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The details of the Gramática Inglesa I course, a quatrimestral subject for second-year students in the Profesorado and Traductorado programs of Idioma Inglés and Traductorado en Idioma Inglés. The course aims to deepen students' understanding of grammatical concepts introduced in the first year, focusing on morphology, functional categories, and complex sentences. Students are expected to reflect on the properties of the English and Spanish languages and apply their knowledge to academic writing, translation, and teaching.
Typology: Exams
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Prof. a cargo: María Teresa Araya – PAD 1
Auxiliares de cátedra: María del Rosario Tartaglia - ASD 2 Claudia García – AYP 3 (docente con licencia por maternidad durante el 1er cuatrimestre) Matías Fernández – AYP3 (+AYP3 por cobertura licencia de maternidad y postmaternidad de la Prof. García, desde el 23 de febrero hasta el 23 de agosto)
NÚMERO DE HORAS A DICTAR : 64 (sesenta y cuatro), 4 horas semanales. Días y horarios de cursado: jueves 8-10 horas y viernes de 10-12 horas
RÉGIMEN : cuatrimestral (primer cuatrimestre)
AÑO : segundo
Gramática Inglesa I es una asignatura cuatrimestral del segundo año del Profesorado de Idioma Inglés (0430/2009) y del Traductorado en Idioma Inglés (Ord 0499/2011). Esta asignatura se propone continuar y profundizar las nociones de tipo de palabra y función gramatical introducidas en el módulo de Gramática Inglesa de Introducción a la Lengua Inglesa. Se abordarán además la noción de morfema, las características de las categorías léxicas (incluyendo los verbos con sus propiedades temáticas) y funcionales y la oración simple y compleja, los contenidos mínimos especificados en los planes de estudio vigentes.
Además de los contenidos curriculares específicos de la asignatura, los planes de estudio plantean egresados con los siguientes perfiles: el futuro profesor de inglés posee sólidos conocimientos de la lengua inglesa y de la propia lengua española, (...) y también una formación psicológica y pedagógico-didáctica que le permitirá enfrentar con idoneidad la conducción de procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Por su parte, el futuro traductor posee una formación integral con énfasis en los aspectos lingüísticos de ambas lenguas por igual. Para contribuir a lograr estas demandas, esta asignatura intenta construir puentes con otras asignaturas del mismo año.Aparte de “poseer” conocimientos lingüísticos, se espera que el estudiante pueda reflexionar sobre las propiedades básicas de la morfología y la sintaxis de la lengua inglesa en comparación con la lengua española y aplicarlos a la producción de textos académicos, a la traducción o a la enseñanza. La reflexión exige correrse de la reproducción de contenidos y lograr argumentar una respuesta o solución con pruebas formales. Precisamente esta es la razón por la cual se le propone a los estudiantes resolver problemas lingüísticos. Estos tienen beneficios tanto para futuros profesores como para
futuros traductores ya que les permiten identificar patrones, contrastar lenguas, proponer hipótesis y buscar evidencia para comprobarlas o refutarlas, además de promover el pensamiento crítico.
Los objetivos de la asignatura Gramática Inglesa I apuntan a lograr que los estudiantes:
Unit 1: From morpheme to word.
Objetivo específico: Guiar a los estudiantes para que logrenresolver problemas lingüísticos en lenguas desconocidas que involucran temas morfológicos y los llevan a identificar patrones y postular de hipótesis que luego deberán comprobar con datos lingüísticos.
Assigned readings : (all the materials are available on Pedco)
To revise general notions of what categories and functions are, read Radford, A. (2009) Linguistics. Analysing English Sentences. A Minimalist Approach. Traditional grammar: categories and functions in Chapter 1 Grammar. (pp.1-11).
To learn about morphemes, derivation and inflection, compounds and clitics, read Radford, A. et al (2009). Linguistics. An Introduction. Chapter 10 Building words. (pp.140-151).
To find out how to do a word-by-gloss foreign language problem, read Carnie, A. (2006) Syntax. A Generative Introduction Appendix. (pp. 90-92).
Suggested videos:
1. Morphology: Inflectional vs. Derivational
This is 7-minute video created in 2019 by The Language Code. Episode 6 is called Morphology: Inflection and Derivation. In it you will find information about inflectional changes such as number and derivational changes to the word “compete”.
This 7-minute video created by DrNimerAbusalim in 2017 is called Syntax 3: Parts of Speech and Syntactic Categories. In it you will find information on lexical categories such as nouns, adjectives and verbs and also information about functional categories. You will learn why semantic definitions are not truly reliable and why we base our classifications on distributional criteria (morphological and syntactic). Finally the author discusses open and close categories.
Unit 2: From word to phrases
Objetivo específico: guiar a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre la estructura interna de distintos tipos de frases o sintagmas y a identificar las relaciones entre los diferentes elementos que forman parte de ella
Asigned readings:
To revise the major word categories or parts of speech, functional and lexical categories as well as distributional tests to identify them, read Carnie, A. (2006). Syntax. A Generative Introduction. (pp.35-52).
To understand what a phrase and sentence are and where to place them in a tree diagram, read D’Alessandro, R. (2019). Syntax Made Easy. How to read and draw syntactic trees. Utrecht University. (pp.3-7). Section 1 What is a tree? and Section 2 What is a phrase?
To learn about constituency tests such as substitution, coordination and movement and how to use them read Poole, G. (2001) Syntactic Theory , pp. 21-34; to learn more about X’-Theory, functional categories and the different levels in a tree (specifier, head, complement and adjunct) and pp. 62-65 and pp.72-9 from
Unit 3: From phrase toTP.
