy Sue Decker? E: Yes, that is correct. IT: Ed è esatto dire che il furto da Lei subito è avvenuto il 31 luglio dello stesso anno? And is it correct to say that You were robbed on July 31st, 2009? E: Yes, that is correct. IT: Quindi immagino che in tutto questo tempo ci siano state occasioni, in cui lei o sua moglie abbiate frequentato il suo vicino di casa, il mio assistito signor Martini, in cui lo ha invitato a casa sua? a bere qualcosa, non so un aperitivo? Therefore, I imagine that during this period when You or Your wife would meet up with Your neighbour, the defendant, Mr Martini, did You ever invite him to Your house? For something to drink, for a drink before dinner, maybe? E: No, never. T: Come mai? Why? E: I didn’t like him. Instinctively I just didn’t like him. He’s kind of creepy! Every time my wife and I came back home or came out, there he was, on the veranda, staring at us, or spying on us! I didn’t trust him at all, and he got on my nerves! I: Signor Decker, a sommarie informazioni il 31 luglio 2009, lei ha dichiarato, e poi confermato qui durante l’esame del PM, di essersi svegliato con un tonfo che in base alle perizie della scientifica [1] con ogni probabilità era la ringhiera della finestra che veniva forzata. Poi ha sentito un altro rumore, quello del vetro della finestra della cucina che veniva rotto. E’ esatto? Mr Decker, in the statement made on July 31st 2009, You declared, and then confirmed here during the Prosecutor’s examination, that You were woken up by a thud that – based on the forensic police report – was most probably due to the window bars being broken open. You then heard another noise, that of the kitchen window being broken. Is this correct? 6.3 The legal sector Dialogue 11. Applying for a residence permit SITUATION: an American student is applying for a residence permit at the local police station and the immigration officer is giving him information on how to proceed. IT = Italian speaker (immigration officer) E = English speaker (applicant) Level of difficulty: easy-to-medium. Only a few legal terms are used, while several differences emerge between the host country and the country of origin of the migrant, especially migration laws and social security systems. Explanations will probably be necessary. Terms supplied: residence permit (permesso di soggiorno), welfare cheque (Assegno Sociale) IT: Si? Come posso aiutarla? Yes, how may I help You? E: I would like to have some information regarding the renewal of my residence permit/ stay permit. IT: Può essere più preciso? Can You please be more specific, Sir? [1] E: I’ve been here for one year and my permit expires next month. I would like to change my student permit into a work permit. IT: Che tipo di lavoro ha trovato? Sa che per cambiare il suo attuale permesso in un permesso di lavoro deve avere un lavoro a pieno tempo con un datore di lavoro che paga tutte le tasse dovute dalla legge italiana? What type of job have You found? Do You know that in order to change Your existing permit into a work permit You must have a full- time job with an employer who will pay all the taxes required by Italian law?[2] E: Yes I do. My boss has filled it out and sent in all the necessary paperwork regarding my employment with his firm. IT: Ok, quello che lei deve fare é riempire questi documenti in tre copie e poi tornare con un marca di bollo di 14,72 euro, quattro foto recenti, una dichiarazione di solvibilità, la conferma del suo padrone di casa che ha un posto in cui vivere e l’assicurazione sanitaria che la copre in caso di incidente. Le ho allegato un modulo che elenca tutti i documenti richiesti. Ok, what You need to do is complete these documents in triplicate and then come back with a tax stamp for the value of 14.72 euros [3], four recent photographs, proof of financial solvency, an acknowledgement from Your landlord that You have a place to live, and health insurance that covers You in the event of an accident. I have attached a form that states all the requirements. E: I’m sorry, what do You mean by proof of financial solvency? [4] IT: Intendo una dichiarazione ufficiale dalla banca che dichiara che lei ha abbastanza fondi per coprirle per tutto il periodo che rimane. I mean an official bank statement saying that You have enough funds to cover You for the duration of Your stay. E: Will You give me all the necessary forms? IT: Posso solo darle quello per il rinnovo e i moduli per il suo padrone di casa. Gli altri deve procurarsi dalle autorità in questione. I can only provide You with the renewal form and the one that Your landlord has to fill in. The rest You will need to get from the relevant authorities. E: Ok, thank You. IT: E deve portare il suo codice fiscale. Ne ha uno? And You will need to bring Your national insurance number.