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Dental Anatomy and Oral Histology Exam Notes, Exams of Oral Medicine

Detailed notes for an exam in dental anatomy and oral histology, including information on the morphological features of various teeth, tooth development stages, and the functions of different structures such as enamel, dentin, and pulp. Diagrams are also included.

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Download Dental Anatomy and Oral Histology Exam Notes and more Exams Oral Medicine in PDF only on Docsity! CP COde: BLNIU4 B.D.S. [1Year] BF/2020/07 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology AY [New Scheme w.e.f 2007 admission) Time:3Hours Max Marks. :70 Note: 1.) Attempt all questions. 2) ATTEMPT BOTH PARTS IN SINGLE ANSWER BOOk ONDY. 3.) NO SUPPLEM ENTARY SHEET SHALL BE ALLOWED PROVIDED e Student must write 0.P. Code in the space provided on the itle Paçe of the Answer Ronk. 5.) lustrate answers with suitable schematic diagrams. PART-A 1. Give a detailed account of the Life cycle of Amclobla mineralization of enamel. dd a note on the process of [15] Write Short Notes on 4x5=20 (a) Embrasures (6) Neural Crest Cells ()Myoepithelial Cells 501 () Taste Buds (e) Root Trunk and Furcation PART B 5. Describe Maxillary First Premolar in detail from all aspect. Add an accountof its side and type traits 4. Write Short Notes on: 4x5=201 (a) Classify Dentin Acellular and Cellular Cementum (c) F.D.I. Two Digit System (d First Pharyngeal Arch and its Der (e) Woven Bone 5010BD ********** Jeswy 'ypJesry "1oS euoa 1o sui aH9S:SL OPL'szz oLNga say oS Jejuag jo1su| áNAS:SL'OPL SZZzszz:rOLNgaoL HLSC QP Code: BDN104 B.D.S. [1 Year) BF/2016/11 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology New Scheme w.e.f 2007 admission) Time:3 Hours Max Mark A Note: 1.) Attempt all questions. 2) ATTEMPT BOTH PARTS IN SINGLE ANSWER BOOK ONLY. 3) NO SuPPLEMENTARY SHEET SHALL i ALLOWED/PROVIDED 4) The Student must write 0.P. Code in the space provided on the Tle Page of thee Answer Bo0k 5) Tustrate answers with suitable schematic diagrams. PARTA 1 Describe in detail the morphological features of Maxillary first Pre molar along with diagrams and explain in brief how it is different from Mandibular first Pre molar. [1S Write Short Notes on: 4x520 (a) Cell free zone of Weil. (b) Spillways. (c) Cap stage of tooth development. d) Incremental Lines of Von ebner. Epithelial rest of mallasez. (e) PARTB 3. Describe in detail with the help of diagrams, how form and function of permanent teeth are interrelated. Write Short Notes on 4x5-20 4. (a) Antrum of Highmore. (6) Acellular V/S Cellular cementum. (c) Enamel Knots. (d) Granular layer of Tomes. (C) Enamel lamellae. OENA QP Code: BDN104 B.D.S.[ Year) 6 LISPARY BF/2017/11 Si ATtar 2 Ebryology and Oral histology Dental Anatomy INew Scheme w.e.f 2007 admission) Time:3 Hours Max Marks, : 70 Note: 1.) Attempt all questions. 2.) ATTEMPT BOTH PARTS IN SINGLE ANSWER BOOK ONLY. 3.) NO SuPPLEMENTARY SHEET SHALL BE ALLOWED/PROVIDEl 4) The Student must write 0.P. Code in the space provided on the Ttle Page of the Answer Book 5.) llustrate answers with suitable schematic diagrains. " PARTA Describe in detail the diffcrences between Primary teeth and Permanent teeth. . [I5) 2 Write Short Notes on (4x5-20] (a) Dead Tracis. (6) Gubernacular ( anal. (c) Palmer Notation (d) Incremental Lines of Retzius. e) Curve of Wilson and Curve of Spee. PART E Describe in detail witih he help of diagrams, the life cycle of Ameloblasts. . Write Sliort Notes vn [4x5-20) (a) Bell stage of Tuoth Development. (6) Reparative Dentin. Enamel Tufts. Theories of Pain Transmission through Dentin. C) Korff's Fibeus. SmS B.D.S. Yearl BF/2014/07 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology Ney Scheme w.e.f 2007 admission] Time:3 Hours. Max Marks. : 70 Note Attempt all questions. USE SEPARATE ANSWER SHEET FOR EACH PART. PARTA [15] 1. Describe Dentinogenesis including its mineralization. [4x5-20] 2. Write Short Notes on : (a) Functions of pulp. () Structure of enamcl 1od. () Bell Stage. (4) Types of cementum. (e) Enamel Lamellae. PARTE Describe in detail morphulugical features of maxillary right firet molar along with diagrams. 