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Preliminaries - Introduction to Programming in Java - Lecture Slides, Slides of Network security

The key points are:Preliminaries, Background, Course, Meeting Time, Location, Workload, Course Materials, Reading Materials, Further Information, Programming

Typology: Slides


Uploaded on 04/22/2013

sathaye 🇮🇳



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Download Preliminaries - Introduction to Programming in Java - Lecture Slides and more Slides Network security in PDF only on Docsity!

  • Objective
    • to give some background on the course

0. Preliminaries Please ask questions


  1. Outline of the Course
  2. Meeting Time / Location
  3. Workload
  4. Course Materials
  5. Reading Materials
  6. Further Information

Main Topics

  • Java basics, imperative features
  • Classes and Objects
  • Object Interaction; Grouping Objects
  • Using Libraries; Good Class Design
  • More on Inheritance, Abstraction
  • GUIs: the event model, layout
  • Exception (error) handling

More OOP; less Java

2. Meeting Time / Location

Wednesday 14:00 – 15:50 A

Thursday 8:00 – 8:50 A

 I can change the times if most of the class ask me.

Non-Attendence Penalty

  • I may take registration at the start of a class.
  • If someone is not there, they lose 1%

( unless they have a good excuse ).

  • A maximum of 10% can be lost
    • deducted from your final mark

4. Course Materials

  • All the handouts (and other materials, such as code examples) will be placed on-line at: Software.coe/Java(OOP)/
  • Print using 6 slides/page to save trees.
  • Do not use the VCR, I have not yet fully updated the OOP material there.
  • It is a good idea if you have access to a copy of D&D - if you do not understand me, then you can read the book
  • An electronic version is at Aj. Somchai's CoE Java site: ForMember/Books.html#J2SE

Good Books (in our library)

  • Thinking in Java

Bruce Eckel, Prentice Hall, 2006, 4th ed.

  • 3 rd^ ed. can be downloaded from FreeOnline.html (it is misnamed as "Think in Java")
  • Beginning Java 2

Ivor Horton, Wrox Press, 1999


6. Further Information

  • A recent version of Java (known as

Java SE 6.0 or 1.6) and its docs are at:

  • You should get the latest JavaSE 6. 0 SDK ,

WindowsFull (76.7 MB) and the 6. documentation (53.7 MB)


  • The Java tutorial is at: FreeOnline.html

  • the first entry under the heading "Sun Press"
  • get the 2006 zipHTML version (23.5 MB)

Download three things.

  • Java’s home Web site: java/javase/downloads/

  • for JDK 7, update 9
  • Top 20 Java Websites

see the JavaWebSites.txt file on the course Website