[5] Do You have one? E: No, why? Do I need one? IT: Si, per poter lavorare deve avere un codice fiscale. Yes, You must have a national insurance number to be able to work. E: Where do I get one of those? IT: Deve andare all’Ufficio delle Entrate, sa, un ufficio che rilascia il codice fiscale e si occupa di redditi e imposta. Lo può trovare nell’elenco telefonico. You must go to the Public Revenue Office, You know, the office that issues tax codes and regulates incomes and taxes. You can find Your local office in the phone book. E: Ok, I think I have all the information I need to get started. Thank You. IT: Prego. Buona fortuna. You’re welcome and good luck. [6] Dialogue 12. A charge of manslaughter SITUATION: A courtroom examination of the defendants. A girl has been found dead on the side of the road. The two foreign/ Nigerian defendants have been charged with manslaughter and ‘failure to provide assistance’. IT = Italian speakers (court clerk IT3, lawyer IT1 and magistrate IT2) E1 and E2 = English speakers (defendants) alternating Level of difficulty: difficult. Very specific legal terminology is used and the topic is particularly delicate. Terms supplied: court-appointed counsel (avvocato d’ufficio), examination of the defendant (interrogatorio dell’imputato), magistrate for preliminary investigation (GIP = Giudice per le indagini preliminari) IT3: Buongiorno, Sig. Dabti e Sig. Mugabe. In questo interrogatorio avrete la possibilità di chiarire la Vostra posizione relativamente a quanto è avvenuto la notte del 27 marzo 2009. // Vi presento il Dr. Morelli, Avvocato d’Ufficio. Il GIP, Dr. Valdoni, ascolterà la descrizione di quanto è avvenuto quella notte. // La mattina del 28 marzo 2009 alle ore 5.45 il Sig. Rossi, netturbino, dipendente del Comune di Mondolfo, si stava recando in auto al Municipio per iniziare il turno di lavoro alle ore 6.00 quando vide il corpo di una persona sul ciglio della strada, a 1.5 km dal cartello stradale che indica l’inizio del Comune di San Costanzo. // Si è fermato per soccorrere questa persona, ed ha trovato la X, che versava in gravi condizioni di salute e in uno stato di confusione mentale. Ha immediatamente chiamato l’ambulanza dal telefono cellulare datogli in dotazione dal Comune di Mondolfo per servizio. // L’ambulanza dell’Ospedale di Mondolfo è arrivata dopo sette minuti e ha portato la giovane donna in ospedale. Sfortunatamente la signorina è deceduta durante il breve tragitto verso l’ospedale. Dopo aver esaminato i documenti rinvenuti nella borsa della giovane donna deceduta, si è ritrovato un biglietto con il vostro nome e indirizzo.// Ora possiamo dare inizio all’interrogatorio. Avvocato, può iniziare quando desidera. Good morning, Mr Dabti and Mr Mugabe. This is an examination in which You’ll be given the chance to clarify Your position as to the events that occurred during the night of March 27th 2009. [1] // This is Mr Morelli, Your court-appointed counsel. [2] Mr Valdoni, Investigating Judge, will listen to the description of the events that took place that night. // On the morning of March 28th 2009, at 5.45 a.m. Mr Rossi, street sweeper, employee of the municipality of Mondolfo, was driving to the Town Hall to start his working shift at 6.00 am when he saw the body of a person lying on the roadside 1.5 km from the road sign marking the beginning of the Municipal district San Costanzo. // He stopped to assist said person and found Miss X, in very poor condition and in a state of mental confusion. He immediately called an ambulance from the mobile phone provided to him by the Municipality of Mondolfo. // After seven minutes, an ambulance from the Hospital of Mondolfo reached them and brought the young woman to the supply false details, you will be convicted, according to art. 495 and 496 of the Criminal Code, to up to three years in prison. Is that clear? E: Yes. IT: Ci dia le sue generalità: nome, cognome, luogo e data di nascita. Please state Your personal details: name, surname, place and date of birth. E: David Newman, I was born in Seattle, USA, on January 16th, 1981. IT: Ci mostri un documento d’identità. Show us Your identity card, or passport.