1. [15 Write Short Notes on 4x=20] . (a) Curve of Spee. Classification of Malocclusion. () Embrasure. ) Structure of Maxillary Sinus. Ligaments of TMJ. AS.Of SL18RARY B.D.S. [1t yearl/28 BF/2014/11 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology INew Scheme w.e.f 2007 admission Time:3 Hours Max Marks.: 70 Note Attempt all questions. USE SEPARATE ANSWER SHEET FOR EACH PART. PARTA [15 . Classify Oral Mucosa. Describe Keratinized mucosà in detail. 4x5=20] 2. Write Short Notes on (a) Development of Tongue. (6) Line angles and point angles. (c) Muscles of Mastication. Lines of Retzius. (e) Dentinal tubules. PARTB 1. Describe the Morphology of Mandibular First Molar with suitable diagrams. [5] (4x5-20 Write Short Notes on 2. (2) Alveolar bone. (6) Composition and Sccretion of Saliva. (c) Periodontal ligamcnt fibres. (d) Hypersensitivity. (e) Pulp Stones. ***** B.D.S.1 Year] (3 BF/201211 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology New Scheme w.e.f2007 admission) Time:3 Hours M.M.: 70 Note: Attempt all questions. USE SEPARATE ANSWER SHEET FOR EACH PART. PART Describe the different stagcs of the development of tooth with the help of diagrams. [10 2. Write Short Notes on- 6) Functions of Alveolar bone. 6) b. Taste buds. Mamelons. C. . Write differences between : Centric Occlusion and Centric Relation. . Dentino Enamel Junction and Cemento Enamel Junction PART-I 10] 4. Describe in detail the form and function of teeth. g Write Short Notes on a. Hunter Schreger Bands. b. Pulp Stones. Draw diagrams and write Short Notes on: Development of tongue. 6. 17 a. 6 D. Occlusal aspect of maxillary first permanent molar. B.D.S. Yearl 3 BF/2011/06 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology INew Sclheme w.e.f 2007 admission Time: 3 Hours M.M.: 70 Note: Atempt all questions. USE SEPARATE ANSWER SHEET FOR EACH PART. PART-I Describe in detail the origin, structure and functions of Periodonal Ligament. [10) Write short notes on - 6| Epithelial Rests of Malassez. . 6) b. Hypersensitivity of dentin. Embrasures. C. Write short notes on Buffering action of Saliva. . Tomes Granular Layer. . PART-II Describe in detail various theories of tooth eruption. Also discuss the clinical [10] . Considerations or tooth erupiion ? . Write notes on Regressive changes f the pulp. Enamel spindles and Enamel tufts. D. 6. Write small notes and draw diagrain of: (7 Occlusal surface of Perinanent Maxillary First Molar. . Curve of Spee. . B.D.S. | Yearl (33 BF/201/11 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology New Scheme w.e.f 2007 admission Time: 31lours M.M.: 70 Note: Attempt all questions. USE SEPARATE ANSWER SHEET FOR EACH PART. PARTI Enumerate the stages of touth devclopment and draw histological dingianis ol different stages. Explain "Advanced Bell Stage" in detail. Write short notes on . Occlusal Curvatures. (6 Muscles of Mastication. D. Cemento-cnamel Junclion. C. . Write differences between: Active and Passive Eruption. d. Line angles and Poinl angles. D. PART-1I Describe in detail tlie siluciurc of Oral Mucous memmbrane ? Givc its fivncians and describe the clinical picture of nornial gungiva ? 4 [10 Write Short Notes on: [6) a. Development of iMandible. 6) b. Marginal ridge of a tooth and its importance. 6. Write following diagranis and write Short Notes on: Occlusal aspect of Mandibular Pennancnt First Molar. b. Section of tooth showing dilferent zones of pulp. B.D.S. [1" Prof. BF20/11 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology INew Scheme w.e.f 2007 admission M.1.: 70 Time: 3 Hours Note Attempt all qucstions USE SEPARATE. ANSWER SIHEET FOR EACH PART. PART-I (12 Descnbe develop1nent of root with the help of diagrams. Write shoit notes on Functional chnnges in dentin. Fibres in peciiodontal ligainent. a. b. Compare Pnmary and permanent pulp tissues. Bone resorption and bone remodeling. a b. PART- Descrnbe various defects resulting from aberrations in cmbryonic facial development. 