Objetivo específico: lograr que los estudiantes sean capaces de reconocer distintos tipos de oraciones subordinadas, que logren compararlas en términos de función gramatical, elemento introductorio, flexión y tipo de sujeto y establecer algunas conexiones entre oraciones subordinadas con verbo flexionado y aquellas con verbo o no flexionado o ausencia de verbo.
Assigned readings:
To learn about finiteness and auxiliaries and to find out how to identify subordinate clauses, especially complement and adverbial clauses, read Tallerman, M. (2011). Understanding Syntax. (pp. 73-95).
To learn about thematic relations, theta roles and the Lexicon, read Carnie, A. (2006). Syntax. A Generative Introduction. (pp. 217-228).
Suggested videos: Advanced English Grammar: Noun Clauses, English Lessons with Adam, 2016. 18: Finite and nonfinite clauses, 2018. 5: Subordinate clauses, 2017. 8:17 TheTrevTutor
All the exercises, activities, PPTs, pdf files and videos/recorded Zoom lessons are included in the students’ workbook. All students have a printed copy of this material as we began working with it during the second
week of March, before the quarantine. All the assigned readings are available on Pedco.
Unit 1
Activity 1 : Read the guide called “March 19th^ and 20th”and do the exercises in it: Exercise 2: derivational morphology and Exercise 3: Derivational and Inflectional morphology and post your answer on the forum on Pedco. Do the assigned readings for Unit 1; each with its corresponding reading guide.
Activity 2 :Read the pdf file called “April 1st/3rd” and do Exercises 4 on functional categories, Problem 3 on the Luganda language and Problem 4 called Molistic. Watch the virtual lesson (Zoom, 30 minutes) explaining and expanding the guide called “March 19/20”and checking the homework.
Activity 3 : April 8th IOA1. In groups, topics: Problem 6 (pp.8 from the booklet) + some questions from the assigned readings. Uploaded on Pedco to hand in May 15th.
Unit 2
Activity 4 : Watch the lesson labeled “April 17th” Unit 2 Part 1 (pp.10-13 from the workbook) How we discover rules?, Problem 1 (looking for evidence to support a hypothesis) and do the HW: Problem 2: Prove a given hypothesis and Exercises 1 and 2 on functional categories, especially complementizers.
Activity 5 : Watch the lesson called “April 24th”(56 minutes, recorded in Zoom) and the accompanying PPT. Check homework: Problem 2 and Exercises 1 and 2.
Activity 6 : Watch the lesson called “April 30th” Unit2 Part 2: phrases which discuses the different levels in a tree diagram, presents structural relations: precedence, dominance and c-command. (pp.15-17 from the workbook) and explain a selection of Exercises 5, 6 and 7). The HW includes the remaining items from Exercises 5, 6 and 7.
Activity 7 : Watch the video called “May 7th”^ or read the accompanying PPTto check the exercises left for homework the previous lesson (April 30th) and discuss Exercise 8 (pp.21 from the workbook).
Activity 8 : Read the guide called May 14thand the accompanying PPT called “About trees and constituents” to revise the notion of phrase and sentence and to learn about applying constituency tests. For HOMEWORK read Poole CH2, section2.3 and answer the corresponding reading guide.
Activity 9 : May 21st^ Check homework: Poole chapter 2, section 2.2 and section 2.3. Exercise 4 on constituency tests (pp.20 from the workbook) and Exercise 3 on structural ambiguity (pp18-19 from workbook). For HW, read Poole chapter 3, section 3.2 about phrase structure and also the fragment on The DP Hypothesis.
Activity 10 : May 28th^ Revision before the IOA2 (topics: structural relations (precedence, dominance and c-command), constituency tests and structural ambiguity).
Activity 11 : Upload IOA2 to Pedco. Pairwork.
Unit 3
Activity 12 : Watch the class for June 4thor the corresponding PPT where we will discuss Exercise 1 and Exercise 8 from the workbook, pp. 26 and 23. For homework, do Ex 2 on clause types (pp.23) to be checked on June 11th.
Activity 13A : Watch the class for June 11thor the accompanying PPT where we will check Exercise 2, discuss a selection of sentences from Exercise 3 and Exercise 4. The rest of the items will be done as HW. You will be asked to identify and describe subordinate clauses in terms of grammatical function, type of Inflection and subject and introductory element in a forum on Pedco. You will also have to read the contribution from some other classmate or group and comment on it. You may upload your answers from June 11th^ till June 16that 13hs.
Activity 13B : Watch the class for June 18thwhere we will check discuss some problematic cases form Exercises 3 and Exercise 4 and discuss a selection of sentences form exercise 5 and Exercise 7. You will upload your answers to Exercise 5 and 7 to a forum on Pedco. You will also be asked to read another group’ contribution and comment on it. You may participate on this forum from June 18th^ till June 22nd^ 13hs.
Para obtener la promoción, los alumnos deberán:
Para obtener regularidad, los alumnos deberán:
Los alumnos que no cumplan con alguno de estos requisitos quedarán en condición de “alumno libre.”
Este se subirá a la plataforma Pedco como una tarea. La calificación y la devolución al estudiante se hará por el mismo medio. Por ejemplo, se subirá la consigna el día lunes y el estudiante deberá subir el examen el día viernes. Al considerarse una instancia integradora y aplicación de conceptos y habilidades, los estudiantes podrán usar el material usado en la cursada. Para la elaboración del mismo, se tendrá en cuenta además el desempeño del estudiante durante la cursada y se priorizarán aquellos aspectos en los cuales el estudiante tuvo dificultades.
María Teresa Araya
Prof. Rocío Albornoz Directora del Departamento