[2] E: I have my driving licence. I came to Italy a week ago, I’m just staying for a couple of weeks as a tourist. IT: Adesso ci deve fornire i seguenti dati: residenza anagrafica – stato civile – professione – precedenti condanne o carichi pendenti. Now please give us the following information: Your permanent address, if You are married, Your profession and if You have a criminal record. E: I don’t have an address here in Italy, I’m just here as a tourist. I’m travelling in a camper, I live with my girlfriend, I’m a freelance journalist, I have no criminal record. IT: Signor Newman, a questo punto la invito ai sensi dell’art. 161 comma 1 c.p.p. ad eleggere domicilio per le notificazioni del presente procedimento penale. In mancanza, le notificazioni verranno eseguite mediante consegna di copia dell’atto al Suo difensore d’ufficio Avv. Penna del Foro di Forlì. Mr Newman, I invite You, pursuant to art. 161 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code [3], to choose a domicile so that You can be notified regarding these criminal proceedings. Should this not be forthcoming, You will be notified by delivery of the deed to Your court- appointed counsel, Mr Penna, registered lawyer in Forlì.[4] E: I’m staying with a friend now, Sara Rossi, in Via Regnoli, 25, Forlì. IT: La informo del motivo per cui è stato arrestato: ipotesi di reato di ‘Minaccia Aggravata (art 612 c.p.) e Lesione personale (art. 582 c.p.) e per tutti quei reati che verranno ravvisati nei fatti esposti’. E’ chiaro? The reason You have been arrested is: ‘Aggravated threat (art. 621 of the Criminal Code) and bodily harm (art. 582 of the Criminal Code) and for all the crimes that will be ascertained in the facts described’. Is this clear to You? E: Yes. IT: Procediamo all’interrogatorio dell’arrestato ai sensi dell’art. 391 comma 3 c.p.p. La avverto che, se intende rispondere alle domande che le verranno fatte le sue dichiarazioni potranno essere sempre utilizzate nei suoi confronti. // Lei ha la facoltà di non rispondere ad alcuna domanda, ma il procedimento seguirà comunque il suo corso… se renderà dichiarazioni su fatti che riguardino la penale responsabilità di terze persone assumerà, riguardo a tali fatti, l’ufficio di testimone. Intende rispondere? Now the arrested person will be questioned pursuant to art. 391 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code. I warn You that if You intend to answer the questions that You will be asked, what You say can always be used against You. // You are entitled not to answer the questions, but the proceedings will continue regardless … if You make any statement involving the criminal liability of third parties You will, with regard to said facts, act as witness. Do You intend to answer my questions? E: Yes, I do. IT: Racconti le circostanze che hanno portato alla colluttazione e al ferimento della parte lesa (Francesco Rossi). Tell us about the events leading to the fight and the wounding of the injured party (Francesco Rossi). E: I’m innocent. Last night, yesterday, I went down to the pub and I was hanging out with some friends. We had something to drink together and then we decided to go to the beach. We split up into two groups, we took a car each, and I joined one group in one of the two cars. IT: Come si chiama il pub, come si chiama la persona che guidava l’auto e che tipo di auto? What was the name of the pub, and what was the name of the person driving the car and which type of car was it? E: The pub was called The Shamrock, I think, something like that. The driver’s name was Dario, I have no idea what his second name was. The car looked a lot like a Golf to me. Yeah, a Golf. IT: E poi cosa è successo? And then what happened? E: On the motorway the two drivers began racing, the other car was challenging us and once we were out, soon after the Rimini toll station, the other car cut us off and almost caused an accident. The driver of the car I was in started beeping the horn. // He was really angry – we’d almost tipped over! Then he overtook the