Download Quantum mechanics exam and more Essays (university) Quantum Mechanics in PDF only on Docsity!
UNIVERSITY OF LINCOLN UNITED KINGDOM School Mretrmetits and — PaysilS Module Title “ Qvomrpn Mecho icg Module Code PHY Jock 4 Module Coordinator BBak — Vorgelaacy Duration of Assessment | 3 hers Date a7 ru | Release Time le: Sree British — Summer King Submission Time Vee L o. 00 BGbigh Samer bine 7 General Instructions to Candidates | 1. 2. In sitting this examination you agree to comply with the University of Lincoln Code of Conduct in Examinations. You must submit your answers as a PDF to Turnitin on Blackboard before the submission time: failure to do so will be classified as misconduct in examinations. We strongly recommend that you have your work submitted at least 15 minutes prior to the deadline. You must also send a copy of your work as an attachment to the email address
[email protected] at the same time. You must place the Module Code and your Student Id in the Subject Field of the Mail. This assessment is an open resource format: you may use online resources, lecture and seminar notes, text books and journals. No collaboration or interaction with other candidates or individuals using any means of communication or device is permitted during online examinations. All work will be subject to plagiarism and academic integrity checks. In submitting your assessment you are claiming that it is your own original work; if standard checks suggest otherwise, Academic Misconduct Regulations will be applied. You must show all your working, and submit only one version of your solution. You may cross out any failed attempts and they will be ignored. The duration of the Time Constrained Assessment will vary for those students with Personal Academic Study Support (PASS). Extensions do not apply, but Extenuating Circumstances can be applied for in the normal way. Academic Year 2020/21 Page 1 of 2