12 Write short notes on: Blood supply of teeth Surface structures of enamel. Write shoit notes o. Control of salivary secrelion. Cellular and acelluiar cementum. b. ** B.D.S. [1" Prof. DF/2008/11 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology New Scheme w.e.f 2007 admlsslon] : ****_ M.M.:70 Time:3 Hours Note: Atempt all questions. USE SEPARATE ANSWER SHEET FOR EACH PART. Part Descrnbe the development, structural elements and function of the Periodontal ligament.. 12 2. Write about: Early and Late mesial drit. Composition and tunction of Saliva. (6) b. 3. Write short notes on: Masticatory mucosa. Odontoblast. . . Neonatal line. . Lamina proprna. Part-I1 What is the importance of deciduous teeth and how they differ from 4. [12] pemanent teeth. 5. Write about: Draw and describe occlusal surtace of imandibular right first permanent molar. Nerve supply of tongue. . (6 . . Write short notes on: Passive eruption. Vermilion border. . . Embrasures. Overjet and Overbite a. *** OP Code: BDN104 B.D.S. [ Year) BF/2021/11 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology INew Scheme w.e.f 2007 ad1nission) Max Marks. 70 Time:3Hours Note: 1.) Attempt all questions. 2 ATTEIPT BOTH PARTS IN SINGLE ANSWER BOOK ONY. 3) NO SUPPLEM ENTARY SHEET SHALL BE ALLOWED IPRÓVIDED 4) he Student must wrile Q.P. Code in the space provided on theTile Page_ of the Answer Book. 5.) ustrate answers with suitable schematic diagrams. PART A Explain various stages of Tooth development with da [15) Write Short Notes on 4x5=20] 2. a) Histology of Maxillary Sinus 6) Theories of Tooth Enuption Function of PDL Fixation and Dehydration in Tissue Processing (e) Morphology of Maxillary 2d Molar PARTB Classify Oral mucous membrane. Describe in detail about specializedmucosa and the histology of Gingiva? [15) Write Short Notes on: 4x5=20] 4. a) Odonoblasts (b) Histophysiological Stages in Tooth Developg Compensating Curves (d) Basal Lamina (e) Theories of Dentinal Sensitis *********************| BDN104,162. 158 48 40'Seinst ot Dental Sai & Res 0 N 104:162 158.48 4 RD Inst. of Dental Sci & Res Atmritsar QP Code: BDN104 B.D.S.[1 Year] BF/2020/12 Dental Anatomy Embryology and Oral histology [New Schene w.e.f 2007 admssion] Max Marks. :70 ime:3Hours ote: 1.) Atempt all questions. 2.) ATTEMPT BOTH PARTS IN SINGLE ANSWER BOOK ONLY. 3.) NO SUPPLEM ENTARY SHEET SHALL BE ALLOWED IPROVIDED 4) The Student must wrile Q.P. Code in the space provided on the Title Page of the Answer Book. 5.) lustrate answers with suitable sehematic diagrayis. Am PART-A sGRD Inst. . Give the chemical composition of Saliva and rite a detailed account on the function of each of these components. [15 Write Short Notes on (4x5=20] . (a) Cemento Enamel Juncuori Side Traits of Maxillary Canine C) Devclopment of Tongue Non Keratinocytes (e) Maxillary Sinus PART-B Differentiate between Keratinized and Non Keratinized Mucosa. Ole Functions of Oral Mucosa. [IS) 4. Write Short Notes on 4x5=20] (a) Occlusal aspect of Mandibular 2" Premolar, (b) Development of Mandible C Side Traits of Maxillary First Mglir (Permanent) from Occlusal Aspect (d) Cemento Enamel Junction 1 (C) Pulp Calclications ..u.-.-. ***** 78DN104:223. 183. 136.140:SGRD Inst. of Dental scO Research, Amritsar OP Code: BDN104 B.D.S. [1 Year] BF/2022/04 OF DEN, Dental Anatomy ARY Embryology and Oral histology New Scheme w.e.f 2007 admission] Max Marks. :70 Time:3Hours Note: 1.) Attempt all questions. 2.) ATTEMPT BOTH PARTS IN SINGLE ANSWER B00K ONLY. 3.) NO SUPPLEM ENTARY SHEET SHALL BE ALLOWED /PROVIDED 4) The Student must write Q.P. Code in the space provided on the Tile Page_ of the Answer Beok. 5.) llustrate answers with suitable schematic diagrams. PART-A Define Eruption. Explain the theories of eruption. Mention the eruption time period tor all the Permanent Teeth? 1. [15) [4x5=20] Write Short Notes on a) Tomes' granular layer Pain transmission in dentin C) Epithelial rests of malassez and Seres (d) Muscles of mastication (e) Shedding of primary teeth PART-B Wtite in detail about the structure of Dentin. Add a note on age changes of dentin? 15 S. 4x5-201 4. Write Short Notes on: () Amniocentesis b) Hyoglossus muscle C) Mucocele (d) Taurodontism Neural crest cells *********-