other car and blocked it. Both drivers came out of the cars and started yelling at each other. I couldn’t understand what they were saying, but I told Dario – he speaks English – not to worry, it’s not a big deal, don’t get out of the car, let him go. I was getting kind of frightened. But he went up to the other guy and they started shoving each other. So I tried to break up the fight. IT: Spieghi la dinamica più dettagliatamente. Explain to us what happened in more detail. E: I went to break up the fight and I was hit. The other driver started swearing, or that’s the way it sounded to me, really foul language, and I told Dario to leave him alone. IT: E come spiega che invece la parte lesa ha riconosciuto lei come il suo aggressore? How do You explain that the injured party has recognized You as his aggressor? E: I tried to divide them, and at the same time to protect Dario, the guy I was in the car with. IT: Ho qui un verbale di sequestro di un coltello a serramanico a scatto con lama da 10 cm, manico di osso marrone. Questo coltello è suo? Lo riconosce? I have here the seizure report: a jack-knife with a 10 cm-blade, and a brown bone handle. [5] Is this knife Yours? Do You recognize it? E: Yes, it’s mine, but I didn’t use it! IT: Ha una licenza per portare quest’arma? Do You have a license for this weapon? E: No, but in the USA You don’t need a license for this! [6] IT: Qui non siamo in America. Comunque, la parte lesa, Francesco Rossi, ha dichiarato, e leggo dal verbale di denuncia rilasciata ai carabinieri: ‘Riconosco David Newman come il mio aggressore. Durante la colluttazione ha tirato fuori dalla giacca il suo coltello, brandendolo e poi mi ha colpito al volto’. Cosa ha da dire al riguardo? We are not in the United States here. In any case, the injured party, Francesco Rossi, stated – and I’m reading the report of the crime [7] filed with the police: ‘I recognize David Newman as my aggressor. During the fight he took the knife out of his jacket, brandished it and then hit me on the face.’ What can You tell us in connection with this? E: He must have been confused. I have a knife with me because I’m travelling alone and I want to be able to protect myself in case of trouble. But the knife fell out of my jacket while I was trying to separate the two guys. It was Dario who took it and injured Mr Rossi. IT: Ora, mi racconti le circostanze del suo arresto. Now, tell me what happened when You were arrested. E: The Carabinieri [8] arrived on the scene just when Mr Rossi’s face got hurt... they asked me if the knife was mine, and I said yes, but I wasn’t holding the knife then. I tried to explain to them what had happened , but they handcuffed me and immediately brought me to the Carabinieri station without letting me explain what had happened. Then Dario must have blamed me for the assault and must have taken advantage of the fact that I don’t speak Your language very well![9] IT: Ok, ha altro da aggiungere in sua difesa? Ok, do You have anything to add in Your defence? E: Yeah, I’m a decent guy, I only have a knife on me to protect myself. Dario was a bit drunk when we left the pub. His friends can confirm that, as they didn’t want him to drive the car. IT: Quali amici? Ci fornisca i loro nomi e ci dia una loro descrizione fisica. Which friends? Give us their names and describe what they look like. E: I only remember the name of one guy: Roberto. He is slim, 5 feet 3 inches [10], black-haired. IT: Ok. Basta così. Si chiuda il verbale. Ok. That will do. The report is closed. IT: Visti gli art. 391 e 549 c.p.p. si convalida l’arresto del Sig.Newman in quanto avvenuto nella flagranza del reato di Lesione personale (art. 582 c.p.) come risulta dal verbale di arresto in data 14.09.2009 e del reato di porto abusivo di armi di cui all’art. 699 del codice penale in quanto l’indagato, per sua stessa ammissione, era in possesso di un’arma da fuoco senza licenza. // Ritenuto che nella fattispecie sussistano a carico del Newman gravi indizi di responsabilità in ordine ai reati a lui contestati, ritenuto che sussistano nella specie anche esigenze cautelari che impongono l’adozione di una misura restrittiva, in particolare che ricorre il pericolo di fuga, questa corte dispone nei suoi confronti la misura coercitiva personale degli arresti domiciliari da eseguirsi presso l‘abitazione sita in Forlì, Via Regnoli 25 e ne ordina l’immediata liberazione. Dispone procedersi con rito direttissimo. Pursuant to articles 391 and 549 of the Criminal Code we confirm the arrest of Mr Newman[11], who was caught in the act of inflicting bodily harm (art.582 of the criminal code), as stated in the arrest report dated September 14th, 2009, and illegal possession of firearms, according to art. 699 of the criminal code, as the indicted suspect by his own admission had a weapon without the necessary firearms license.