Download JavaScript Micro Project: Animated Circle with White & Orange Marbles and more Thesis Javascript programming in PDF only on Docsity! SHRIKRISHNA EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL MANDAL’S SHRI GULABRAO DEOKAR POLYTECHNIC, Gat no. 26, Mohadishivar, shirsoli road,Jalgaon, Pin: 425002 (M.S) A Micro Project report on “Create a simple animation in javascript.create a circle of white marble on basic page,create an animation on that page that makes an orange marble rotate around this circle” Is Submitted as per I scheme Curriculum and the requirement for the Program: Diploma Third Year in Computer Engineering . COURSE: Client Side Scripting (22519) Group Members: Guided by: Mr.Shafique Shaikh. Affiliated to MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION MUMBAI.51 Academic year 2022-23 1 Sr .no Name of members Enrollment number Roll no. 1. MAHAJAN PRANAV SURESH 2005090050 9 2. AKOLE KOMAL AJAY 2005090051 10 3. SURALKAR LILESH DNYANDEO 2005090052 11 4. VAISHNAVI RATHOD 2005090053 12 SHRIKRISHNA EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL MANDAL’S SHRI GULABRAO DEOKAR POLYTECHNIC, JALGAON DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE This is to verify that Have successfully presented the entitled microproject on “Create a simple animation in javascript.create a circle of white marble on basic page,create an animation on that page that makes an orange marble rotate around this circle”and submitted in satisfactory manner . The microproject is submitted in partial fulfillment for the first year diploma in computer engineering affiliated to Maharashtra state board of technical education ,Mumbai for academic year 2022-23 2 Name of members Enrollment number Roll no. 1. MAHAJAN PRANAV SURESH 2005090050 9 2. AKOLE KOMAL AJAY 2005090051 10 3. SURALKAR LILESH DNYANDEO 2005090052 11 4. VAISHNAVI RATHOD 2005090053 12 CONTENT ● INTRODUCTION ● OBJECTIVE ● DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ● TECHNOLOGY & TOOLS USED: ● ADVANTAGES ● PROGRAM CODE ● OUTPUT ● CONCLUSION AND REFRENCE INTRODUCTION JavaScript is a Programming Language commonly used in web development. It was originally developed by Netscape as a means to add dynamic and interactive elements to websites. While JavaScript is influenced by Java, the syntax is more similar to C and is based on ECMA Script, a scripting language developed by Sun Microsystems. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, which means the source code is processed by the client's web browser rather than on the web server. This means JavaScript functions can run after a webpage has loaded without communicating with the server. For example, a JavaScript function may check a web form before it is submitted to make sure all the required fields have been filled out. The JavaScript code can produce an error message before any information is actually transmitted to the server. OBJECTIVE ● To develop a program for animated a small orange marbel revolving around a big white marbel 5 ● The aim of this project is to show how animated a small orange marbel revolving around a big white marbel using javascript. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT In this project we will learns how to develop animated a small orange marbel revolving around a big white marbel using java script. We will create a code in html using javascript.In this code for displaying animated a small orange marbel revolving around a big white marbel more attractive we will use various tags like canvas ,script tags.etc. We also use user defined functions.In this code we also various graphics objects like circle,line ,arc.The path of the image in provided in image src tag.In this manner we are trying to show animated a small orange marbel revolving around a big white marbel in javascript. TECHNOLOGY AND TOOLS USED ● System used(COMP/LAPTOP): Computer Processor, 4GB RAM ● Operating System: Windows 7 ● Software: Notepad ADVANTAGES 1. User can get more information by seeing virtual image. 2. This will increase the interest of the user to perform more graphical animations. 6 CODING <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Simple Animation</title> <style type="text/css"> *{ margin:0; padding:0p; font-family:"Helvetica"; } body{ background:black; user-select: none; } ul{ list-style:none; 7 ctx.fillRect(0,0,cw,ch); ctx.closePath(); //White Marbel ctx.translate(cw/2,ch/2); circle(120,"White",0,0); text("White Marbel", "black","15pt arial", -50,7); //Yellow Marbel ctx.rotate(time / 100 - (time / 50)); ctx.translate(300,0); circle(35,"Orange",0,0); ctx.restore(); time++; window.requestAnimationFrame(animate); } window.requestAnimationFrame(animate); } </script> </body> </html> 10
White Marbel