// Considering that there are several pieces of evidence against Mr Newman as to the crimes he has been charged with [12], and that custody [13] is required, as the indicted suspect may escape, this court orders the defendant to be subject to house arrest, in Forlì, Via Regnoli 25 and orders the same to be immediately released. The court will start a summary trial.[14] Specific legal terminology is used, and the description of events is long and rich in details, including the physical description of the burglar. Terms supplied: breaking and entering (furto con scasso), burglar (ladro), expert witness (perito), eye-witness (testimone ocular), re-enactment (simulazione, ricostruzione). IT: E’ esatto dire che Lei ha conosciuto il mio assistito, il signor Martini il 2 luglio 2009, quando è arrivato alla villetta che avevo preso in affitto per le vacanze estive con sua moglie, tale Peggy Sue Decker? Is it correct to say that You met the defendant, Mr Martini, on July 2nd, 2009, when You arrived at the villa You had rented for the summer vacation with Your wife, Mrs Peggy Sue Decker? E: Yes, that is correct. IT: Ed è esatto dire che il furto da Lei subito è avvenuto il 31 luglio dello stesso anno? And is it correct to say that You were robbed on July 31st, 2009? E: Yes, that is correct. IT: Quindi immagino che in tutto questo tempo ci siano state occasioni, in cui lei o sua moglie abbiate frequentato il suo vicino di casa, il mio assistito signor Martini, in cui lo ha invitato a casa sua? a bere qualcosa, non so un aperitivo? Therefore, I imagine that during this period when You or Your wife would meet up with Your neighbour, the defendant, Mr Martini, did You ever invite him to Your house? For something to drink, for a drink before dinner, maybe? E: No, never. T: Come mai? Why? E: I didn’t like him. Instinctively I just didn’t like him. He’s kind of creepy! Every time my wife and I came back home or came out, there he was, on the veranda, staring at us, or spying on us! I didn’t trust him at all, and he got on my nerves! I: Signor Decker, a sommarie informazioni il 31 luglio 2009, lei ha dichiarato, e poi confermato qui durante l’esame del PM, di essersi svegliato con un tonfo che in base alle perizie della scientifica [1] con ogni probabilità era la ringhiera della finestra che veniva forzata. Poi ha sentito un altro rumore, quello del vetro della finestra della cucina che veniva rotto. E’ esatto? Mr Decker, in the statement made on July 31st 2009, You declared, and then confirmed here during the Prosecutor’s examination, that You were woken up by a thud that – based on the forensic police report – was most probably due to the window bars being broken open. You then heard another noise, that of the kitchen window being broken. Is this correct? E: Yes. I: Poi cosa è successo? What happened next? E: At that point I got up, grabbed one of my golf clubs as a weapon; they were next to the wardrobe in my bedroom, and I went to where I had heard the noise. I looked out of the door of my room and I saw the thief putting something in a small bag. I: Ora quale crede che sia il lasso di tempo intercorso dal momento in cui ha sentito il vetro rompersi e il momento in cui ha visto il ladro? How much time do You think elapsed from when You heard the window being broken and when You saw the burglar? E: I don’t know, 4 or 5 seconds, I was already awake at that point, and I immediately reacted – you know, I was already on the alert by the previous sound, that had woken me up … I: Allora 4 o 5 secondi. In questo lasso di tempo il ladro quindi ha scavalcato la finestra della cucina, ha attraversato il corridoio, è entrato nel salotto dove ha aperto il baule, ha estratto i soldi che si trovavano sotto la biancheria e li ha infilati in una borsa! Giusto? 4 or 5 seconds then [2]. In the time elapsed the burglar climbed through the kitchen window, crossed the corridor, entered the living room where he opened the trunk [3], took the jewels that were under the linen and put it into his bag! Is that correct? E: What do you mean? I: Signor Decker, noi abbiamo provato a fare questo stesso percorso nella villetta da lei presa in affitto sapendo esattamente dove dirigerci, e quindi conoscendo la dislocazione delle stanze della sua villetta e ci abbiamo messo sette secondi. Quindi è evidente che questo ladro sapesse già cosa cercare e dove cercarlo. // Ora come crede sia possibile che il mio assistito che, come lei ha testé affermato, non è mai entrato in casa vostra, che, per sua stessa ammissione, non era un vostro amico e quindi non poteva sapere che avreste nascosto i soldi nel baule, come è possibile secondo lei che il mio assistito, ci abbia impiegato 4 o 5 secondi a fare tutto questo? [4] Mr Decker, we tried to cover the same distance in the villa that You rented, knowing exactly where to go and where the rooms were located, and it took us 7 seconds. It is therefore clear that the burglar already knew what he was looking for and where to find it. // Now, how could the defendant who – as You have just stated – had never been in Your house, and who, as You’ve just told us, was not a friend of Yours– know that You had hidden the money in the trunk? How is it possible for the defendant to do all this in just 4 or 5 seconds? E: I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong … maybe it took me longer to come out of my bedroom... I: Lei ha appena detto, e se vuole le faccio rileggere il verbale: ‘Ero già sveglio, ero già allertato dal rumore precedente, ho reagito immediatamente.’ Vuole risentire le sue parole? You’ve just said – and if you like I can read aloud your statement: ‘I was already awake at that point, and I immediately reacted –You know, I was already on the alert by the previous sound, that had woken me up.’ Would You like me to repeat Your words?[5] E: No, that’s not necessary. I don’t know how he knew where the jewels were. He was probably spying on us through the window when we were at home. I just know that the person who was stealing in my house was Mr Martini! I: A questo punto vorrei avanzare una contestazione. Signor Decker, nella sua denuncia rilasciata la sera stessa del delitto, 31 luglio scorso, lei ha descritto l’uomo che si era introdotto nella sua casa, in questo modo: ‘Ho visto l’uomo da dietro, era di altezza media circa 1.75, snello però si muoveva in modo goffo, barcollava un po’, indossava un cappello con visiera come quelli da baseball’. Non un uomo robusto, alto 1.85 e pelato. I dispute Your statement then. Mr Decker, in the statement that You made on the same evening the burglary took place, that is July 31st last year, You described the man who had sneaked into Your house as follows: ‘I saw the man from the back, medium height, 5 feet 10 approximately, he was a slim man but he walked clumsily, he swayed, and he wore a baseball cap.’ You did not describe a well-built, 6 foot 10, bald man. E: But that evening I was upset, I was in shock, you know, due to the burglary and all that… However I recognized Mr Martini later, during the line up at the Carabinieri station. I was not a 100 per cent sure at first, but then I realized it was him. I: Non ho altre domande. Signor giudice, a questo punto vorrei formulare una richiesta a questa corte. Considerate le numerose contraddizioni in cui è caduto il teste durante l’esame, considerato che il Decker risulta essere l’unico testimone oculare del delitto, nonché principale teste a carico del mio assistito, la difesa richiede che venga ammesso come teste per la difesa il consulente tecnico che ha condotto la simulazione del furto commesso nella villetta, il dottor Romolo Sandri. I have no further questions. Your honour [6], at this point I would like to put a request to the Court. Considering that the witness contradicted himself on several points during the examination, and considering that Mr Decker is the only eye-witness to the crime, as well as the main witness for the Prosecution, the defence asks the Court to admit Mr Romolo Sandri – namely the expert witness who directed the re-enactment of the burglary committed at the villa – as a witness for the defence.